1 > 3 > shit > 2
guess the game
1 > 3 > shit > 2
guess the game
Gears of War
Dark Souls
Dark Souls
Actually, thats 1 > shit >3 > 2
but thats wrong
Devil may cry
Resident Evil
2 was a piece of dog shit, sorry about your retard taste
Ape Escape.
although I'd personally put 3 at first.
pvp memelords need not apply
Well it ISN'T Bioshock
>Sup Forums has shit taste
nothing new
bioshock is maybe, if being generous, 1 > shit > 2 > 3
Are these the same girl or two different ones
Metal Gear Solid
It's hard to come up with a series where the 3rd does better than the 2nd really. most of the time it's the 3rd which is really downgraded from the 2nd
3D Zelda games.
>muh pve
dark souls 1 has four good bosses
Megaman X
>It's hard to come up with a series where the 3rd does better than the 2nd really.
Dark Souls 3 is the worst one tho
mother, easily
Dark souls
but thats wrong you fucking retard
Mass Effect. 2 was complete garbage.
who is this slut
Guild Wars. GW1 > GW3 > Shit > GW2
Jak & Daxter
Final Fantasy/LoZ if you're a dirty memer.
I got nothing.
The exact moment I dropped Jak 2
This is Persona in a nutshell.
Max Payne
Donkey kong country
mgs is 2 = 3 > 1
this guy gets it
The fuck? Jak 3 is literally Jak 2 but with a different environment/story and light Jak. It's fundamentally has the exact same gameplay.
That's 1 > 2 > 3.
The dlc of 2 has better level design than the entirity of 3s mediocre level design
Sly cooper in bizzaro world
2 Is the worst, this is objective fact.
Halo and Metroid
Valkyria Chronicles
To have garbage taste, this is objective fact.
3 is much better than 1 tho.
I am waiting for a sauce, op
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa
Dark Souls
Witcher easily
Thanks, man
Jak 3 doesn't make you start from the very beginning of a 10 minute mission.
>It's not porn
I meant force you to start from the very beginning of a 10 minute long mission after failing it. I don't think my post made much sense.
Someone probably has this opinion about MGS.
no its not
Assassin's Creed
Dark Souls 2 has the worst PVP anyway. It's nothing but Aussies doing pirouettes.
Deus Ex
does anyone really like 1? It was just cheesy 90s shit to me
This anime hits too close to home every episode, i actually have a high school reunion on the 28th.
at least it's better than
>the game you like
got em
More of that hivemind contrarianism bullshit. Get aids and die, kiddo.
Super Mario Bros
Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Metroid and Metroid Prime
Devil May Cry
All I care about is if that scene is meant to show a before and after.
If being right is hive-minded contrarianism then sign me up. Dark Souls 2 is by far the worst game in the franchise by miles.
Dragon age
no she was a tittymonster then had them removed and enrolled in highschool
wtf do you think?
why does eveyone on Sup Forums when it comes to jak and daxter have such abysmal taste?
is it because it said the word "kill"?
literally the best gameplay and levels in the series, kill yourself.
Do you have any good reason why it's "shit" other than "IT'S EDGY XD!"?
Even the fact that it's got some edge isn't bad, this game is made for kids and kids are into ninja turtles and transformers for pete's sake, kids love it when shit gets ramped up.
>2001: main audience likes bright colours and cartoony characters
>2003: main audience has someone matured and still like cartoony characters but with "coolness" thrown in
it makes perfect sense and you're just a faggot..
the soundtrack is corny as fuck, the plot is on the level of that movie hackers, the dialogue is utilitarian at best, the gameplay is clunky and uninteresting, the maps are just boxed areas with little to no immersion
I really don't know what to tell you other than the thing you liked when you were a kid may actually be shit
>This thread
I just want more details my man.
>If being right is hive-minded contrarianism then sign me up
This. When will neo/v/ kids understand?
I pretty distinctly remember my first time playing Jak 2 and I literally had to leave the room for a few minutes because I was laughing so hard at that line. Anyways, Jak 2 and 3 are shitty R&C wannabes and don't benefit from being open world. Shoulda just kept on with the collectathon stuff from 1.
Source of image?
That would be 1 > every others but 2 and 7 > shit > 7 > SHIIIIIIEEEET > 2
Didn't play 3 yet but 2 is complete shit while 1 is acceptable.
Sauce is Tawawa on Monday EP11
Easy one, it's F.E.A.R!
Megaman X
But that's 1>>shit>>>>
How fucking wrong can you get?
It's BB > DaS2 > DaS > DaS3 > DeS
2 is in the higher end of the series.
what is this from pls respond before thread 404's
It is 100% fact that it is Dragon Age
>Shoulda just kept on with the collectathon stuff from 1.
oh god no that was boring as hell and got dull.
Castlevania NES games
>thread almost entirely talks about video games
I'm proud of you, Sup Forums.
No one else has said it, so I will.
Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion
how fucking dare you shit on DX level design