Do females play online games or can I just assume every female character I see online is just a dude playing pretend?

Do females play online games or can I just assume every female character I see online is just a dude playing pretend?

Everyone on the internet is a guy, no exceptions.

They play mobas.

Just a dude

If an MMO has an RP server, you will find women on the RP server

They will be, however, playing as dudes.

Actually the girl turned out to be an actual girl

Sure, plenty of girls play MMOs, just don't treat them like a girl and you'll never be embarrassed when you find out they're guys.


There are plenty of girls that play online games but most of them are avoiding to let others know about their gender to avoid people flocking them, unlike traps attentionwhoring every minute.

I assume every girl in an MMO is a girl unless they explicitly tell me otherwise. It's not like I'd treat them any different than men online.

>It's actually his smoking hot teacher pretending to be a guy so this particular thing doesn't happen
>Show never ends in hot /ss/

Please spare your sanity and don't watch this trash

they are all dudes

Usually I'm all for /ss/ but he already had the best option.

I think he should have hit up Pres though.

Thanks. I usually just watch the first and maybe second episodes before stopping anyway.


This is a Japanese NEET.

As far as I know, there are no MMO Hentai Games, so it really shouldn't matter.

... Jesus Christ, I just figured out how to kill WoW.

I've played with a ton of girls in MMOs before, and since I used teamspeak and Skype a lot I can confirm at least a few dozens of them weren't just crossplaying neckbeards.

Cutesy Korean MMOs seem to have the highest density. Especially those shitty 'dancing' MMOs with creepy anime dolls rigged to unlicensed American pop music. Don't ask me why I played them.

You know, I see a lot of the 'Female character is a guy irl' trope a lot, but you see a lot of the 'Male character played by a girl' in a lot of MMO's, primarily WoW on RP servers and ff14 on Balmung.

Imagine a plot where you find out your best bro is actually a grill

anime thread?


It's total shit but I still had a good few chuckles.
Somehow I feel like it would have been better without the fanservice and the 'lmao every character is actually a generic hot girl just like every other anime ever :^)'.

Should have amped up the comedy and made everyone actually look like the disgusting neckbeards they're supposed to be.


Wasn't that Eurotrip?

I'm a girl who pretends to be a guy online so that guys won't bother/harass me and offer to literally give me everything and do everything for me

>Imagine a plot where you find out your best bro is actually a grill
read "Ready Player One"

lots of girls play blizzard games (HS/OW/WoW), and league. Usually they're playing with friends, so it's less likely that you will find them because judging by your question you probably don't have very many.

>As far as I know, there are no MMO Hentai Games, so it really shouldn't matter.
>... Jesus Christ, I just figured out how to kill WoW.
problem is, you can already do that on WoW

Worst girl is pig eririshit.

>Imagine a plot where you find out your best bro is actually a grill

good luck with that!

That's what he gets for using shitty Razer

I played a few hours with a girl once in Skullgirls. I don't know she was a girl but she was bragging about it because she beat me. Then she added me but it felt awkward after that so she deleted me after a week.

I had a friend who always rolled male character in vidya. Eventually she decided she was transgender and a boy in real life too.
Only dude I knew personally who rolled female characters was a total fag who asked if he could suck my dick once.

I'm not convinced anybody, male or female, who crossplays isn't some kind of sexual deviant.

>I'm not convinced anybody, male or female, isn't some kind of sexual deviant.

Just give up on them being female. Female (male) characters are better anyways

>Do females play online games
Yes. Some.

With that said, it would still be prudent to assume that someones male if all you have to go by is their player character.

>know like 10 girls from working on fangames and stuff that are hardcore vidya players

>all of them are bi or lesbian

>As far as I know, there are no MMO Hentai Games
Looks like you don't know much.

I chose female if I want to jack off. Like when I went to a friend's house to try out Fable 3. The first thing I did was make a naked woman.

I'm convinced that there is a government conspiracy to turn everyone gay, using increased estrogen levels in the water and through subliminal/superliminal messaging in mass media. They're doing it to control the birthrate.

She goes to school so not a NEET


I always play a girl and a girl I know in real life only plays guys.

Wow, I didn't know Alex Jones posted on Sup Forums.

My mother used to play Ragnarok, WoW, Maple Story and some other MMOs.

Always remember when you are on the internet.
>Women are Men
>Men are Children
>Children are Cops