What exactly is holding back video games?
What exactly is holding back video games?
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Try to render that with the rest of the gameworld.
The people who play them.
Ring a ding ding
Just did.
hipster trash nu-males devs
The laws of physics.
This. Why push the envelope when you can just play it safe, over hype with marketing, and make some bank from normies.
OPs image would have taken hours to render, the answer is hardware.
nvidia for killing the physics card industry before it ever had a chance
Only a very small percentage of the video gaming audience gives a shit enough about graphics and the underlying technology to actually pay for it when faced with the cost.
Having 2huge budgets and having to cater to massive audiences, plus obscene marketing budgets portioned from the total available development funds.
Also normies.
Then move you fat fuck
Consumers, check the steam awards nominees.
Average people want average games.
Too expensive to make for too little profit.
That doesn't look like water, though.
A lot of shit Crysis did in 2007 games are now advertising as Next gen, it's pretty funny
quit the contrary : If it wasn' t for consoles vidya would be full of shitty f2p designed for laptops.
Consoles on the other hand give a standard for the dev and pushes that standard for marketing reasons.
this is literally the only correct answer and you know its true.
Developers need money to make games
Publishers have money but won't allow developers to make games to their original intent
Finish high school before posting.
Computers are holding back video games
The most expensive high-end cpu's and gpu's you can buy right now aren't capable of doing numerous simultaneous physics simulations on-the-fly that would be needed to achieve true "realism" in games.
Forgot us whites buddy
Nvidia killed it.
consoles and peasants
this is what the Earth would look like if everyone was a PC gamer
was gonna say this, it would spark massive controversy but looking at the technology, it's just flat out true.
America whoregenders
you're both idiots
you named nationalities and races
pick one or the other
>I own a console: The post
You dont make the rules here fuck boi
how do u kill consoles?
consoles and the 95% of steamtards with shit toasters ( which is anything below 970+ OCed 2500k)
yet this is true. GTAV, TW3, etc. every fucking AAA with good graphics are designed for consoles.
On the other hand PC "exclusive" like CS GO, dota 2, WoT, have 2004 tier graphics.
Why do you think valve don't give a shit about half life 3 ? Do you wanna see the steam survey ?
Why do you think crysis went for the console audience ?
>"(((us whites)))"
No I didn't forget about you, Kike.
t. pcucks upset they have 0 games
that's a space colony
t. pcuck with a gtx 660
You think your fat ass would be accepted by them?
Sup Forums will say consoles, but if PCs are so advanced, consoles shouldn't be holding them back.
This looks like fun gameplay.
This is the correct answer. It's also the same thing that holds anything back.
Like why hasn't humanity performed more space missions to land on other planets? Money.
Technology isn't holding gaming behind, quite the opposite. What is achievable through technology is actually far ahead of video games. In fact, video games and technology are often proponents of one another.
yes they are, that's the poiint. Devs want to make games that will run on PC and console, therefore cannot make games to their full potential
Imagine if you had to run a relay race, except one person in your team is a cripple. The cripple is consoles. No matter how fast the other members of the team can run, if they have to cater to crippled dude it's gonna be a shit race.
Nope. They wanna make games for consoles, and eventually port it for that 2% PC audience with high end GPU.
>0 games worthy of PCs
Because of consoles.
the alternative however is a race with only a single contestant
what motivates him to do anything other than walk slowly towards the finish?
Devs need to focus more on making games that are fun to play rather than making cinematic "games" that are only pretty to look at
Not really
PC games usually aim for shit tier hardware anyway
good job peasant, it only took you 60 posts to wrap your puny brain around common sense
This meme is so stale.
It's this right here.
>class Entity : public Renderable : public PhysicsObj { virtual void update(); };
>Entity *Enemy = new Entity();
console users wouldn't just up and buy an expensive PC if consoles didn't exist
they'd buy a console priced PC which is even less powerful than a console, at which point they still would be catered to and absolutely nothing would change.
Stonecutters pls
CDPR : "If the consoles are not involved there is no Witcher 3 as it is. We can lay it out that simply."
Anyone that has paid for a game made in the last 5 years
There is also the alternative of relay teams composed of only healthy people. If you can't imagine a race like that happening, it's already happening between nVidia, AMD and intel.
Consumers, I guess
Not everyone wants or can afford the fanciest strongest tech, so they settle for consoles or weaker shit
PC gaming and their shitty trends that they've introduced to the world. Everything from DLC to early access and f2p mmorpgs + mobas have ruined fucking everything.
Improving on their PB. Otherwise people will eventually get bored and stop coming to watch the race.
Crytek made the same excuse with Crysis 2 & they ended up selling worse than the first one
>implying they didn't say that just to appease console plebs
only because consoles set a baseline they must stay ahead of
otherwise the competition would still happen sure, but with a vastly lower baseline
reducing the number of competitors in a market is NEVER in the consumer's benefit.
No. If consoles wouldn't exist every body would be playing on his shitty laptop shitty mobas.
The days when PC MPs games required correct hardwares (UT2004, wc3, half life...) are over.
Hell the water in HoTs is directly imported from wc3 ( a 2002 game).
The necessary processing power to do this is ridiculously huge. You could make a game that looks like this but you'd need twin Titan to run it and it would still perform below 10 FPS, if much.
When optimizing a game, simplifying effects is one of the first things you do. The water hitting the rocks on the side of your view isn't important if you're just driving by the coast, so whatever cheapest effect looks good enough at a distance is good enough.
Eventually we'll reach a point where it'll be possible to animate a scene with this level of accuracy and still retain 60 FPS, developers will do it.
because their game was shit anyway ?
Nope. They said that to appease the PC nerds who cried about downgrades.
Ballooning development costs
says the shitty devs who downgraded their games for peasants
Money. Making nothing but the best video games and hardware would be too expensive. You have to have cheaper shit in there.
not to mention, outside of dedicated physics based games, water graphics like that wouldn't even impact gameplay even in the slightest
heck, the games with the best graphics have consistently lacked in gameplay for a long period now.
yet this is these shitty devs that Sup Forums and "the master race" praise non stop. Isn't that hilarious ?
fpbp as usual
pc master race are also the only people who unironically praise valve despite them having turned into EA 2.0 ages ago
>heck, the games with the best graphics have consistently lacked in gameplay for a long period now.
The games with best graphics have always been racing games. They always look the prettiest in every gen. Look at stuff like Forza and Gran Turismo running on the XB1 and PS4, they look like PC games.
everyone keeps following the same formula, just make something actually different that follows the mechanics of the top selling games. Imagine a Monster Hunter gameplay game, set in the open world of Shadow of The Colossus or something epic like that
and usually the best racing games, gameplay wise, are those that ditch that graphic focus in favor of actually trying to change up the formula
ok not "top selling" but most impactful by far
I am serious: Your dick
Video games that we like (big budget triple A titles with heaps of mechanics and high quality graphics and interesting worlds/characters/stories) are too expensive to produce.
Therefore, publishers are more risk averse and produce safe formulaic content that's proven to work.
Sadly, this causes people to lose interest in gaming as content becomes dull and no one wants to take a risk.
I think the golden age is well and truly over. There are games from 10 years ago that look just as good as triple A titles being released today.
Games are, by dollars spent, the largest entertainment industry on the planet. They outstrip movies now by a pretty substantial margin. Games are gonna be whatever people want them to be
Nobody wants them to be anything worthwhile.
As long as people will drop $59.99+Season Pass on mediocre pig shit month after month, developers will keep squeezing them out of their assholes.
The only thing "holding back" games is the fact that they don't need to get better because you'll still spend your money.
do you have anything to back that up? because that sounds like complete bullshit.
looking better in itself is a reason to push itself. it's a marketing reason to push graphics so that you can sell a new game in the same franchise or over a rivaling company.
the big reason consoles are holding back gaming is because the act as a limitation and not a standard.
the pc market brings up it's own standards. windows is pushing new direct x versions so that games move on to newer OS. this performs arguable on a faster rate than consoles could ever do
Idiots (graphicswhores) will say consoles.
People who know whats up will say casuals.