Dude le 1 hit kill from anywhere with no counter lmao

>dude le 1 hit kill from anywhere with no counter lmao


>dude le remake this thread every day lmao

>dude le remake this thread every day lmao


slow reload
slow rate of fire
high price

sorry you suck at CSgo and life, but the AWP isnt OP


>no counter

explain this then

implying you don't just get shot when you step out of the smoke?

Then don't fuck it up

>Implying OP can shoot for shit he obviously wants the shield back

>dude le remake this thread every day lmao

Sorry, if a gun is most effectively countered by itself, it probably isn't as balanced as you think. It's not going to stop people from playing the game or anything though.

This thing was so much fun for doing stupid shit.

>boxing people in
>stacking in corners
>the phalanx strat
>getting awped in the toe when it clipped through the shield

This should only really work though if you know there's a sniper in the first place, or you throw it everywhere always or in spaces where you're more likely to get sniped. Which is generally unreasonable
That being said I don't play csgo or multiplayer gamer ever

>This should only really work though if you know there's a sniper in the first place
There is not a whole lot of places on each map where AWP is effective and a full team can have as many as 5 smokes!

DMG detected

Literal fucking retards

Then unless you make sure those areas are always covered by smokes you'll be instakilled.
Throw them there sure, but that's a totally different argument than that there's a sure fire counter for snipers.

Shit I'm kinda drunk and a little anxious, did you agree with me? Then yeah man

It'd be pretty stupid if any counter there was was guaranteed to work.

>Then unless you make sure those areas are always covered by smokes you'll be instakilled.
Uh, no? Your goal in CS as a T is to capture a bombsite and plant the bomb. You goal as a CT is to stop Ts. As a T, after you've taken a bombsite, you can position yourself in a way that completely counters the AWPs - these guns are not good on retakes, they're a very strong defensive weapon. As a CT, you can position yourself in close combat positions as well.

If you want to bitch about something bitch about the idiocy that a hit in the foot is a kill too. DoD did it right, only chest and head are 100 damage.
But then again CS sucks dicks since it's on a different engine anyway.

Guaranteed isn't the right word. Ideally the more skilled player should win the vast majority of the time. The problem is more just getting killed out of nowhere for a reason that can't be accounted for beforehand in a reasonable way (by reasonable I don't mean "if I walk here I should probably die"). It is incredibly frustrating, especially for new players to just get killed in one hit by a player you didn't even see

you can counter it with almost any gun, but apparently you suck too much to realize that

>a hit in the foot is a kill too
It's not. An arm shot is a kill, though.

As I said I don't play csgo. Can you rephrase that?

Please learn to read before you humiliate yourself. Key words are "most" and "effective".

Just stop playing COD then user

I think I explained it clearly enough for somebody who doesn't play the game. AWP has low rate of fire, you move slower when it's equipped, you move twice slower when scoped, at close range a person with an automatic weapon will have an advantage, smokes and flashes can be used to force close range. It's not a Quake 3 railgun where you can jump around and land perfectly accurate shots.

you humiliate yourself by making this thread every day

Basically he's saying it's only really strong defensively. At the start of a round the counter-terrorists have to defend two points and if the terrorists capture one of them they need to attack it. The terrorists need to successfully attack before they can defend.

It's really strong, but it's only really strong half the time.

The fact that you can't come back from such a fucking embarrassment without pretending that I'm the OP is hilarious.

Ah cool. Just got that t means terrorist and CT means counter terrorist, was kinda daunting speaking in acronyms like that
It seems that you're mostly talking about covering the spaces in the map where the bomb or flag positions on other games would be which is reasonable. I would imagine though that not everybody killed by a sniper would be located at such important locations tho
I'm just speaking from my experiences in tf2 and such getting killed instantly even though I didn't make any mistakes completely turned me off from competitive shooters. Since you're probably still playing any should speak to the fact that you've been killed in bullshit ways before but decided to keep playing anyway and got good or whatever but I dont see the fun in it
I'm gonna stick to so single player stuff in any case

That's fair enough

you just gotta have fun


>such getting killed instantly even though I didn't make any mistakes
If you didn't make any mistakes then you probably wouldn't have gotten killed.

>the idiocy that a hit in the foot is a kill too.
Why do you bitch about games you don't play and know nothing about?

>Another AWP
>Aiming better
>Getting close
>Gitting gud

dont get hit in the first place lmao

nice silver plays

>Lol this dude doesn't have a mic but he got a music kit
Really makes you think

i'm GN3. either way, it was casual

Not OP but I do want it back.


is insurgency also source based?

ye but it arguably better

>Bad rate of fire
>Long reloads
>Extreme cost
>Low kill reward
>Low movement speed when in use
>Countered by a $300 smoke grenade

It's also not a one hit kill in the legs fagola