At 11:31. CTR remaster from the ground up confirmed?
No point
They'd just make a new one instead
I really need to play CTR. But I mostly like Crash for the gameplay not the characters.
Its harder to make a new one when you could remake a game with the gameplay already set up
I'm really hoping this is Naughty Dog testing the waters for sales on classic Crash, so they can decide whether to make a new game.
why is cortex's theme in Crash 1 the best theme?
the game looks so good at this frame rate. I can only assume it will be 60 retail?
Yeah it should be. And 4K if you've got the PS4 Pro
I would definitely not say that they confirmed it, but if this remaster sells well it has a very very good chance
>I'm really hoping this is Naughty Dog
Your dreams are already shattered.
It's time for you faggots to admit that CTR is a shit game and that Mario Kart 64 is the superior kart racer.
>implying naughty dog is even touching this
>mario kart is the superior racer
Maybe you do have a p-
Sanic all-stars was a better racer than either.
Shhh. . . Ignore the troll everyone. Thread is starting out comfy.
It's time for you to get some taste faggot
>Online CTR
Too good for this world
Look at this delusional retard.
Naughty Cuck is full sjw cinematic shit run by a jew.
Nigga I didn't know they weren't working on it. I just assumed.
I don't give a fuck who does as long as they do it well and we get a continuation.
I own a PS4 but never played these games as a kid
Are they as good as other platforming games from that gen? Judging by the gameplay it looks far worse then Mario 64 and BK
Maria 64 is still the best, but Crash is really just a 2d platformer at heart and a damn good one at that. 2 is the apex of quality.
And Sup Forums doesn't want to admit that Wrath of Cortex is the 2nd best in the series because it's not muh original trilogy/
Wrath of Cortex is fucking shit compared to the original 3 for a multitude of reasons other than nostalgia.
give me 5 reasons how it's not a direct upgrade from 3 and especially 1.
>Controls have a sort of uncanny valley sort of feel to them where they're just off enough to feel worse than even the first Crash Bandicoot game
>art-style is worse
>music is worse
>literally is just Crash 3 again with a new coat of paint and more gimmicks
>depth perception is ass compared to Crash 2 and 3, hard to judge some jumps
>extra credit: boxes aren't as satisfying to break as they were in Crash 2 and 3.
>>Controls have a sort of uncanny valley sort of feel to them where they're just off enough to feel worse than even the first Crash Bandicoot game
I honestly never felt a difference.
>>art-style is worse
I disagree. In fact I think the visuals are better from the endless jungles.
>>music is worse
>>literally is just Crash 3 again with a new coat of paint and more gimmicks
Which makes it better than 3,
>>depth perception is ass compared to Crash 2 and 3, hard to judge some jumps
I would agree with Crunch's water mask boss fight and thats it. Never had a problem with anything else.
>>extra credit: boxes aren't as satisfying to break as they were in Crash 2 and 3.
"it just doesn't feel right"
Level design feels off. Crash's physics are off. Music is different but no Mutato Musaka so that's a given.
Everything just feels weird. Twinsanity never bothered me in that regard despite it being a very different game.
ND will never make fun games again it's all about muh realism and muh wimin stronk characters. Sucker punch will never make anything like Sly again either, and they seem to have disappeared
I think that's because it's clear from the very beginning that Crash Twinsanity is trying something new with the series, rather than just trying to mimic what the previous games had already done. So there's no real uncanny valley effect going on with it. It's its own thing.