What games let me be an non sneaky assassin?
What games let me be an non sneaky assassin?
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I'm sure the hitman series allows for a range of options.
Battlefield Hardline
>the next hitman elusive is a diplomat
>takes part in one of the art/museum parts of paris
Seeing already all these edits makes me wonder what would've happened to the Tankman photos if it happened today.
What is this image? The latest Sup Forums maymay?
>Sandniggers think they are sending a message
>Not realizing that their only decent defense from getting absolutely fucking destroyed by Russia is stepping down in January and is getting replaced by a guy who wouldn't care if you live or die
No, this is real life.
Russian ambassador gets shot and killed in Turkey.
Whole thing is filmed and multiple super clear photos were taken.
Eve Online.
or at least it did, years ago. Some amazing betrayal stories.
why do video games literally look better than real life
Reality is memetic in nature
Could this replace Christian Bale as the best dubs man?
Todd Howard edit when?
the security guard on duty during this guys talk at an art museum was secretly the bad guy all along and shot this fucker several times live on air and them screaming about syria AKA the place america fucked up and lied to you about
>"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Do not forget Aleppo, Do not forget Syria. Unless our provinces are safe, you will not taste safety either. Stay back, stay back. Only death takes us away from here. Every single person who has a share in this cruelty will pay."
Imagine how fucking stressed out (maybe that's not the right word) you have to be to actually kill a man like that, in front of cameras, not giving a single fuck.
Post 'em all dude. As sad as this is, the aesthetic of it all is great. A live assassination by a young extremist in a modern art gallery, a publicly broadcast punishment for Russia's bravado in the past 4-5 years.
Mmm, we live in a Cyberpunk dystopia and it's great.
but its real
Also "this guy" was the Russian Ambassador to Turkey to make it a doubly retarded move.
When I first saw the pic I knew it'd be posted on here and I was right. Merry Christmas you filthy animals.
seconding this
dat trigger discipline even after he wasted a guy
is.Sup Forums.org/gif/1482173020869.webm
Picture is a Turkish ex- cop that was the body guard of the Russian Ambassador AKA the dead guy, Turns out he was trying to avenge the war crimes/atrocities committed at the city of Aleppo. It's a meme now because he killed the guy in a art exhibit which always has good lighting and due to that, people see these pictures as some stylized depiction of some scene from a movie.
God damn. Thanks based assassin. What a great place for pictures.
That is a great shot
------------get it------------
Are you sure it's not an art performance?
Oh, it's real alright...really staged
this is just Russia suffering the natural consequences of propping up a dictator
>guy shot 9 times in the back
>no blood
>Meme magic becomes reality
>Reality becomes meme magic
This is like some Black Mirror shit.
russian ambassador to turkey is killed by rogue Turkish cop, who in turn is killed by Turkish police. likely part of a Turkish political organization protesting russian activity in syria. but the exact protest is unkown, it could be pro-isis, sovereignty based, or whatever else
I bet the ambassador wishes it was.
Kek wills it
>no blood
Memes were always reality. Humanity lost the rituals used to evoke chatoic memetic energies and with the dawn of the internet age has inadvertently stumbled upon said forgotten rituals.
But that's the shooter, not the ambassador.
Where can I find these pics?
I'm talking about the other guy.
Look at the bigass smear on the floor where the ambassador was.
>this 22 year old has caused more of an impact than I have in 21 years.
he was a professional
fixed for you
If it was real cyberpunk I want some kickass cyber limbs and augs pronto.
And a robo-waifu to cure my crippling, crippling loneliness.
>magazine spring is free
The gun was apparently shot to shit, surprised the gunman doesn't look more fucked up too.
massive ambassador isn't full of holes unlike the shooter, yet the damage was still fatal. it's a tiny gun that shoots tiny bullets that kill just as fatally as rifles.
Those photos were literally taken a second or two after the shooting stopped. Generally there isn't a lot of blood in political assassinations, because most of the time they're wearing a suit, which is at least two, usually more layers of clothing.
>Try to start WW3
>Become a meme
I always thought a game where you just try different ways to assassinate politicians would be cool
He's shown you the way user
Take charge
Getting shot in the back doesn't mean you'll start leaking blood, especially from a 9mm
At least there's JFK Reloaded.
I really like this gunman.
>2 terrorist attacks on the same day
Where are people posting these edits?
Turk puts his country on Russia's shit list
That's basically what Dishonored boils down to
you do understand that the body constricts its veins when in shock and that getting shot in the heart stops bloodflow? or that clothing absorbs blood? you do understand how that works right user? right?
>guys europe is safe and awesome, SO much better than america
We're already getting enhanced eye implants in the next few years that will allow us to zoom and basic functions like that.
We're getting there, homie. People already have mind-controlled prosthetics, it's just not polished.
We certainly have the political environment for it, though.
Shit,is that from the new John Wick movie?
I really, really, really like this image.
oh fuck you, I knew this was coming
fucking Sup Forums seriously
>Sup Forums
Pure kino.
The pose he struck and scene his in lends itself very well to editing.
Fortunately for the meme consuming public, his political extremism lends itself very well to referential images.
I thought that was strange too, someone on /pol earlier was saying that is is possible with regular ball rounds from a 380 or 9mm if they don't hit any main arteries, he was saying that sometimes the bullets bounce around inside the body hitting bone, sometimes not even leaving an exit hole and blood pools internally and bleeds only a little from the entry wound, still skeptical about the whole thing though. But if it was staged why would they not just add in fake blood with squibs or something? That shit has been mastered in (((Hollywood))) since the 80's.
Wait, those are different boards?
I said "where", not "why". I already understand why.
Well he's an ex cop so it makes sense.
pol of course. We don't go OC crazy often, but when we do, it's grand.
There's blood below his head
Hollywood blood in the 80s looked super fake.
Who would Sup Forums side with?
As a polfag, I want Trump to make America Great again. As a Shadowrun enthusiast, I want him to bring about cyberpunk capitalistic dystopia asap, omae.
Stuff like this really makes me think the world would be better off without any muslims.
Just noticed there appears to be a small pool of blood around his head, wouldn't have noticed from the video.
Do i get to fuck anzu if i side with Russia?
I've always favored the underdog.
Russia, roaches pls go
Can't let anything happen to Bannerlord
So it's basically guaranteed this guy is going to be the icon of the 2010s and will be on college student t-shirts years from now, right?
So now that turkey is a post apocalyptic Muslim shithole what country will the slimes take next ?
>not siding with Russia to wage glorious crusade to remove kebab
>not wanting to play mount & blade in real life
Don't care if it comes down to a shooting match, but Russia needs a punch in the nose for being a shit lately.
inb4 >lately