What is your favorite game based solely off of gameplay?
What is your favorite game based solely off of gameplay?
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Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Sigma 2
3 Razor's Edge
Dead or Alive 5
There is no story, it's just a pile of vaugly connected stuff happening , but the gameplay is enjoyable, there's a kinda whimsical energy that most games lack
>Overpowerd dominatrix witch with guns on every limb
I like platformer with crazy mobility, and Megaman X is my all time favorite game, but I think the Megaman Zero games are a little bit better in that department, so Megaman Zero 3 I guess.
bayonetta 1 and 2 are pretty much the only games where I skipped the cutscenes during my first playthrough.
i just didnt give a fuck. gameplay is top notch though.
Couldn't get into Bayo. I kept thinking "Are they seriously trying to sell this dominatrix witch persona on me?" It takes itself too serious.
"PLEASE think our character is cool!"
Zone of the enders 2.
>He doesn't play bayonetta for the lore
There is a story, but it's one of those stories froma CUHRAZE genre.
Long story short, through a convoluted time loop, an outcast witch inspires her past self to become more confident of who she is, and becomes a plotpoint. The narrative you're given involves stealing gem-stones.
Second game is save your bff from hell.
There's a lot of feminine themes on being who you are and not giving a fuck about standards
Bayonetta is just a fun character to watch anyways, 10/10, not even in the sexy way, she's just classy as hell.
She's supposed to be sexy as it's a Japanese game and there's such thing as ironicly sexy in Japan, in the west she comes off completely ridiculous and almost funny, which is half the entertainment IMO
>Not playing it just to see Bayonetta in action
She's a good example of an interesting female character. She relies on Sex appeal, but she's a mature woman with high society tastes. She's honestly a more realistic woman - if you take out the supernatural stuff, of course. I've met people like her, or have some of her aspects (I come from a filthy Bougie high-middle class family) so, it's pretty fucking neato
No such thing *
no i dont. did you not read what i said?
>there are people who prefer 2 to 1
I usually enjoy reading the lore in the games, but the lore books in Bayonetta 1 and 2 were snorefests.
>Here lays an ancient statue
>Something something umbra witches and lumen sages
>Here lays temple of whatever,
>Something something umbra witches and lumen sages maybe have been involved but we will never know
Every entry was like this and after a couple of em they started to blend together. Just skpped em, cutscenes are rad though
>solely off of gameplay
I assume we're talking core gameplay (like, level design and such not being part of it, though they're part of gameplay), in which case: MGR Sam DLC
I once tried to play the original and goddamn. I can understand that it was an interesting concept for it's time and all, but the sequel improved to such an extent that going back to it is basically impossible, It just feels bad. That and the 3D style of its cutscenes really made it age worse than "The 2nd Runner"'s use of anime
the gameplay flows better in 2. it's more fun
Tales of Graces.
Maybe Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Story isn't that amazing, but opening the map, setting a marker on the far side then just running for it is deeply pleasurable.
two genders
From my very limited time, I liked Transformers Devastation. Wish my Wii U was fixed so I could finish Bayo2.
>the gameplay flows better in 2
>when enemies break out of stunlock constantly, launchers don't launch, and the game is based around using witch time/UC so you're pretty much forced to use those.
1 is only better than 2 when you get to high-end gameplay, executing advanced techniques and stuff
yeah even after all that it's better than 1
it also has better enemies and bosses, and better music
The problem with 2 is that t didn't have any of the giant bosses that basically made bayo what it is
thats wrong but ok
you can't base off of, only on.
no its not
>The problem with 2 is that t didn't have any of the giant bosses that basically made bayo what it is
those were the worst parts of Bayo 1 though
is too
>He didn't enjoy precisely timing his witch time so he could defeat the angels
Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom
Specifically the levels that let you use Sandy.
>the game was built around these mechanics and the player is forced to use them
Isn't that every game ever?
Oh, that's nice. Despite what everyone says, I'm still planning to play it. Fuck the story, but it would suck if even the gameplay couldn't hold up well.
Doom. In my eyes, its gameplay is pretty damn near perfect and that's enough to keep this game going strong after twenty three years.
Nothing like blitzing through civilization at day and smashing shit at night
DMC3 with the style switcher mod
I just started Sigma, and it's pretty good. Feels a bit clunky to me, however. And I really can't see a use for any other weapon than the dragons claw/the main sword.
I am in the monastery, chapter 7.
Absolutely not. But it's better when they are, granted those features are satisfying and not annoying. Otherwise it's a pain in the ass.
Just saying. Can't speed for Bayonetta in particular, haven't played it yet.
Speak. What the fuck.
I just beat zone of the enders 1 and I've got the second game coming in the mail
I'm fucking excited, I really liked the game even if it was short, felt very barebones, and had a horrible story and voice acting
speed was better
Monster Hunter all day
By hours played on Steam, no-contest favorite is Devastation
I don't even like the Transformers series.
euro truck simulator 2
Is Sigma worth a shot then? I heard that the Sigma games were dumbed down pretty hard in comparison to the Xbox entries, so that put me off
worms Armageddon
It's the 3rd person survival horror action game of my dreams.
RE7 is looking promising as well.
>Worms Armageddon will never have the playerbase it deserves
I have no idea, I played NG:B a long time ago and I only played about 3 chapters. I have had a small bit of slowdown on my PS3, mostly when I cast certain spells. Also the extra character they added is a special kind of ass to play. Slower than the MC, and fights the same fast enemies makes a bad combination.
Monster hunter
Fuck story just hunt some monsters
Honesty, even though it isn't really the best, I really love the way the KOTOR games feel. I wish more games played like it.
This shit is the bomb
If you played them in order (which is what I should have done, I played the sequel first and was too spoiled to properly enjoy it. Although it did have it's moments) I can see why you'd like it, it's a good game.
I'm sure you'll like the sequel, though, Jehuty handles much better, I'd say the game overall is faster, and it also adds a bunch of good stuff. It's also linear, you won't be backtracking to areas like in the first one, and its thankfully longer, I was really surprised by how short the first one is. It's a nice ride. I hope you enjoy it, user
The battle mode is still there, BTW. And while not much deeper by itself, it has a good number of frames to try out. You can have some fun in it (The frames have to be found on a second playthrough before being playable, however)
Forgot to mention I don't even like turned based combat but I like the hybrid it has between turn based and real time.
>The frames have to be found on a second playthrough before being playable, however
Shadow of Mordor felt pretty decent.
Don't worry, Gillian, I found them, so you can too. Gotta say, though, some are hidden pretty well.
You can always check a guide if you can't find them, though
RE4 is a lot better
Better weapons
i think it might be jsrf on the original xbox. i have legit probably beaten that game well over 500+ times and I don't even understand why, its like i like the game but i dont think its this masterpiece or I subconciously might do idk.
I just know if you put the game on in front of me I am gonna have this forceful urge to play it
I heavily disagree. The only one that feels good in 2 are the whips and that's because they're stupid busted.
Street Fighter III.
everything about it but the gameplay, the theme/setting was awesome
The hair.
Also pic related is mine, even if it's shit by today's standards
>better enemies
The infernal demons are nice but all of the angels feel like chinese knockoffs of the ones found in 1.
>better bosses
lol, no. Flying bosses are legitimately not fun. You better not be saying that Lumen Sage is a better boss than Jeanne.
>better music
No. The only good one is Moon river and it's played like, what, twice in game? I cannot think of one Bayo 2 OST outside of Moon River, Tomorrow is Mine, and the Legend of Aesir.
>same fast enemies makes a bad combination.
counter, her counter is very powerful, also master her grab combo (forward /\/\) and her jump grab.
>dumbed down
enemy placement were changed, some sections are easier
you have more shop and save locations than black
white berserker enemies are easier because most of their attacks don't break your guard anymore
it's a sideways change at best, the worst change is that you don't start with Nunchaku on Hard and above
How the hell is Sacrifice shit by today's standards? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't think of a single game like Sacrifice, which is a fucking shame really. Imagine how amazing this kind of a game would be with current technology.
I can't give you the exact path, you just need to keep following the path of usable gates.
The one I missed for awhile was next to the merchants shop, where the clock tower is.
Go through there, and you get to a plaza area with a few areas. You can go up to a fenced area where you can wall jump. Follow the path back to above the locked gate, and there will be a switch.
Sorry these instructions are sort of shitty.
You seem knowledgeable about the games.
How can I make the other weapons useful? They all seem to pale in comparison to the main sword. Granted my main tactic is to just flying guillotine motherfuckers all day, which might not be the best.
All kinds of RTS games are considered shit today if they are not ASSFAGGOTS
good taste
Gotta be monhan for me, didnt like FU that much but 3u,4u and Gen
this is gonna sound like b8 but The Last of Us
I played Bayo 1 for the first time earlier this year and while enjoyable, it was imo too flashy for its own good. The stuff happening on screen was so fantastical, that it no longer felt like I was doing it.
Whereas in God Hand, the camera is more zoomed in, you feel every single punch, every frame feels earned.
TLoU's gameplay has a similar aspect - every hit is heavy as fuck, and everything you do is dangerous (on higher difficulties at least). The game strongly dissuades you from starting gunfights and I found myself counting shots throughout the entire game. Especially since shooting moving targets is actually hard and you end up wasting a lot of shots. Fucking up costs you every time and I love that.
Dmc4. No contest.
KF 2
Doom (all except 3, I didnt hate it but it wasnt as fun as the rest)
>INB4 Autistic rage because I prefer KF2 over KF 1
I know what you mean
Every hit in the last of us has a very strong impact and it feels like your fist is fucking someone up and causing chaos
Bayonetta and all those other fairy games just feel really weightless, like you press a button to attack and the game responds...but doesnt do a good enough good job at providing a response that the hit really did some damage
Don't get me wrong, I still love character action games and I understand completely the appeal of getting good at them. Bayo was just the first one where I felt a disconnect between my action and on-screen action. It also didn't help that I was playing on PS3.
For that reason, I actually like MGR more than Bayonetta even if the combat in it is inferior mechanically.
Personally I think a bit of vibration + satisfying sound effects when hitting something is the key to making a melee hit feel good
God Hand
Bayonetta 2 forcing players to use a crutch is unacceptable game design.
The game is bizarre in that it handled literally everything better than the predecessor except gameplay.
Zelda II.
EDF 4.1. might even be favorite game ever
It just feels so good to do everything in this game, moving, attacking, etc. It just all feels great.
this, theres a LOT of flaws with this game but i dont even care because its just so fucking fun to get better at
monster hunter, tightest combat mechanics there is
I don't know if anyone here played phantasy star universe but there was an immense feeling of satisfaction upon hitting enemies with melee PAs like rising strike, hurricane assault, dus majarra, gravity break, and anga jabroga. Mainly the ones that had a blowback effect
There's you problem.