Why dose hardware even matter?

You already have PC's and PS4's for AAA games. The Switch's hardware is literally perfect price-wise and it'll sit nicely along side a PC or PS4.

Nintendo games aren't built around cutting edge technology anyway and people are forgetting Switch has access to the entire handheld market as well. It'll have BC with wiiU, wii, gamecube and VC with N64, SNES and NES games.

It's a fucking dream handheld hybrid device. You can't prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because the only reason im going to get one is if
1. It gets MH
2. It doesnt look like shit

Otherwise I might as well own one of the many other Nintendo products that have MH anyway

It's more powerful than a wiiU and if optimized for MH cannot look like shit unless they intentionally tried.

MH, Pokemon alone is enough to buy the Switch not to mention level-5 support, a XCX and Bravely sequel or the other metric fuck on of ip on the 3DS that can see sequels on the Switch. All with TV out should you desire it.

People are making a fuss over hardware but it's almost completely irrelevant.

>its going to look good because [no reasons]
Yeah no ill wait

>It'll have BC with wiiU, wii, gamecube
But it doesn't. No disc reader.

Coming off literally a gen where the Wii U got your shit pushed in so hard it made Hillary Clintons defeat to Trump look less embarrasing and honestly sat here talking about why hardware doesn't matter

Why don't Nintendrones ever learn? I mean what's the excuse going to be if the Switch fails as well?

because they need 3rd party support and companies are either gonna have to make entirely new games for it or put in extra man time and do hard downgrades for the games. itll be the wii u all over again.

No one plays handhelds

How often do you go out and see people on their ds or vita

Literally never

And for an in-house console the other two are far better options and value

To be fair if they managed to make MH on psp look good, chances are they might succeed here.
That being said you're right, to wait and see is the correct approach here.

Because the only thing saving it from being a Wii U 2.0 is the install base. Large install base = lots of games to play.

In order to attain that, Switch needs all the normie AAA titles from 3rd party devs. And in order to get THOSE, it needs competitive hardware. Perhaps not AS powerful as PS4, but Defo on the same tier.

With fucking Maxwell, Switch is a miserable piece of shit that won't be getting much 3rd party support, and as a result will sell as poorly as the Wii U, which in turn will mean Nintendo will rush mediocre games out for it, and then drop it halfway into its cycle again burning its fan base yet again.

This is why hardware matters.

>>With fucking Maxwell, Switch is a miserable piece of shit that won't be getting much 3rd party support,

3DS was even worse but what happened? Third parties flocked to it and it got tons and tons of games. Many develoeprs want to make AA games aswell

>Switch needs all the normie AAA titles from 3rd party devs
no it doesn't retard i already told you

That's what I don't get about most of the shit posting. There are still people, after the Wii, that think Nintendo should cater to the low-powered PC audience and create hardware that will play the same shit every other platform can. I own Nintendo consoles to play exclusives, just like I own Sony consoles to play theirs, and I have a PC for everything else.

It just comes down to poorfags and fanboys, one cannot afford more than 1 platform, so shit post all over the one(s) they cannot get or they're the group that thinks their company of choice is going to blow them for defending them.

Objectively true.

I llike to think a lot of the zelda shitposting is just getting back to the people who fell for the original bullshots of botw and made endless threads about how nintendo was superior to everything. It's still fucking dumb but I can kind of understand why people are doing it. I think this happens for pretty much every flavor of the month release on every platform.

There's always voices of reason like you and OP but it just gets drowned under console war never ever etc shitposting.


Not really, handheld market is dying. And its library and sales are miserable compared to the DS and PSP. 3rd party devs didn't "flock" to it, they jumped onboard once it had a sizeable install base, which only happened halfway into its cycle after a price cut and aggressive marketing to revive the damn thing, as it was headed the way of the Vita.

How many fucking times do I have to post this image till you Fucks get it through your head btw?

What did you tell me? That was the first post I made ITT. And yes, yes it does. Good luck getting any worthwhile games outside of the usual Nintendo stuff without 3rd party support.

muh charts

Sourced charts by industry analysts carry a lot more weight than the hopes and dreams of deluded fanboys.

>it made Hillary Clintons defeat to Trump look less embarrasing
Well yeah any degree of actual underperformance will look bad compared to getting the most votes in an election

so you would rather choose bad graphics over good graphics when they gameplay is the same
you'd rather have the game on the bottom than the one on top

m-m-muh charts :(

>Good luck getting any worthwhile games outside of the usual Nintendo stuff without 3rd party support.
Counterpoint: what retard wants to play a 3rd party multiplatform game on a console, especially a handheld one?

Legend of Zelda: Fog of the Discoloration

Have they officially said what the price of the switch is going to be? Or what the launch lineup is?

I remember when the footage on top was revealed. All those fucking threads by people who failed to understand the end product would look nothing like the bullshots.

Nothing till January.

All the people hyped over Skyrim coming to Wii U.

Also, all the best games on any Nintendo platform have been 3rd party exclusives, barring the GBC, NES, and N64.

But the DS library was great for example, because the DS had tons of 3rd party support.

>Coming to Switch*

Even if Nintendo get all AAA support as possible people will rarely buy on it by pure peer pressure.

Why buy on it when their friends have it on other consoles?

yeah and what makes you think the switch that is replacing the 3DS as well as wii u wont get 3rd party exclusives

Only candidate in history to lose more Electoral votes lel

No. Every MH game now must have CURRENT YEAR grafics like MH Online.

This, and the fact that it's UNDERCLOCKED Maxwell and not Pascal, thereby making it horribly underpowered, compared to phones and tablets already in the market right now.

You can get a better gaming experience than the Switch by buying a $500 tablet, installing Steam and Dolphin, and plugging in a Bluetooth controller.

And yeah, casuals don't care about that, but casuals also don't care about the Switch when they have their iPhone.

So with no install base outside of Nintendo loyalists, why would most 3rd party devs bother to make games that no one will play. Esp since Nintendo loyalists only care about Nintendo games. Most 3rd party devs that made exclusives for the Wii learned that the hard way, like Vanillaware and Grasshopper Manufacture for example.

You'll probably have a couple devs here and there make exclusives for the Switch like Plat Games, and Atlus, but overall, it's gonna be the Wii U 2.0 in terms of library.

Without a sizeable install base of gamers, the Switch is a net negative for any 3rd party dev willing to publish for it, esp when PS4 is such an open platform with a massive base.

I don't know much about MH Online but how are you expecting CURRENT YEAR graphics on the hardware restrictions of a nintendo console?
And I still think the psp MHs have kept up well.


Why are you expecting current year MH to be on Switch? That's the same mistake people did with Vita.

I'm not expecting anything, I thought the conversation was about whether MH on the Switch would look good.

>You can get a better gaming experience than the Switch by buying a $500 tablet

Do you not remember what PS3 launch was like, to say something like this? Not to mention that the vasy majority of people who have actually bought a tablet doesn't even know what Steam is, let alone Dolphin.

Hell, most would be somewhat challenged already just by trying to sync a controller to the damn thing.

Fucking retard. Even some PS2 games still look good today at 1080p.

>muh hardware

Literally doesn't matter unless the developers are shit or obsessed with huge pointless open worlds.

Lower picture isn't captured properly and ignores TV settings. Also very old.

Switch version will look more like this.

Stop shitposting and grow up.

>You already have PC's
>and PS4's for AAA games
lol no, i'm not a child that lives on marketing hype and pays to use my own internet
handhelds are for normies and ultra casual comfy memers, they're no better than the mobile market

>those trees
>that pig
>the leaves
>the draw distance
>the textures
Even with the vibrant colors this game still looks like shit

>better gaming experience
How come the best gaming experiences I've had have been playing DKC2 on SNES, MK64 and OoT on N64, and Halo system link on Xbox HUEG? All of those games could run on the Switch with room to spare. Yet you're telling me my hopes for fun on the Switch are pointless because of its tech specs? How do you misunderstand your own hobby so much?

Sufficiently conveying the idea the game is trying to convey is ALL that graphics are for. That's it. There are many options to do that, and pretty much none of them require photorealism and terboflops.

The issue is that if a company is going to sell new hardware it should be justifiable why you should buy it. The PS4 and Xbone had much better graphics than the 360 and PS3. The 360 and PS3 had better graphics, better online and HD support to entice people to upgrade from 6th gen.The Wii was trash hardware but it sort of justified itself with motion controls. (Although that begs the question, why didn't they use the Gamecube expansions for a motion control addon? It had fucking 3 expansions, figure it out) The Switch feels like a scam. Why would I buy a new console when these games can easily run on a new one? Sure, the Switch is mobile. That doesn't add any unique functionality to the games though. It's a mobile WiiU that might not have backwards compatibility, but will have exclusive games just because Nintendo abandoned the WiiU. Honestly I can't think of a shittier move Nintendo could make.

If you wanna buy a Nintendo machine, go right ahead. But less and less people are willing to do so with the dwindling quality of 1st party titles each gen.

There's nothing to say you won't enjoy the Switch as a Nintendo loyalist, but other people feel they have better value on consoles that offer more variety, and don't feel it's justified to pay a premium on overpriced and outdated hardware, just to play Nintendo games.

stop trying to speak for other people faggot

I don't have to, numbers speak for themselves.

>You already have PC's and PS4's for AAA games.
Exactly, no one but Nintendokiddies (only 13 million of them in the world and decreasing every year) will ever buy a Nintendo console as their main system.

People will ALWAYS get a Sony or Microsoft console or PC guaranteed 100% every single generation, and the the Switch is there as the 2nd or 3rd option, being all smelly and useless in the corner.

I don't even need to read the rest of your post. That's exactly Nintendo's problem. They are so shit they can't even compete as the main gaming machine. Account-bound save files and games, Store, Online, Storage, cross-game party chat, Multitasking, etc are generations behind the competition or STILL don't exist. It's fucking hilarious, those aren't even related to shitty hardware, Nintendo simply doesn't care about improving infrastructure and is stuck at 6th gen.

It's not "perfect price-wise". The max I'd pay for this dogshit handheld is $150, but it's probably going to launch for $300.

>You already have PC's and PS4's for AAA games

Why doesn't Nintendo compete again so I can use their console exclusively for everything? I'd happily switch to a Nintendo console, but they don't even try to get out of the kiddieshit overpriced gimmick box niche.

>that pig
that is a boar

>DUDE why is pushing the limits of visuals and graphics important for being who rely on their sense of sight?Dude why don't we still just play all games at 480p with 2D sprites LMAO.

>installing Steam and Dolphin, and plugging in a Bluetooth controller.
Hang on, I've always been woefully shit with tech knowledge.

Can tablets actually play PC games without streaming? You can just run steam natively?

There are dozens of Windows tablets with plain Intel x86 processors.

>You already have PC's and PS4's for AAA games. The Switch's hardware is literally perfect price-wise and it'll sit nicely along side a PC or PS4.

>that aesthetic

You convinced me OP no bullshit. 250 ain't a lot anyways fuck it

At one point Nintendo was at the top of the hardware ladder with the SNES / N64 and the games were just fucking amazing.

Then along came gamecube and it wasn't quite as powerful and the games were a little lackluster, some were still decent. But Wii managed to reinvigorate Nintendo with games which were genuinely fun, occasionally slightly innovative by using the wii remote and ran on hardware which was quite weak.

So people hold to the fact Nintendo can make fun games on weaker hardware but with the Wii U they really didn't use the gamepad to its full potential and made generally mediocre games some of which ran very poorly as well. The largest problem is that third parties basically stopped making games for it as well.

The company can make enjoyable games on weaker hardware but they run the risk of keeping too many third party developers out of the loop so the system might have a few quality nintendo titles but not a lot else.

B a s e d

The SHIELD is $200, so I'd probably pay $200 for this. Sure, it has Nintendo first party supports, but the SHIELD is Android so it can do anything Android can, easy emulation, and PC streaming. Actually now I really hope the Switch uses a Nintendo flavor of Android.

>. It'll have BC with wiiU, wii, gamecube
He can't be this delusional.

lol why would anyone buy a children's toy?

Now they can, yes. There are tablets with native x86 Windows. Intel felt threatened enough by ARM to invest in a mobile x86 chip.

>The Switch's hardware is literally perfect price-wise and it'll sit nicely along side a PC or PS4.
>literally perfect price-wise

I will eat your bait. No it's not, the Switch will cost 300+, it's garbage. If Nintendo would sell it around 150 bucks It would be okay.
And the denial from Nintendofags is amazing, I still remember all the threads how powerful the Switch will be and that this time Nintendo will do it. Wii U 2.0.

Use your brain cells ONE TIME:
>Nintendo says it will have AAA support
>You really think a dev will do a special port for the switch with butched graphics and new control sheme
>You really thin devs will give a fuck it will get 3-4 AAA games that will miserably fail and no one will touch it again
>You really think it's okay to release a console/handheld hybrid, while the N3DS is a new handheld and got almost NO fucking games for it

Come on dude grow the fuck up, I'm a NINTENDO FAG but this is TOO much.
I love their games. their ips, but Nintendo is by far the worst fucking console manufacturer in this world. If they wouldn't have the rights on Mario Zelda and co. NO ONE would give a fuck about them. Just shows how obselete the idea of exclusives is.

Fuck nintendo and fuck exclusives.

>my ignorance is as good as your knowledge!
So this...is the power...of nintendrones

>handheld market is dying
>lets ignore Nintendo virtually has a monopoly on it, so at worst is easy 40M units

I'm the guy you replied to.

I have a Wacom Cintiq Companion 2, which I use for drawing and 3D modelling. It's got an i7, 8 gigs of RAM, and SSD and can handle anything I throw at it. And the Companion 2, despite its specs, is a pretty shit PC, as it's a drawing tablet first, and a PC second. I'm very happy with it personally, but for example, something like the Surface Pro 5 totally blows it out of the water for gaming purposes.

Pretty much, any mobile device with an i5/i7, can run Dolphin and current gen games without much of a sweat.

That's what the Switch is up against, with last gen hardware....

Who cares one way or the other

>Then along came gamecube and it wasn't quite as powerful

It was more powerful than the PS2. You must be at least 18 to use this site.

Who cares? Nintoddlers will buy anything from Nintendo and the rest of the world will keep playing decent stuff instead. Same procedure as every year.

Graphics would be nice, but honestly only two things are needed at a bare minimum.

>Native 1080p, when docked

Having played emulators, theses two are the most important for a game to look good. Anyone with a powerful PC, knows that shadow quality are the most taxing on a GPU. I can live with shitty shadows, but for god's sake have anti-aliasing and native 1080p.

Bloodborne and generic panty waifu simulators do not make for "good games"

Shadows put more of a strain on the CPU, it's why current consoles can't into them

The only reason you buy one is if any nintendo exclusive game is good, otherwise no. I was a nintendo fan, but i abandoned the nintendo bandwagon for a while now since PC seems better when you know how to clean it and learn about PC parts. I still play old nintendo games.

hence the shit frame rate on modern consoles.

Vulkan on Switch is actually really nice. Even shitty gpus can run Doom. And lets be honest, low end pcs, are nowhere near as optimized as consoles, yet can still run doom and look good. Fox engine is another example. You don't need powerful gpus to make games look good. You need good optimization and api.

Multiplatform games
Sure, less demanding, low budget games will get Switch ports but it wont get any AAA games unless nintendo manages to sell a lot of consoles during the first few months. (so it is worth the effort porting the game to a way weaker console)
But if it doesnt, there will barely be any 3rd party support, which means less sold consoles, which means even less games.
It will either be a big success or a failure.

>calling out on shitty hardware from 10 years ago
>i-i-i-ts o-on p-purpose

fuck off shill

>lol why would anyone buy a children's toy?

He said in a Nintendo thread

What about every other game made?

See this is exactly what Nintendo fans don't seem to get. A bunch of exclusives don't sell 50 million units in 3 years. Having every type of game releasing nearly monthly regardless if it is exclusive or not does. In turn you have lots of games to choose from covering all sorts of tastes.

Why would I waste my money and time on garbage for kids and nostalgia cucks getting milked by shittendo? I am a hardcore gamer and the PC is where the action is at. I'll pick up a ps4 after it has 4 good games (2 so far: bloodborne & nioh).


>I am a hardcore gamer and the PC is where the action is at.
>I'll pick up a ps4


It came out a full two years earlier

And I was speaking relative to the Xbox

You should take your own advice

>Why dose hardware even matter?

The better question is why dose the Switch even matter and let me tell you it doesn't.

Can't believe they killed the Wii U for this.

>after it has 4 good games
He hasn't picked up the PS4

>It'll have BC with wiiU, wii, gamecube

I'm sure it will without a disc drive

Also if hardware doesn't matter then what's the point of view the switch when we have Wii U? Why not just make all these games for the Wii U instead if cutting edge tech isn't important?


You play Zelda for graphics? I'm genuinely curious cause nobody in their right mind expects a Zelda game to look cutting edge. Nintendo has always been last gen in the graphics department and most of their games go with a "stylized" art style to compensate like Windwaker.

As long as the game doesn't look like complete utter ass like those foggy screenshots that keep being brought up then who cares. The gameplay is what matters in the end and if you think it needs amazing graphics then you're probably an underageb&

I buy consoles because I hope it revives my love for video games and want to go back to the day where I'd wake up and go to bed while playing a game all day and simply enjoying it.

you assholes ruined my enthusiasm for gaming. ;_;

Yes they do, pleb.

bc the 3ds looks great

OoT and MM were some of the most technologically advanced games of the time. Sure they ran at 17fps but that's the cost of a 3d open world on 1995 hardware.

When I saw the switch reveal trailer I realized, Nintendo isn't advertising to me.

They're advertising to that 20 something year old/college normie who still wants to play games but not be a nerd (in the non-big bang theory kind of way). This is also the same market the iphone/macs are marketed toward. Think about the typical college faggot, they don't have a PC they built unless they're a compsci major or they're like me and actually know shit about computers as a hobby, they want what's in and looks cool too.

This is just an attempt to plunge back into relevancy, I mean why else has Nintendo been pushing nostalgia hard core right now? But they're doing it in the most "how do you do fellow kids" way possible and it's jarring to people who actually like video games.

I'm an idort myself, the only thing I dont have is an xbone but i have win 10 for xbone games. I want nintendo to succeed but at the rate they're going at I really do not see them lasting long and the switch is a major disappointment to me, but as I said, Nintendo does not care about the core video game player.

why do people say this
you know you could have both good graphics and gameplay if nintendo didnt cheap out and force dumb gimmicks

>But they're doing it in the most "how do you do fellow kids" way possible and it's jarring to people who actually like video games.
They heavily appealed to nostalgia in Sun+Moon ads and it worked, so I guess they figure lightning can strike twice.

Nah I just wanna play Zelda and Metroid

gonna be honest here, pokemon go had more to do with it than anything else

So where are the good current gen games

>"Why dose hardware even matter?"
-Nintoddler, December 2016

It's funny because Trump won like 85% of counties reporting votes

California was the sole reason she was ahead by popular vote

What is MH