What's your favourite game engine?

What's your favourite game engine?

I don't know what it is, but Source just FEELS fucking fantastic to me. Seriously, nothing has beaten it in my eyes. Looks good. Feels good. Things fall nicely. Water is cool. I don't even know. Feels responsive. It's just great.

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Excluding HL2 itself, the HL2 Deathmatch maps where you solved puzzles in groups and each puzzle was in its own room with a number.

That was the pinnacle of creativity with a game.

That era is long over though.

I meant this from best use of the Source engine perspective.

As for best engine...I'd have to say one of the Unreal engines, the first one was legendary (Unreal 1998) (then an updated version for UT)

You mean synergy? I'd love a new game like that so much. There's a huge lack of good coop games these days.

Oh man, those were great. Jumping across barrel filled void rooms, navigating in the dark, throwing grenades into holes, climbing walls with boxes

Good stuff, but really fucking difficult to do. Maybe that was half the fun.

The retardedly over-optimised cryengine seems pretty based.
Too bad those croats didn't make it free, and nobody actually used it.

REDengine 3 looks beautiful and runs great. Source is only good for fps games.

Source had my favorite memories. Ran on a toaster, and stuff like TF2 surf, CS:S minigame mode, Goldeneye Source, and Zombie Panic source were all just so much fun.

I love the movement and jumping in source. Jumping always felt disgusting in most UE3 games for instance.

Luminous Engine looks best imo, but Square will never let others use it.

I consider source bottom tier and I'm not sure I like a single source engine game.

Unreal engine 4 is amazing but nothing has really utilized it to its full potential it seems like.

Unity surprises me every now and then but I think the frost bite engine is among my top favorite even if no modding.

Graphically it looks good and the fact that there's bullet travel and drop is a huge factor. I have yet to see engines or games really do this as much or as well.

Source engine isn't really good at land scape enough to compete anymore. I mean it might be with source 2 but we'll never see that used in anything but Dota 2.

Me too OP. TF2 is the sickest game ever desu.

I was just playing HL2 earlier and thinking about how much I've always liked Source 1. Such a well optimized and time-weathered engine, I hope the games made on 2 (assuming valve ever makes another game) have the same longevity.

I would agree with source. My favorite games haven't even been made on it but it just *feels* the best out of the major engines for sure.

out of the 'big ones' probably ue series.

nowadays it doesn't matter since every developer creates their own dumpster fire snowflake engine

I miss the super jump glitch that used to exist with physics props in HL2:DM

Anyone know what I should download from the steam tools list to get the full source engine capabilities or whatever?

>Source SDK
but also
>Source SDK base 2013 singleplayer

what's the difference?

Source is everyones favorite engine until they have to work in the editors. I dont know who greenlit the UI and functionality, because its completely terrible. Hammer editor in particular is the worst tool. This is why Unreal Engine 4 has to be my favorite, despite how fucking sluggish and bloated it is. You can do anything, and have ease of use. I still love games made in source engine, and love the general flow and function source games have.


You need 2 things to be able to mod source engine.

#1 a certain version of the engine
#2 some game logic

the difference is what version of the engine and what game logic you will be working with.

Source SDK is just the basic tools launcher.

Hands down id tech 2. Clean API, zero bullshit, efficient and looked damm well back in the day.

So, wait, would I be able to start making mods with the tools launcher? Or would I need this "2013" thing to make that work?

Or is the 2013 one just an updated version of the tools launcher, in which case the base version is useless?

I'm just still not sure what the difference between the two are.


Source sdk base 2013 is needed to play mods made with source sdk 2013 (ie the tf2 engine).

There's no actual sdk for the newer souce branch though (portal 2/csgo/l4d2 etc) Only authoring tools for each individual game.

if you are just making maps in hammer you wont need anything besides maybe a download to get access to assets.

if you are actually programming it matters a great deal because they are totally different visual studio projects. (although the newer ones might be some linux compatible shit or something)

Monogame is my favorite for 2D. The freedom and lack of constraints is amazing.
I haven't tried UE, but Unity works pretty well for 3D. Lots of features including some very new ones that I'm currently utilizing like the cloud feature

source is probably one of the most simple and bland engines you could ever find. it was never good...
on the other hand, unreal (starting on 3) is pretty robust and versatile, so it has my vote as best thing ever

that's one of the most expensive engines you can license and instead of reaping a profit of the sales, you have to pay before hand so it's a no-no for most studios
licenses ranges from 1 to around 5 million from what i've read

Honestly GoldSrc is the best combination of greatly detailed texturework along with low poly models.

It's fucking fantastic.

cry of fear worked with it real well

Havok is pretty cool


Uses source

so does titanfall 2

and it's fantastic

Both titanfall games do but its heavily modified.

Fox Engine is the best current engine. Too bad is on the wrong hands

Top pleb m8

>tfw gmod gold days are long gone

Cryengine V has a similar model like Unreal Engine 4

>ctrl-f MT Framework
>0 results

>mfw pleb engines don't even have Infinite Detail
enjoy your polygons losers

Fuck you guys, all I wanted to do was play HL2:DM and now all the servers are bullshit puzzle or RP maps.

>silky smooth 130 fps on an 800x800 display
lol amd


I remember these guys, good to see they've been so successful and have followed up on their claims!

stay mad noob

Quake 3 core had the best movement mechanics I've ever experienced in a game. However perhaps paradoxically no other Quake 3 engine based games (id tech 4?) quite "felt" that good.
Source feels fantastic, snappy and fast always.
UE1 felt great, UE2 always felt shit, UE3 likewise, never tried anything on UE4.