What games have a similar atmosphere/tone as Blade Runner?

What games have a similar atmosphere/tone as Blade Runner?


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deus ex

Blade Runner.

Cops 2170: Power of Law
It's a slav tactical rpg but it's a true cyberpunk game, not just in design but in setting and plot.


Hopefully cyberpunk 2077
There are some 2d games and VNs that are cyberpunk like
va-11 hall-a
gemini rue





In the same vein, Beneath a Steel Sky and Gemini Rue.

Gemini Rue

The Blade Runner game made by Westwood.

There's a literal Blade Runner game.
>not calling it Do Andriods Dream Of Electric Sheeps

Titanfall2 Angel City

Definitely not.


That's because the movie was better than the book.

While the book had a few humors moments with the kipple, I can see the strings, and Resch telling Deckard to fuck her and then kill her the movie was just so much more than the book could ever be.

We don't need the little robot turtle or the phony department or the other silly shit going on.

The book was mediocre sci-fi, the movie was fucking masterful.

it had god tier visuals and a meme theme


>no Hard Reset
disappointed in you Sup Forums

Another world
Flashback (snes,Sega)

>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is mediocre sci-fi

Phillip K. Dick throws away in half a paragraph, every other paragraph, what most authors wish they could build an entire book on.

You are so hilariously wrong that it hurts to read. Your post in the perfect example of this very post-modern idea of everyone being an authority. You are so utterly convinced you're an expert--simply because you can make an argument at all--while you are demonstrating just how out of your depth you are at the same time. I have never seen someone so thoroughly demonstrate that they have absofuckinglutely no idea what they are talking about quite so effectively as you did with that single sentence.

You don't even realize or know the influence he's had not just on science fiction but also on modern story telling. Half the sci-fi stories you've encountered wouldn't exist if it wasn't for him. His works have been adapted into the most successful and important sci-fi movies, ever.

If you had half an inkling of how utterly stupid you sound, you would never speak again.


Not who you replied to. But that you can't come with a single solid argument as to why Do Androids Dream is better than Blade Runner is laughable. Or that you don't even write why DADOES is good on its own.

No one said that Dick was a bad sci-fi writer, or even that DADOES was bad, only that the film was better.
Which is a understandable opinion because of the foundationally vast differences between the two, not to mention the influence the film's visuals has had, not only on science fiction and film, but also contemporary design.