You have ten seconds to name a well written JRPG with a good story. If you fail to provide with a satisfactory answer...

You have ten seconds to name a well written JRPG with a good story. If you fail to provide with a satisfactory answer, you must reach enlightenment in knowing that all JRPGs are garbage.

I don't think you'd find one even if you included all the genres.


Growlanser 4


None. Chinks are inherently awful at writing.

Only after you name me a well-written video game with a good story.

I think Xenoblade tells the story it wants to tell reasonably well.

Tales of the Abyss has good character development and world building that's hindered by poor pacing/backtracking.

Kingdom Hearts on the basis on how entertaining it is by virtue of its stupidity and its ability to somehow deliver touching and emotional scenes.

But overall nothing in video games comes close to classics from other forms of art, like Great Gatsby or The Dark Knight Rises.

Star Ocean 2
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy IV
FF Tactics (it's made in Japan fuck you)

Shall I stop?

What exactly do you consider a "well written story"?
Everyone has different opinions and i don't know yours.

Give me a Western benchmark to compare to.

This. Sure, if you play it today you hate it probably, because it has the same fucking Design decisions of every JRPG from the 90s (fucking Random Encounters ever 2 Steps), but the Storytelling? If Xenogears would be a Book, it would be a highly praised classic Literature Students would analyse.

Valkyrie Profile
Suikoden 2
Dark Cloud
Parasite Eve
Radiata Stories
Lost Odyssey

just off the top of my head


OP, do you live in san fran? write a blog? like men parts inside your anal passage?

fifth post best post

>Mother 2
>Mother 3

Barkley Shut Up and Jam! Gaiden

Skies of Arcadia desu

>Dark Knight Rises

5/10, good job putting the bait at the very end, tricked me into reading your whole post, was moderately riled.

SMT I II and III are all better than your favorite game and yet have minimal story padding. Combat carries JRPGs and the only worthwhile ones are only played for their mechanics

It's about as deep as one of the worse Philip K. Dick stories.

Not saying it's a bad game, but you're vastly overstating things. This is why vidya writing will never be taken seriously.

The combat mechanics in SMT 1 and 2 involve getting yourself a good gun and status bullets.

Anything by Matsuno.

>good story
That's more difficult. I genuinely don't think can remember any right now.


Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X
Persona 3
Star Ocean III
Tales of Vesperia
Xenoblade Chronicles

Suikoden 2
What do I win?

You faggots have got to be fucking kidding me. Xenogears completely shits itself on the second disc. One of the worst endings in vidya history.

I've wanted to try out Suikoden 2 for awhile but is it really worth my time? Do i have to finish the first game in order to play the second one?

It's honestly unnecessary but why wouldn't you go finish Suikoden 1 first anyways? They're both great games.

>the most important thing in this videogame is the story
Because of course open world wrpgs have such a strong story right?

Valkyrie Profile
Valkyrie Profile 2
Xeno 3
Odin Sphere
Valkyria 3
Chrono Trigger
Radiant Historia
Lost Oddysey
Drakengard 3
Advance War
Ring of Red
Infinite Space

JRPG's take up alot of time to finish, so i'd like to focus on finishing the better one of them both. I've heard alot more good things about Suikoden 2 in comparison to the first game.

Lost Odyssey :1000 Years of Dreams
Vagrant Story
Tactics Ogre: LUCT

>Xeno 3

Worst thing I've read in a while.

Spec Ops The Line

Why would Neogaf hate on JRPGs? Sony has always been the largest JRPG supporter.

>all JRPGs are garbage

I already know this.

philip k dick is shit though lol
xenogears is shit and whatever games you think is good is doubly terrible. literally kys fa.m

First Suikoden is about 25 hours if you go for all characters. 2nd one looking at 40 hours. its not necessary but a few characters from 1 reappear and it really makes those moments better. if anything important a save file from 1 to get an extra arc.

>Xeno 3
its literally our world history rebuilding and destroying all throughout time immemorial , nothing but resets. You dont like realism i take it user?

>control+f "Terranigma"

Really guys?

Only a retard would say "Xeno 3"

It's not a series. First time I've ever seen anyone autistic enough to say that.

Trails in the Sky the 3rd

Super mario 3