This board is so full of bitterness and hostility. Let's have a positive thread

This board is so full of bitterness and hostility. Let's have a positive thread.

what's your favorite game right now and why do you like it

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off sissy boy.

do you like to dress up as a girl?

plz stop bullying me


I'm positive I'm gonna hold you down and kiss you lovingly

I'm playing Dragon's Dogma. It has a nice adventuring feel to it, though I wish it were bigger. Boss fights are legit.

why are you so mean?

Why are you such a weak fuckboi?

t-that's nice and all but what about video games?

You're a cunt.

you can play video games while I grab you and hold you tight

Uncharted 4
Survival mode is extremely fun.

I've been playing Total War:Warhammer, Etrian Odyssey IV, and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir lately. Lots of fun all around. Warhammer has been my relaxing game lately, since it's pretty comfy with lots of management and cozy underground battles as dwarfs in my current campaign. EO is more stressing.

but since I figure this topic is just for posting cute boys I know no one cares about what I just posted. Instead i'll humor the OP despite not being a gay with pic related.


It's just perfect in every way.
I want to hold this boy and snuggle him.

Is this the gay thread?

Probably Borderlands. I've been playing the first one a bunch lately and it still doesn't feel that old or boring. Never played the dlc yet either. Gonna get it soon tho

Reminder that sissy white bois are made to be BLACKED.

be my christmas present, user, after we get married I'll unwrap you

FFXV is pretty GOTY so far. Was expecting it to be the BOTC before release but now that it's out and I'm about 15 hours in, I'm having a lot of fun

literally perfect

>tfw I have done the blacking

I require more. I'm glad phytoestrogens exist.

My favourite game is reporting shit threads. Been playing hard today.
not reporting this one tho it will probably still get removed before that fart sniffing thread does

I'll save you from abuse user-kun. so I can do it myself. Lovingly of course

Dark Souls 3, because jolly cooperation is awesome.

Got Last Guardian on Sunday and I'm enjoying the shit out of it.

I finished playing CTR. I enjoyed 100%ing it for the first time, but I don't think I'd do it again.

I don't know what my favorite game is right now desu. Probably still Warcraft 3.

I want to keep playing FFX-2 but don't have motivation to do shit.

idk but can i get a source?

Just played MGSV for the first time a month ago, probably one of my favorite games from the 8th gen. The Fulton and Mother Base systems made it fun to dick around and encouraged diversions/making it harder for yourself to get a high ranked soldier. The gameplay and graphics were good too. can't rate the plot because ground zeroes was the first MGS game I played for more than 2 hours

Also because this is a QT thread, any of ya'll in Houston?

It's called reverse image search

it's only been a day since the last one

I like running a galactic empire and building space ships and micro-managing stuff.

Kantai collection

Well, gay threads always happen at night, EST. But it's more apparent recently, not that I mind.

Just a good game to mindlessly grind while listening to an audiobook

Sup Forums's been gay as fuck for years though user


When did I say it never was gay?

Stardew Valley
I like it a lot, particularly during the winter when gradually turn my stockpile of crops into jelly, pickles and beer/wine.

I really like Mafia III
because its very fun!

>stardew valley has no cute boys

>firing squad

pick two

Agreed, I like grinding in WoW when I'm watching something I can tune in and out.

While I did get this game when it first came out, TF2 is catching my interest again.

queer squad, please

>not firing queers

I bet you want queers firing in you, cakeboy

I married Abigail because she seems to have no future outside her dad's store, at least if she's with me she'll be married to a young landowner who can teach her how to git gud at vidya

Post more cuties

If we're on the topic of gay, I've been playing Rabi-Ribi lately and it's pretty great. Fun metrovania with cute characters and of course the yuri is always welcome.


Is that an actual insult?

Who're we firing at?

GG user

I'm aiming for penny, so she doesn't have to sleep in that trailer anymore. Also, I can play the game at my own pace right? I'm asking since I'm going at a slower pace than I usually do for HM/RF. And it doesn't help your character is pretty slow.

I wanna play lots of videogames like 100% orange juice with a cute white boy and have lots of nice conversations with them and cling on to them every day!

Soma bringer, the ost is top tier.

Sleep tight doggo

oh fug that's cute

Feels like it's actually a game that takes skill and having to be able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the plane you fly; as well as those of your enemies

Also takes a bit of psychology

''Where is the enemy, what is he doing, how can I confuse/trick him into putting himself into a bad position''

Assuming you're not a point and click arcade scrub ofc

100% OJ is not a game that I associate with nice conversations.

sleep tight doggo

I enjoy SMT IV: Apocalypse, the combat is fun.

How was your day, user?

i need a new steam gf (male) to talk to while im at work, please post those IDs

I was playing Neptunia Re;birth3 but I had to return my friend's controller so I'll only finish it when I can get another. Meanwhile, I am finally tackling Panzer Dragoon Saga, on my Saturn. This game is seriously underrated.

How long until people start posting some sapdpanda links?

Wow this was totally not the thread I wanted, holy fuck I just jumped into a fag fest

ok good luck scrubs

Yeah you can generally play at your own pace, all the bachelor(ettes) remain available until you woo them, the shops get better items as the seasons/years pass so after a while you can just buy the materials you need for making artisan goods, in particular once Cliff starts selling ores yoh actually need like iron and gold.
I basically used blueberies and cranberries to bankroll my brewery/winery venture.

Unless this is false-flagging

>talking down to others



I'm not understanding where the problem with F2P games is

Are you going to call me a poorfag?
Are you going to say it's P2W?

If you chose 2, you're just need to git gud really

I have no idea what's going on here but I'm playing Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D.

Rebecca and Claire's melee are the worst but Rebecca has this overpowered move for Super Salvador on levels with him.

Chill out user this isn't entirely gay, I actually appreciate your insightful post.
Also another user and I were discussing how we romanced women into the farmers life in Stardew Valley, thats pretty heterosexual.

As much as I would like to, I need to stay loyal to my bf

F2P games are all garbage and everyone who plays them ends up regretting it in the end.

It will happen to you.

It's a g/a/y thread being derailed by decent anons who just want to talk about what they played today.
I welcome it in an odd way, they're too bet/a/ too tell us to leave their circlejerk so we're just left with a semi-comfy honest vidya thread.

It's a multiplayer only genre with fast-tracks for players with bigger wallets and generally piss-poor balance. There's obviously little narrative, or any cutting edge features. It's just an endless online arena against a community made up of twats.

Maybe War Thunder actually has really deep and enjoyable gameplay mechanics, but at the same time I don't really see the appeal outside of this. And if the game is only good because of its combat, then wouldn't it be better in a non-F2P game?

lol fucking poofter.

The games provide good cover. And I don't mind the game discussion.

we could just be friends you know..


Post FESTIVE cuties

> he doesn't give his best bro a brojob

Night night qt's

>pic related

I like how it's so open to modding and how even someone like me could probably make a decent module.

That is one comfy puppy.

None right now. My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's in June, my dad got laid off last month, my cat of 18 years had to be put down today, my brother is a deadbeat 27-year-old that still lives with my parents, I'm overweight, simultaneously over and under-educated, probably have a lot of undiagnosed mental issues in addition to my depression, and mostly I just want to kill myself.

Why/How is Gladio so photogenic? Even the game comments on it, he's perfect in every single on of Prompto's photos. I ain't even gay, I just noticed he never gets a bad shot. Meanwhile, Noctis gets giant bags under his eyes and has a huge hooked nose and Prompto is just.... you know, kind of ugly. Ignis is usually alright but gets all the weird photos with stupid poses and stuff.

How is it? I hear it's super short or something. I'm expecting it it to be infuriating while you play like Team Ico's other games but the second you put the controller down you somehow had a lot of fun.

Was there yuri in that? I don't recall at all.

It's still great fun with friends though. I play it with a deaf friend and we get really into it with lots of shit talking to each other and stuff. I will 100% never get tired of making her mad in this game

Why do ya need a controller? A keyboard is fine, right? It's a JRPG after all, it's not like you need to press buttons fast.

you just wanted a gay thread didnt you? fuck i hate fags.

also worms Armageddon

Got back into Sacred 2.
It's a pain in the ass to get running on modern systems, but I think it was worth it.

>get user to mail me dick pics through one of these threads
>it's mouth-wateringly incredible
>post pics in return
>he thinks I'm cute and my ass is great
It's happening anons aaaaa
My favorite game right now is Pokemon Moon because leveling up mons and filling my dex is so addictive

Dragons Dogma Online
The wind is pushing me all over again, this time with warrior being good and Alchemist existing. Can't wait until I unlock spirit lancer. New big monsters are pretty sweet too.

I'm enjoying the RE7 demo at the moment. Probably gonna buy it day 1.
Other than that, the usual roguelike shenanigans

Loving Pokemon Sun, I don't know why I like it so much.

Got a Sandshrew? I'll trade ya a Vulpix for it.

>tfw no friend that could cling onto me every day

It's boring to just play games by yourself in silence everyday.

Unfortunately no, the Sandshrew and Vulpix lines are two of the few that I'm missing.

NWN, baby. I just hit level 14 and the game is actually getting fun now. I actually feel like a lone adventurer in a quest to acquire ALL THE GOLD like some kind of tiny bipedal dragon. I almost dropped it too.

Nuclear Throne is still pretty fun, despite the occasional bullshit deaths.

That's a shame. Maybe I enjoy this game more because it's the one I got serious about trading with? Wonder Trade is pretty fun too, you never know what you're going to get.

Overwatch I suppose? It's something I can play quick every now and then to a satisfying extent because work has become really busy during the holiday season for any games really.