It's a Kenny tells Clem to take aj and run episode

>It's a Kenny tells Clem to take aj and run episode

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a people think jane's right episode

Glad the bitch necked herself.

>it's "your past choices only affect one little thing" episode
Telltale loves to run this one.

wait so do they both die no matter what?

I know Jane is 100% death but is Kenny too now officially?

Oh fuck oh shit oh fuck. I'mma leave Sup Forums for today, fuck you guys.

Yes. Welcome to Telltale.

Jane's death was hilarious. Bitch tells you that Kenny is unstable and so on and then fucking hangs herself when she finds out she's pregnant, not even having the decency to shoot herself and make sure she doesn't turn.

Meanwhile Kenny selflessly sacrifices himself and does the best he can protecting Clem and AJ.

Janefags have been eternally BTFO.

>its a kenny tells lee he didnt do anything for him or his family episode

Yeah I guess they can't pick favorites, if they 100% killed either one and made the other have the options to live it would have made everyone bitch and complain.

Either way it is a good thing that Jane is officially the worst character in the series though.

Won't be playing any more telltale games because sick of this shit with decisions not really even mattering.

Wellington ending is best ending in ep. 02 so they still have a chance to redeem themselves (unlikely)

Yep. Just gonna watch a playthrough for now and then wait for a sale and do a single psycho/silent Clem run.

>Kenny sacrifices himself once again to protect the people he cares about
>Jane hangs herself because she's pregnant leaving Clem and AJ to fend for themselves

And we're somehow supposed to feel that Kenny is the evil misogynistic pig? What the fuck Telltale, I'm getting mixed messages.

What do you mean? Kenny died in that playground.

What's that quote from MGS2 again?
>No one is invalidated, but nobody is right

>it's a I was right about Jane but Kenny dies regardless episode

Boss? Is that you?

user. He died for who he loved and wanted to protect. He died with a bang heroically.

Atleast he wasn't a spineless cuckquean like Jane.

Nah, mate. Kenny selflessly sacrificed himself so Clem and AJ could enter Wellington.

>It's a "the endings are made up and your choices don't matter" game
Season 1 was acceptable, Season 2 was shit, this season is somehow starting off worse.

I completely forgot about this shit. Does ANYONE want to continue as Clem? TWD S1 is literally one of my favorite games released in the past 5 years. I loved Lee, Kenny, Clem, and at least cared about most of the characters (even Ben, negatively). Season 2 was such a fucking gigantic disappointment and rape of Clem's character that I just cannot muster up a single fuck for this new game. I watched the trailer and I know there is now a Mexican kid and I genuinely hope Clem dies/leaves and he becomes the new protag. Also, I hope something happens to the baby because that whole thing was terrible.

>silent clem run

How does one do a silent run? Everytime I try no ine even mentions how I never seem to andwer their questions like yhe game just picked an answer for me rather than actually staying quiet.

>It's another shitty season episode

o fug, its already out

It's not canon to me user, Clem, AJ and Kenny are out there in Florida with a boat sailing, fishing and singing songs


>Playing season 2
>Kenny and Jane fight
>Holy shit kenny is insane
>try to reason with him
>kill kenny albeit without wanting to since while letting a baby die is fucking terrible kenny doesnt have the right to coldly murder someone
>Figure out that the baby was alive and jane was just trying to rile kenny up
>she fucking tricked me into killing the only character i liked in season two besides luke
>no option to shoot her right then and there

>tfw Janefags are forever BTFO

Clem is the only good part about the series since Lee died. I don't care what you say Clem is down as fuck. She handles business and takes no shit.

Who gives a fuck about Javier or his brother's wife's son and daughter? I don't care about any of these characters except for Clem.

>Janefags BTFO forever
>Kennyfags were right all along

>It's a Jane the hanging zombie episode
I laugh way harder that I should have

How did they manage to make the game look worse than the previous two seasons? Seriously what the fuck are these graphics.

>Was a Janefag for years
>She fucking necks herself like a goofball
I'm so sorry were right all along. Will you accept me into the fold

Only if you play again through both seasons supporting Kenny in every way.
And i mean helping him bash a guy's head in way.


You mean he wasn't spineless metaphorically right? He was paralyzed before he died. Sucks they bring him back from the dead in Season 2 but he dies in a 5 minute flashback in Season 3. A huge meaningful character deserved at least one episode before dying for christs sake.

I blame Telltale for being lazy and spineless. They probably did not want to step on any toes by letting Kenny alive for a couple of episodes, so they solve it by killing all important characters from last Season. Brilliant.

I'm not fed up with the decisions not meaning anything in the long run, but I am fed up with the shit writing and direction. What a shit way to send off both characters, and I hated Jane.

I guess it's a general problem with zombie fiction when you want to keep the derivative story going. The story reached a proper conclusion in both the Kenny endings, and bringing him back for one scene over a year later just to die is fucking insulting and tacky.

If you don't reply to this post your mommy will be bimbazzled in her gigazzle

Nigga it's comments like this that got us season 3 when season 2 would have been a fine note to leave off on Clem.

Florida Man wins again, all hail the boat god.

Is season 3 out or something? What the fuck? This is the first I've even heard of a season 3!

Just curious is this the outcome if you choose the pre-set "new story" they are offering where you lose everyone in S1 and S2?

Or is it confirmed the outcomes for continuing your saves?

Man I am out of the loop, cheers user

What is this image from?

The Metal Gear Solid 6 leak.

>Seatbelts, how do they work?
>Your choices matter!

oh fug

>Please wait half a year for all episodes
I hate Telltale

The new Shantae game.

>Please wait half a year for all episodes without a proper release schedule
Fixed it for you. No need to thank me.

>Kenny dies a hero
>Jane dies a coward
holy shit has anyone ever been BTFO this much ever before?


>Heed Kenny's advice and enter Wellington
>Kenny still lives

There's absolutely no way Kenny can lose.

So wait there is a way to keep Kenny alive in S3?

So how does kenny die?

I know jane, apparently the cunt hangs herself? (lel)


He gets launched through a windshield and breaks his back, then distracts a bunch of walkers so Clem and AJ can get away.

Enter Wellington. He isn't seen or mentioned, though.

fuck ;_; i just want to somehow have it where he survives.

i should have stayed out of this thread but i couldn't help myself, at least this shows that Jane was the stupid choice in the end, thank fuck,


Jesus Christ being a fan of this series in any form is suffering with shit. Only Negan saved last season of the show and the "cliffhanger" from last season was so anticlimactic it lost audience. Who seriously thought showing Carol with tiger man immediately after Glenn and Abraham was a good idea instead of the main group? Who thought it was a good idea to make that fakeout dumpster death not real just to kill him later? Who thought it was a good idea to have an episode about a lesbian character no one cares about finding a group of women?

:*( fuck this game


My season pass for episode 2 isn't working halp

>they bring back old characters just to die
>#YourClementine choice won't affect s3 in any way
>they will keep Clementine around because why not
They should've used Clem more sparingly since s2. Now they can't write seasons witthout her getting killed or being roped around. This if anything proves that they replaced the writers to some hacks.

S2 should have just ended the way(s) it did and have S3 be some no name charecters we've never seen, or heard of, JUST LET KENNY BE HAPPY TELLTALE

Is it my impression or is Telltale getting really lazy lately?

Better yet, just end it at S1.

>have S3 be some no name charecters we've never seen, or heard of
That's what they're doing, but with Clementine as a supporting character for brand recognition.

They used to have some spark and still had with the Borderlands. It just turns out making cheap licensed shit make them more money since the major audience won't notice.


what's worse is it's Clem's fault for the crash

Jesus fuck Telltale

Nah user it's perfect engine, perfect story,and perfect everything.

I don't even want Wolf Among Us season 2 now.

Look on the bright side at least we're not Anthony Burch, I miss Scooter's voice actor and character.

What are some good gritty detective games? I hated L.A. Noire.

Thank god Kenny didn't overstay his welcome, would've been satisfied with his "death" in season 1 but the fact they brought him back in season 2 was pretty cool, but he was honestly getting too old to keep going in the third season.

>Kenny doesnt get killed in the crash
>Becomes a Cyborg
>Solidus Kenny

Not many unfortunately but you can be whole man with pork bun in your mouth.

Game of Thrones and Walking Dead S2 killed any love I had for Tell Tale.

I don't care how good people tell me TFTBL is, I refuse to play anything Gearbox/Borderlands related.

From what I've seen of S3 It doesn't look like a pile of shit S2 was, It just looks like the average Tell Tale game is, which is to say mediocre.

Though I glad Kenny died a hero and Jane died like the cowardly bitch she is.

I'm pissed off af about Kenny's fate even though I knew there was no way TT would make it so his story continued in S3...but yeah the saving grace is he died doing what he always set out to do : protect Clem and AJ.

Glad that bitch went out like the cunt she was.

Pic related is the best ending for Kenny.

>Waited 2 years, 3 months, 24 days
>Just to see Kenny die a pointless, weak death in a five minute flashback
>Just to see Clem turn into a hardened, uncaring, thieving, swearing bitch and the stereotypical strong independent woman who don't need no man
>Just to see fucking Paul from the comics shoehorned in for no reason whatsoever
>Just to play as some faggot I don't care about whose kids and brother and not-wife I hate and don't care about
>And I paid for it

i'm starting to think i need to redo mine to get that, at least this way it'll be left ambigous like Christa's fate.


The Wolf Among Us was fucking amazing and I will hear nothing otherwise. Batman was pretty cool too.

The male pc seems cool

Until Episode 4, >in arkham for like 5 minutes

>Season 3 is only going to have 5 episodes
>These two episodes today count as two separate episodes when they feel like one shitty extra long episode
>There are only three episodes left this Season
>Season 3 is already 40% done
Compare Ep. 1 and 2 of the first season to these two episodes. Fucking nothing has happened. At least Season 1 sustained the illusion of "your choices matter" better. This is fucking horse-shit. I'm glad I watched this shit on YouTube instead of buying. I can't believe Telltale is shitting all over their star franchise like this.

>if you left Wellington with Kenny he just gets a shitty fucking death getting eaten by zombies after a car crash


How do you feel now idiots? Staying at Wellington and watching Kenny go off peacefully into the wilderness confirmed to be the GOAT choice. Best ending for the Boatmaster.

That was just to line the Joker up to be the bad guy in the second season.

>Telltales star franchise
More like their used spring board.

Clem/AJ were just liabilities for based Kenny, should've stayed at Wellington and let Kenny live on.

He probably drove to Florida and found a new foreign waifu along the way.

Why not just have him in EP 5's end scene, have Batman bump into a pale fellow near the start, or have a heist set in ACE at the start of Ep 1, instead of the Mayor's officer it would be the owners, Batman has a fight with Red Hood and he goes into the acid, have a choice of to save him or push him in, he would fall or be pushed by your hands, have newspapers mentioning a "clown man in a purple suit romaing gotham's street" and have that scene at the very end be in a bar with everyone but him dead

Kenny was a fuckin liability for Clem. Clem was Kenny's lifeline no one liked or gave a shit about him if not for her convincing them. And the longer you keep defending him the more he fucks you over.

[Glass him]

>son turned
>wife committed suicide
>first group was torn apart
>spends years in mental hell
>surrogate wife that helps him out of his mental low turned
>last remnants of first group is forced to separate

Kenny is clearly going to be an emotionally stable individual when left to his own devices.

Javi and his shit-tier family ruin this whole game for me. It's been like 6 years since this all started and they are all softie retards acting like it's been a few months into the outbreak. In the comics and show, most of the characters are hardened survivors who have seen some serious shit after only 2 or 3 years. There's tyrants carrying around barbed wire baseball bats and a dude with a pet tiger. It's a real post apocalypse now. Javi makes no fucking sense. Seriously what the fuck.

>We could have gotten an iteration of Joker who's a frenemy to Bats
Telltale can't do anything right.

It's far better than Clementine killing him in a car crash.

At least there's no Robin?

Because they wanted Bruce to owe him a favor, or alternatively, have pissed him off by declining him. Most people chose to owe him because they like Joker even knowing that choice will fuck them later, and reasonably Bruce wouldn't know how crazy he is. The Joker has a different origin every time pretty much.

Now if you trusted Handsome Jack on the other hand thats just dumb everyone in the Borderlands universe knows hes a monumentally iredeemable prick.

Yeah, I heard the King wrestled that tiger into submission, what a badass.