When did you stop watching her streams?

When did you stop watching her streams?

For me it was when her beta orbiters became too insuferable and her started drinking the Sup Forums Koolaid.

Other urls found in this thread:


When she started begging for money.

>started drinking the Sup Forums Koolaid
Nothing like having an actual female parroting misogynistic nonsense, created by guys that never talked to a girl.

>tfw Sup Forums is always right.

Don't mention any female streamers during her streams though, or she'll threaten to kick you. She makes an exception for kaceytron though.

Go away manlet tears

She's poor as shit, Cut her some slack.

He doesn't care about her anymore. He is too busy causing drama in Youtube and gaming communities now.

>watching streamers

I know, but she only used to casually mention that she was poor, and that never affected her streams. Then she started acting over the top and airheaded for views and donations, even after the water heater fiasco when she found out she didn't have to pay a dime for a new one. She's hypocritical and obnoxious now.

Literally who?

Also, reported

I don't know who she is.

When did I ever start?

>even after the water heater fiasco

She was never begging for money. Just mentioning it. When she thought people were going to donate for that, she got really upset.

the female thirst for attention is a powerful and desperate thing

I don't understand the question.

She's something rare and precious.

A woman that is desperate enough to pay attention to Sup Forums.

She's legitimately very conservative. And Sup Forums has a decent amount of girls. Like 10-20%.

She's fucked in the head, is what she is.

She's a little nutty. And I swear she has a learning disability. She gets stuck on the lamest shit and gets frustrated to the point of crying easily.

>that never talked to a girl

All you have to do is talk to a girl, or even have a relationship with one to know that Sup Forums is right on most accounts

I don't know shit about her myself.

Seems awkwardly cute from the image. Now is somebody going to fucking tell me why she's a topic of discussion? Or even a goddamn name so I can find out for myself?


>le tranny meme

>Implying I watch e-celeb shit in the first place

where does she stream?

Did she ever get more than 40 viewers on the stream? It's so sad because she at least plays weird interesting games.


What is fucked up about that?


Nope. Averages 30-40.

InuitInua is one of the best streamers.

Shes funny and her strims are cozy

I also asked her for nudes and she gave them to me 4 free

Maybe she should get a real job.

means you're a soulless cunt and a walking failed meme.

>I also asked her for nudes and she gave them to me 4 free

No way.

Hell I'll watch it just because people seem to have a problem with it. Now that I at least know who the hell it is.

wana see?

Of fucking course. Seeing her nude is one of my life goals.

wtf did they fill the car with helium?

Not that guy but, even as a theist and don't see what's fucked up about somebody being an atheist. Honestly I don't see why it matters.

I'm poor as shit too, give me money.

Never watched her

Is she some Overwatch shitter?

Atheists only have the balls to attack white religions. They love attacking the the core of the west, they're fucking idiots. I'm talking about the tip fedora/sam harris types.

okay big boi.

here you go




Holy shit

the noise that the fire makes is nightmare fuel