
What went wrong?

>vidya movie
what the fuck do you think went wrong?

I think you should stop making this thread

Yeah because RT is credible on any level.

>Sup Forums cares about reviews
Are you really that much of a sheep?

I don't understand their thinking in turning this into a movie. Who is their audience? People who play videogames, right? Why the fuck would these people go see this movie instead of just playing the game? I sincerely hope this kills off vidya movies desu

Saw it today. It was mediocre.

Release too close to Star Wars. Disney pays reviewers better

Assassin's Creed is a normalfag series. Normalfags like movies. Normalfags also haven't played vidya long enough to know that vidya movies are shit.

It's pretty sad that you have to ask those questions.

RT is credible, it's Disney that's paying for reviews. Jungle Book, Civil War, and Rogue One all have the same shills praising it. Though I guess those movies are all pandering to retards.

Nothing, it was as good as expected.


Assassin's Creed always has shit stories

did you ever in your life, EVER, buy an AC game because you were interested in the story

There never has been, nor will there ever be, a good video game movie. You simply can't make a movie of a video game that is interesting to the uninitiated while still grabbing the attention and fanbux of the userbase.

The closest we will get is small animated shorts like what Blizzard and Valve do. And that's simply because they're short enough to go viral and be accessible to normies.

>imdb ratings

it means nothing. Any retard can click the 10 or 0. Transformers 2 had a score between 7 and 8 at release and that's one of the worst films I've ever seen.

Go ahead user
Go see it, and say it's good.

Bad movie + videogame movie tax. The number would be 40% higher if it wasn't perceived as a videogame movie by old critics.

>he hasn't seen the ace attorney movie

The anime was alright, I guess. It's a medium that is already exclusive to the obsessive, so it's pretty easy to succeed in that industry. Video game movies are always shit, though. Always.

I don't remember mentioning anime fuckboy

But Rogue One was actually pretty good. It was miles better than TFA for sure.


I mean. That fuckin' hallway of horrors though...
It's like a Star Wars version of what Grey Fox must have done to those guys in Shadow Moses.

R1 is the second, maybe third, best Star Wars movie of all time.

Butthurt DC cucks.

Just kidding.

>"miles better than TFA for sure"
>No BB-8 or Kylo Ren
Fuck right off.

Are you fucking kidding? This movie is finally our chance to get representation as gamers. The least you faggots can do is show some fucking enthusiasm.

it's the avatar issue. It's become so popular that now it's cool to hate TFA, even though the movie is good. Happens to basically everything. Frozen, Avatar, Crash, Minions (this was never good, but you get the picture).

Called this months ago, Ubi went cheap on the script and now everything looks bad.

Talking about... What happened to that Metal Gear movie by Avi Arad? I hope it was cancelled, because without Kojima it might miss some of the points Kojimbo was trying to make.

>yearly game that aims for lowest-common denominator audience is the definition of gaming
that's pretty sad user

Please kill yourself

But I hated TFA the entire time I watched it. I'd smile at a dumb joke or reference on occasion, but I never once felt affected by any of their attempts at drama (except for Chewie's rampage when Han died. I fuckin' felt that).

Avatar was a fun watch, though I didn't much care for the blue people.

like any video game movie, it's in production hell because movies operate on beats and games operate on levels. They don't mesh well into one another without multiple parts, and movie studios don't want to invest in multiple movies to series that aren't proven.

Hated and "i didn't care for it" are two very different things user.

Neck yourself.

>breaking new narrative and aesthetic ground

Jesus fucking christ. That is the most blatantly hyperbolic statement about a movie I might have ever heard. Its not fucking Citizen Kane or w/e greatest movie of all time you want to compare it too

>representation as gamers



Having actually watched Frozen, that movie sucked.

It really didn't. It's a decent kids movie. People love to hate on it because it's popular.

If you find any of these movies "hate-worthy" you are really lucky as you don't really know how fucking bad movies can get.

Best video game movie is still Postal.

That doesn't change the fact that I hate, actively dislike, or aggressively find it unappealing. It has Halo 4 syndrome, where they had to redesign every single thing and turn it up to 11 because its not just enough to be bigger and bettererer than the last one and also needs to be "theirs" by redesigning shit to show how cool "their" Star Wars is. It's not a good film. It's just not.

Yeah, yeah, I've seen The Room and what-have-you. Doesn't stop Frozen from sucking.

it's good

>he thinks the room is a legitimately bad movie
You have no idea what a bad movie is.

Oh, you're baiting. Okay.

>This movie is finally our chance to get representation as gamers.

Finally our chance, huh?

In addition to how many others?

>it's not as bad as the worst movies ever made so it must be good
Hating things because they're popular is dumb but this is even dumber.

If you want enthusiasm for your cashgrab vidya movies, ask China.

ITT: Sup Forums has shit taste in movies

I shouldn't be surprised by this

I'm not. I can show you terrible movies. The Room is a masterpiece in-comparison

Hell, even other Disney animated films are far far worse than Frozen. Big Hero 6 is borderline offensively bad and far far worse than Frozen.

Never said it was a masterpiece, just that people hating it (or any popular movie) are faggots blowing it out of proportion.

I'm a film faggot and I can guarantee you film gets so much worse than that.

For not liking the Assassin's Creed movie? D'ohkay.

>just that people hating it (or any popular movie) are faggots blowing it out of proportion.
So a movie can't be bad if it's popular. Gotcha.

By default vidya make for bad movie adaptations, but in the case of AssCreed the premise of the game makes for a really boring movie. All the Assassin shit makes for fun gameplay but in a movie it amounts to a character watching old video tapes because it's not interactive. Action scenes set in the past have no sense of danger and are just frivolous.

Maybe you could make a good AssCreed movie if it was mostly just set in the future ala Minority Report, and the main character is being chased around by the templars because they want to steal and decode his genetic memories. Early in the film they unlock his genetic memories which gives him Assassin skills, so there's your chase scenes. The assassin stuff would just be tiny little flashbacks he gets throughout the movie because of the memory bleed.

The problem with making Assassin's Creed into a movie is that the most interesting part of the game (the Assassin parts) is the least interesting on screen and ideally you would see as little of it as possible. That's not something the fans or Ubisoft want to hear though.

I think they're referring to new ground for the series, not cinema as a whole.

>ITT: Sup Forums has shit taste in movies

>Sup Forums is a hive mind

Oh boy here we go

>Never said it was a masterpiece, just that people hating it (or any popular movie) are faggots blowing it out of proportion.
Well so fucking what?

Nice ad hominem. Good argument.

It's as annoying as the people overly praising it and coming from weebs on an anonymous image board pretending that they know shit about movies.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums in-general has pretty shit taste in movies


That's not what ad hominem is. You sure are fuckin' dumb. That's ad hominem.


movie thread? movie thread.

Nothing will top mk.

Get over it.

Gee user I guess you'll just have to stop being a whiny little cunt and get over it.


RT is not credible because they have not been vetting their review sources and making sure bought and paid for critics do not appear on the site. Disney also pays for negative reviews on their competitors' movies.

I didn't pay for it though

>if you dislike these popular movies then you don't know shit about movies

>Altaïr is a white guy

Kind of like someone using words they don't know the meaning to, calling out logical fallacies where they aren't present. Yeah, I suppose that can be annoying.

Not really to me, but whatever.

You can dislike and criticize it all you like, I don't give a shit. It just annoys me when faggots toss around "fucking sucked" for an average movie. It's just as bad as the fuckers saying Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie since empire, complete hyperbole.

But whatever, it doesn't matter. You were never gonna get a worthy review out of them anyhow.

>Disney also pays for negative reviews on their competitors' movies.
hahahaha I'm fucking sure.

It's not like the entire internet didn't trash those garbage DC movies.

Needs The Prestige on there. Amazing movie I feel.

Both Avatar and TFA are boring as fuck movies, though. I have absolutely no desire to watch either one again.

TFA especially made me swear off Star Wars. I'll probably only return to the franchise if they make that Obi Wan trilogy they were thinking about.

>But whatever, it doesn't matter.
>still sitting here pissing and moaning about it.

>Obi wan trilogy

I had no idea they were even thinking about this. Why not do this shit instead?

nah, prestiege is a good movie but not good enough to make my list. It relies too much on the twist so repeat viewings get a little boring. A lot of nolan's movies are sadly only good on the first viewing.

I disagree but you probably don't give a shit so w/e.

Listen buddy, Frozen may have been average to you but it sucked to me and I'm gonna to call it as I see it. If that upsets you that much then maybe you should fuck off back to California with all of the other pussies.

>implying all those weren't good movies

Just because it's not aimed at you, doesn't make it a bad thing.

meant for

>that Obi Wan trilogy they were thinking about
They already did that, it's called the prequel trilogy.

diff user. Never saw Frozen but I always see pure disdain for it. Why is it so bad?

>needs to be "theirs" by redesigning shit to show how cool "their" Star Wars is.

This is actually something I agree with, to an extent, and its a very good point about TFA.

While I liked TFA, it had nothing recognizable from an already large pool of things to draw upon - no familiar background races, for example, no old (or otherwise known) locations.

But I think they did this as a way to be new, like Ep4 was new. TFA, in every way, seems written and made by people who only watched ANH until their eyes bled and consciously ignored every other single thing.

Sometimes I feel that I haven't watched a lot of movies

Civil War is the best example of all the shit marvel movies do wrong.

>Requires up-to-date viewing of all the other movies of the avengers lest you be completely out of the loop (Specifically the originals of all the avengers, Iron Man 3, Winter Soldier, Avengers, Avengers 2, and Ant Man)
>Tonal inconsistency due to not wanting to change too much of the internal world
>Promise to change everything but at the end they're all friends again
>exists not to be a movie but to set up 4 more movies

It's so tedious, I hate that people praise this shit.

Jungle Book I just don't get the praise for. It's a dull movie without much to it.

Rogue One I haven't seen so I can't comment.

If you just watch new stuff, you definitely haven't. There's a world of amazing movies just waiting to be discovered.

Yeah, people who judge movies by RT and can't come up with their own critiques of a film instead parrot retarded shit they read on RT. Sup Forums and some other places liked BvS for like, three days until the circlejerk started to shift towards hating it

>TFA is actually a soft reboot
Is this really a bad thing, though?


it's also that Zack Snyder is a fucking hack. Watchmen was bad, Man of Steel was horrible, and BvS is only slightly better, which is still terrible.

I feel like the depths men go for revenge was rather interesting. The twist that he had a twin was quite surprising but I think that repeat viewings wouldn't suffer from knowing about it since a lot of the meat of the movie is about the rivalry.

Mediocre and bland being good? Jesus christ that's like you saying that Looper was as good as Primer

>Not Seven Samurai

Ran is a copy of King Lear
Seven Samurai had an original plot

Personally I don't think it's entirely terrible but I hate it for not delivering on what it could have given the premise. I think there could have been much deeper and more moving interaction between the sisters. I hear they cut out a song expanding on Elsa's character, which annoys me even more considering they kept that stupid rock song. That love plot felt really tacked-on, by the way. I'm sure both of these things were done to appeal to a wider audience. Apparently it worked. Ultimately, I didn't feel any real attachment to the characters and was unable to engage in the story.

>exists not to be a movie but to set up 4 more movies
That's the biggest complaint I had about Civil War. I still think it's a good movie with great action and a decent capeshit plot. But it's so painfully obvious how much it's just a set up for the bigger tentpole that is Marvel's cinematic universe. Yeah it's probably got some ramifications to War Machine getting roughed up enough that he has to go through physical therapy, and Cap no longer being Captain America. But come the fuck on, everyone lived, everyone are still friends, all the people you're supposed to hate are still hated, all the tension and drama was ultimately for nothing until the next movie where it's just a repeat

have you seen Postal? that shit is pure stupid fun

Saying that he's a hack is like saying Michael Bay doesn't understand movies.

I didnt think so, because im not old enough to have seen ANH in theatres in 77, and I cant remember the first time I watched it, because I was too young to remember. TFA for me was like seeing ANH for the first time, in a way, and it connected me with it from that perspective.

But I understand and agree if people didn't like that it was basically ANH but with a new coat of paint.