My first "wow" moment in gaming


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I just saw the exact same post on Reddit

Why were you Reddit user, huh? Mind explaining yourself?

Serious question: are you underage?

this is my first "wow" moment

What's wrong with reddit?

this is why Sup Forums is so shit now


oh you're real fuckin clever huh, just look at ya go

Stop being bitter, user, it looked pretty fucking swell when it came out.

low quality bait

probably running around in mario 64 and having fun and exploring around peach's castle for like an hour

Holy shit. Is this real life?

kill yourself

Lol i bet you hate reddit cause you got downvoted

Facing Blue in Yellow/Blue when that music kicked in.
Walking in Catherby for the first time.
can we please have a serious thread, im so sick of irony

My first legitimate "holy shit, is this what video games can do?" moment.

>Visiting plebbit

For me it was jumping into the first level. playing over a friends house and knew nothing about the game.
I was awed just running around in a 3d world for the first time. Didn't really pay attention to Toad. Nudged a painting. It rippled like water. Leapt in, and my mind was btfo.

As a kid playing Diablo II, when I walked into the outer cloister of the monastery with my barb for the first time.

pretty sure it was seeing mortal kombat 1 in the arcades then supermariobros on the famicon then doom on the pc

no i hate it because it caters to niggers so seeing as how you like it i know youre a nigger. now get the fuck off my website before i dox you bitch

>hating a site with such great passion that you never been on

also this but for me was reading the names of the items

I dont know why, but I was excited and frightened at the same time before jumping into one of those pictures( I was a kid, scared of almost everything). I remember the fish in the giant world for example, I was so fucking scared I had to force my friend to play that level

Smelling the sewer when I pass by an open manhole is enough to tell me I don't want to hang out down there, user.

>look guiz im so cool and edgy cause i said n***er XD

Grow up

please be bait

This fucker, most frightening monster I've come across as a kid

>posts tumblrtale

Youre worse than a redditor

this is actually my theory on why Sup Forums is so edgy and hate everything.

Sup Forums is a place where everyone who got downvoted to hell or banned gather. that could explain why most people here hate reddit so much. also Sup Forums seem to hate anime which is something that really weird for Sup Forums user. so i conclude that 80% of Sup Forums made of reddit refugee

>memeing this hard

fuck off you nigger loving cuck

>lel shit analogy

Every fucking time

First wow moment in gaming was the fucking ps1 metal gear solids story, that and psycho mantis.

Being like 8 years old and trying to understand the mgs story was mind blowing as fuck even though i didn't understand fuck all

I tried to play this but got bored in the first hour, is there any other game like this but better?

What can I say? It's always the first thing in mind when someone mentions reddit.

It's one of the earliest I remember.

Thinking something like "how can they get the game to look so good?"

The only other thing I can think of earlier is something simple like Bowser's clown-copter zooming towards the screen in SMW. WOAH HOW DOES IT DO THAT?!?!?

No, Sup Forums had its own awful, cancerous, endearing character before Reddit got popular with you toddlers.

>every thing about this post

>avoiding saying nigger even in discussion of the word

Grow a dick pls

>first own PC
>install DOOM 0.99 Shareware

You know nothing about reddit retard, you are literally just a bandwagon hating hipster

let this be further proof that all social justice warriors need to be exterminated

Nothing aside from namefaggotry anc censorship.

You and your imagined website war is what is wrong with Sup Forums. No one cared 5 years ago. But Sup Forums's popularity brought faggots like you along.

I miss when Sup Forums was still seen as some lame super secret club and the average poster wasn't so insecure about other websites.

Go back to your hugbox sub, faggot. Here be dragons, and worse - people that disagree with you.

>find out about DOOM Editing Utilites (DEU)
>Let's create SCHOOL.WAD!

i guarantee that youve been here for less than a year

this is surprisingly spot on

>Here be dragons, and worse - people that disagree with you.

Yet here you are mad that I disagree with you

First time sailing in wind waker


First time playing a 3D game

Jumping that high...damn. I was 5 or 6.

>these people need to be exterminated cause they care for their fellow man


They have accounts with usernames, are considerate of others to the extent they self filter what they say, and discuss things like normal people irl would and or on other parts of the net.

Basically all the reasons we discuss things here instead

Dude, either you we're never on Sup Forums when you where on other parts of Sup Forums or you're just blowing shit out your ass.

Sup Forums has always cared about other people coming in. Hell, it used to be virulently pissed off about intrasite posters leaking in, not even mentioning how long its shit on FAQS, Gaf, reddit, et cetera.

Reddit really has it's problems though. A couple of years ago I got banned from posting on the celebs subreddit because I made a comment saying Scarlett Johanson's tits weren't as great as everyone thinks they are, then I got downvoted to hell and everyone got all offended and started shit talking me. I replied to several of the comments with "why are you so offended?" and that got me banned.

In the Toy Story 2 game, when you went into first person view, you could see Buzz's face in the reflection. Back then that really did wow me, as minor as that was.

Shitty singers.

Uh oh. NOW you've done it.

Mad? No, I just call you a stupid nigger and move on.

Fuck OP being underage

Post your best "Wow" of 2016

No not a trailer

Pic related

Not my first 3D game. It was literally a slideshow

where did you learn to pick out 3D games

My first "wow" gaming moment.

>No one cared 5 years ago
What is 9gag?

>No one cared 5 years ago
Yes they did. It was one of the most common slurs on this site, second only to 'fag' and variations.
Fuck off newfag.

Witcher 3

Getting sent to the Dark World on Link to the Past. I thought I beat the game.

I had only played Atari games before. Everything from the visuals to the music just captivated me.

>Nothing aside from namefaggotry anc censorship.
>unironically thinking the vote system is okay

>I miss when Sup Forums was still seen as some lame super secret club and the average poster wasn't so insecure about other websites.
Yeah, 2007 was a good year.

>defending an ego fueled hivemind where discussion is either conform to popular opinion or get harassed and shunned

Playing Riven for the first time and thinking "HOLY SHIT IT'S SO PHOTOREALISTIC"

>No one cared 5 years ago.

2011 was the time when ironic shitposting was at its peak, and Sup Forums was flooded with "LE EPIC MAYMAY JUST LIKE LE REDDIT AMIRITE XDDD" posts.

>where discussion is either conform to popular opinion or get harassed and shunned

That's a problem on this site as well, because opinions that aren't popular here just get "Great bait m8" and "Here's your (You)".

Everything about the site design encourages people to circlejerk.
Posts are hidden by default if just 5 people decide to downvote it.
99% of the moderation is done by volunteers with zero oversight.
Reports are anonymous and there is no consequence for abusing the write in report option.
There's an official subreddit where any user can go and request mod privileges on any subreddit whose moderators are not currently active.
Some subreddits have bots that automtically ban you if you post in a different subreddit that their mods don't like.
You can register an (apparently, I haven't looked it up to be sure) infinite number of accounts to a single email.
Upvotes are the primary factor in deciding what can be seen, so combined with the ability to register multiple usernames to a single email, it's piss easy for a single person to mass upvote content they want to be seen and mass downvote content they want to suppress.

Should I go on? I could probably think of a few more problems if I thought about it for a bit.

The first C&C blew my mind as a kid. Commanding armies of tanks and infantry was a childhood dream I played out with figures and toys and now I could actually challenge myself with it. Loved RTS games up until the drought hit and my interest waned.

CoH 3 when

My first Genesis game was Ecco the Dolphin and I was blown away by the amount of colors and gradients at the time. I didn't think graphics could get any better.

not at all actually. they are a cancer. they dont care for fellow man, they care about voicing their shitty opinion about how someone got called a nigger on an anime image board. actually kill yourself you emasculated cuckold

My first wow. Also the first game I ever played, the golden cartridge called out to me.


On this site your identity follows you for exactly one post.

OoT Hyrule Field probably. Playing Morrowind on Xbox was my second.

>Playing Riven for the first time and thinking "HOLY SHIT IT'S SO PHOTOREALISTIC"
You can repeat that moment with Obduction in VR.

>Playing Morrowind on Xbox was my second.

Such an amazing experience for someone that only played platformers and racing games. I remember being so fucking psyched for Oblivion that I bought a 360 just for it, played it for 20 hours, then never touched it again.

I still haven't played Skyrim.

Are you kidding, five years ago people were posing sadfrogs and that feels for days, saying things like ">tfw casuals" and crap. Reddit was shit then and is shit now, and I have no respect for individuals who go there on any basis beyond not at all.

Five yeas isn't even that long, I've been here for wayyy too long, back when I was bitching that people were newfags in 2006.

Now go back to 9gag, Reddit, Ebaumsworld, or whatever shithole you climbed out of.

whats this game about exactly?
iv never played any sega classics but iv heard about it and know its popular.

Walking past the member gate outside Falador. This was so long ago my parents actually sent a cheque to Jagex for membership and it took longer to get there than the membership lasted.

>Some subreddits have bots that automtically ban you if you post in a different subreddit that their mods don't like.
Yeah, I was starting to casually post about vidya, then people started referring to completely unrelated posts in unrelated subreddits made with that same account half a year ago.
I got the creeps, immediately deleted all posts, then the account and blocked this stalker honeypot in my router.
This site is Scientology-tier mind-fuck shit. Thank god I noticed that in time before I got doxxed.

>No one cared 5 years ago.
That's how I can tell you weren't here in 2011.

ive been on Sup Forums since 2006 and alternatively i find that reddit has its uses. for some topics and discussions it's about 100 times better than what you'll get out of Sup Forums, especially lately where half the threads devolve into political shit. at least when threads devolved back in the day it was most of the time related to video games and not "dis character has black skin fukken sjws" -312 replies

a majority of reddit is pretty shit, but there's some gems in there.

what a newfag opinion this is

Watching my aunt teach me how to beat the last level of Super Mario Bros

Crysis in 2007 on a 8800 GTX

This goddamn intro. The whole sequence with the music was just perfect. It's also one of the most memorable games I've ever played.

Not them, but I think it was the first game I played that managed to implement """"distant lands"""" decently (though now it looks like muddy garbage). I was expecting Morrowind-style fog so when I opened up the sewers is was a really positive surprise.

Most every reddit user is a shithead but you're right in that the fact that there are so many sub boards about everything means you can find good info on mildly obscure shit at times

To be fair 98% of PC gamers couldn't run Crysis on high settings even several years after its release unless you dropped some serious dosh on two GPUs.

Garrys mod physics

I set the timescale to 0.2 or something,

stacked a bunch of 1x1 phx blocks

put a dynamite in the middle

and pretty much had myself a preteen orgasm watching blocks fall apart in slow motion

I dont know why that did it for me.

Top is a failed series that ultimately bankrupt its developer. It's also a cautionary tale of avoiding catering strictly to high end PCs.

Bottom is a successful franchise that made people go insane with a simply demo section at E3.