Can female characters be intimidating?

Can female characters be intimidating?

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Thats a nice koakuma OP

Better question, can thick female characters be intimidating?

They make all my blood cower in my pee pee for safety and warmth

Not ones that are just cute anime girls, no.

Maybe like a dominatrix character or something. Ivy from Soulcalibur is pretty intimidating.

depends how big her penis is

Not the one you posted at least.

Yes, my mother for example

Even in anime they can be but not with this kind of design.

Only half of that one


Captain Phasma is pretty intimidating

How do you think you would react if put in a room with Chun-Li?

Would you feel at ease?

She's a woman.

Or how about Juri Han?

My raging boner would kill me before she could lay a feet on me.


A woman with 10/10 looks, is a high ranking police officer, and is also a beyond-world-class martial artist.

You'd just walk up to her real smooth and strike up a conversation, huh? You who posts on Sup Forums, likely in the middle of the night right now.



if you saw what she is capable of you would run screaming



what's the worst that could happen?


That was fucking hilarious.

All the anti-SJW were bitching early on because of "muh forced strong female stormtrooper captain" thinking she had some major role or something.

And in the actual movie she does jack fucking shit and immediately betrays her side and gets LITERALLY dumpstered and blown the fuck out

That's a guy

Koa is love. Koa is life.

I don't see why not

you'll get disappeared by the Chinese government

Chunnie is a commie loyalist, you know.

They'd have to be horrifyingly monstrous in appearance, but even then it's inevitable that someone will want to fuck it.

Yeah but generally in the same way a man can be intimidating. Creepy or scary is a good way to do it, look at all of those asian moves. There's also being physically imposing, which usually flies in the face of the pretty/cute females that they want to put in media, but I thought the female Raider in For Honor looked badass and intimidating when I played it this weekend.


i want to commit a crime

I want Shantotto to step on me

>those eyes


i have to admit i'm pretty scared right now

Nine is pretty damn intense


Ultimecia did nothing wrong.


i have to admit i'm pretty hard right now

i wish there was a active filia thread that i could post this in but oh well


Hard with fear, yes?


lord have mercy