What are some video game channels that are actually good enough that you give them Patreon money...

What are some video game channels that are actually good enough that you give them Patreon money? I give Easy Allies $50 dollars a month.

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Even if they were good, Im just a poor neet

This thread won't end well

But all I will say is that I dream about them getting to 50k so they can be a full time team again

Expect a LOT of backpeddling and stalling if they do hit $50k because that's not enough to have a studio in LA. Not without the majority of the funds going towards it, and then there'd be no full time employees to need the studio.

what did he mean by this ??

Kyle needs to man the fuck up
Names arent offensive if someone is offended at what you say fuck them, stop giving a fuck.


I give Easy Allies 100 dollars a month
I genuinely enjoy their content and think they deserve that money

Classic Bosman.

EZA is the one of the very few groups that I support with all of my being. They transcend the bad rap e-celebs get here in my opinion. They're the best in the business. Except Ian.

Fuck Ian.

Also Brandon Plays Pokemon most comfy LP in history.

I've never given money to anybody on Patreon before, but I felt so bad for these guys after they got shafted by Defy Media. If this is the only way they can make content, so be it. Maybe someday I'll be able to reduce the amount I give them, but for now, I want to see them in a studio again.

I give them 1000 dollars a month
I'm not really rich or anything and I kinda scrape by but I think they deserve it more than me

Cant wait to see the new anime podcast so I can shout at my screen at how casual they are

pokemon sun ep 3 fucking when
I need to see kyle lose

I privately fund them about $75000 behind the scenes, I do it that way so it doesn't make people stop their patreon donations because they think the guys "have enough"

I'd give more, but Ian keeps spending the majority of it on hormone treatments and it's starting to piss me off.

Literally right fucking now oh shit


>Fuck Ian.
He's actually grown on me. His SJW nature often gets the best of him, but I think it comes from a very sincere place in his heart. He doesn't like people to be upset, so no one should offend anyone. It's very simplistic of course, but he means well.

I've taken out several million dollar loans and I am currently homeless just fund some bay area hipsters and then let them tell me what to think

I'd say he's grown more tolerable as he has kinda commented on how he recognizes how much of a fuckwit he is sometimes, and he has stated he's trying to be less antagonistic and his genuine surprisewhen Kyle called him his friend on the main podcast was endearing, but he can still be an overtly annoying SJW prick.

Also, this video needs to be shown more. youtube.com/watch?v=ZItoQ77Etsc

The most annoying thing Ian ever did was probably that time on Frame Trap when he got upset with Ben for saying "niggle" because it sounds like "nigger". He's okay when he's not shoving politics into every discussion.

I wish he'd start putting some effort into Easy Update. I think I'd rather have Damiani Story Time.

From being triggered by the word niggling to being an attention whore with a victim complex "Hahaha I bet 50 people just saw me in this video and have left a message 'fuck you go kill yourself!' hahaha, please pay attention to me!" to his off topic triads over stupid shit. Not to mention his constant playing with his hair, and his only opinion on anything is about From games and how they're art because he likes them.

Ian adds nothing in front of the camera, although he's pretty vital behind the camera.

That said Damiani can be worse when he takes 50 minutes of recursive rambling to make a singular throwaway point.

>it's a Damiani says "like" sentence

I would unironically rather listen to Damiani than Brad.

Everything out of Brad's mouth is "dude, that was sick." I have never once heard him say something interesting.

The niggle thing is the fucking worst. Ben I know you're reading this you glorious, jolly man, I know you agree here.

And yeah, his whole victim complex shit is getting really fucking tiring too. At this point i just tune him out. I sure as fuck don't watch Easy Update.

But fucking god Damiani just stop talking about Nintendo or Final Fantasy please you just ramble on forever and a fucking half

>it's a Damiani gets louder and says "like like like" when sometimes to interject segment

please stop shilling this garbage here

I love Ben as much as anyone else, but his solo streams are lame as hell. He's always trying not to offend viewers and always apologizing for the smallest things.

Ben, sort it out.

>It's a Ben makes up the Frame Trap word on the spot episode

I haven't watched his solo streams too much before. He's just the kinda guy who's a bit socially awkward and wants to please everyone.

He's a functioning member, at least.

I'm looking forward to his berserk review and I'm glad he notice the dormant potential of Nier 2.

They like kotaku and neogaf too much

>be friends with Ben on PSN
>he's always playing early copies of stuff
>recently he's been working through Yakuza 0

Must be fucking nice.

>anime podcast
But why?

Because Ben loves entry level anime and so does most of their fans.


Doesn't do Patreon unfortunately.

You just have to watch their regular podcast - that'll get you angry enough whenever Ian is on screen bashing TLG for its framerate issues but dickriding Bloodborne like no tomorrow every other minute because it's the only video game that isn't an indie game he's played in the last 5 years.

>e-celeb shit

If the other guy didn't come back with "You're being fairly niggardly here" then he missed a great trick.

I was just thinking today how much Brad lied about ZTD and how it wrapped everything up so perfectly, what a mother fucker.

Someone post the one of Kyle and Brad facepalming at the same time.


Not Brad, I love Brad.

Its endearing to see Jones getting very very slowly good at pokemon

And kyle liked alolan golem I thought he would hate it after he hated persian

Ben is just incapable of disliking anything he tries too hard to be understanding and accepting, it drives me nuts sometimes.

I give EZA 5 bucks
I give Danny O'Dwyer 3 bucks
I give Kinda Funny 1 buck

>50 dollars a month
And still there are people who whine about PSN+
At least you get something out of that instead of giving cucks money for content that is free regardless.

I don't mind as much during his solo streams, although I don't watch them too often, but it does bother me in Frame Trap.

Ben, just stop saying "I'm sorry but/if"