Lets talk about the FFVIII theories.
Is it all Bullshit? Some have some decent scenes to back up the theory. But its pretty out there.
Also FFVIII thread i guess.
Lets talk about the FFVIII theories.
Is it all Bullshit? Some have some decent scenes to back up the theory. But its pretty out there.
Also FFVIII thread i guess.
>At the end of disc one, Squall and Friends face Edea on a parade float in Deling City. After the fight, when Edea seems defeated, she conjures an enormous ice shard and propels it through Squall’s chest. Squall stumbles back and falls off the platform. He sees Rinoa above, reaching to him as he falls. Squall closes his eyes and dies. The entire remaining game time, from the beginning of disc two to the second half of the ending movie, is a dream.
I unironically support the Rinoa=Artimisia theory.
>Uh huh. A dream, a fantasy, a vision, or whatever you want to call it. The “dream” is basically an extension of the “your life flashes before your eyes” concept. The entire dream takes only a matter of seconds, but for Squall is passes in real time. For Squall, it’s about the endless possibilities he could have seen realized. Squall explores the questions that were raised on the first disc but he was not able to answer in his lifetime. These questions include, but are not limited to:
>Who is the Sorceress Edea? What are her goals and motivation? Where do her powers come from? Why was Seifer in the parade with Edea when he was reported executed? Who was the girl (Ellone) that Squall and Quistis saw in the Garden training center? Who is Laguna and why did Squall, Selphie, and Zell all have the same dream about him? And, most importantly, who is Squall? Who were his parents? Why did they leave him at the orphanage? Where does he come from, and what would he have done with his life had he not died?
>Lets talk about the FFVIII theories.
Is this 2000?
Seifer is related to Odin hence why he is able to kill him
>Its [insert year]. why are we still talking about video games lmao
>implying Seifer is not Girugamesh
I thought you were supposed to make that conclusion until I found the theories on the internet that made it seem like it's just fanfic
Just seems likely to me. Her summoning Griever alone is already enough to connect her to Squall at least. And Squall gave his beloved Griever ring to her and never got it back afaik
Why is Squall so butthurt again and why is he single in kingdom hearts??
>After the encounter between Squall and Edea, Squall wakes up in a cell in the Galbadian desert prison. His first dialogue is:
‘(...Where am I? I...challenged Edea... My wound...? No wound...? How...? The Galbadian soldiers... ...We were surrounded. He was there... Seifer, leering down at me.) "Damn you, Seifer!"’
>Apparently Squall’s healthy and good-to-go. It is never again referenced directly in the entire game, nor is it ever explained what happened to his wound or how he survived. And remember, a piece of ice half as long as Squall himself went through his chest and came out the other side. This is no mere scratch that is so carelessly tossed aside. Most players seem to assume that Edea healed Squall to full health for the purpose of interrogation, but why would she? Seifer knows that Squall is no great captain from Balamb Garden. He’s no more privy to top secret information than are the other three. If Edea wanted to know more about SeeD, she should be interrogating Quistis, who’s been a SeeD for three years and who has been teaching SeeDs for one year. Squall has been a SeeD for all of two weeks. Why go through all the effort of killing him just to bring him to full health when he’s obviously a threat to her?
Thread last night wasn't enough for you?
because you are playing a shit disney game
And yet they all got shot down.
And despite it being shot down, all the stupid American pigdogs keep insisting that it is possible, be apparently their mothers never taught them to drop a subject and instead encouraged them to be the most annoying little bitches when it comes to their pet theories being disproven. You don't see the Japanese fanbase go on and on about their stupid theories like this do you?
They needed him to be a brooding loner.
I dont know. I cant read japanese. And no- they havent all been shot down you dumb fuck. Only one that was disprived by the writers was the R=U theory.
Also you seem upset about americans. Radiation side effect?
In Disgaea Ultimecia even says to Squall "Shall we dance?", the exact same line Rinoa asks Squall at the ballroom dance.
Ultimecia has black, dead wings while Rinoa has white, bright wings. Ultimecia has a summon which as the exact same name you name you give your necklace that you give to Rinoa.
Rinoa's face turns into Ultimecia in the time compression part of the ending, the exact moment she loses Squall in the earlier time loop.
Ultimecia's castle is placed right next to the orphanage and the field where Rinoa is seen in the intro.
How much more evidence do people want?
Its funny how people say FF8 was shit but we're still arguing about FF8 to this day.
Maybe because different people form different opinions?
>hes on Sup Forums this much
My favourite theory is where main character dies in the first chapter and then the main character is actually not the protagonist.
Like Tidus in FFX, Raiden() in MGS3, Ash in Pokémon.
Another favourite FF fan theory is that Jenova is an aeon/esper/gf. Which of course is cryptospeak for impregnation.
Also I'm pretty sure Aeris is a prostitute that sold her "flower" to our SOLDIER Cloud and managed to end up pregnant.
sound like a mudslime
The second half was rushed and people find symbolism where there is none.
That being said, it isn't about eight or wrong. An author's intent is not all that can be derived from a work, a story means different things to different people.
You mean dissidia?
Why is it so far fetched that he's "good-to-go?" If only potions and healing spells and phoenix downs/life magic existed in that world, right?
Those are gameplay items, you have to separate that.
>Weapons (Ultima and Omega) are of old civilization's (Cetra) remnant, where Hyne is still at war with human, hence Ultima Weapon's existence in Deep Sea Research. It also explains how Ultima contains Eden; if you see it closely, Eden's lower half is that of human's -- the lower half of Hyne that Hyne gave to humanity as a bargain.
Can someone elaborate on the Rinoa is Ultimecia theory? I've never heard of it .
Should be enough desu
I still don't understand her reasoning for the time compression.
Considering the age difference between he and Selphie and Seifer in that game, Rinoa would probably only have been a zygote.
She couldn't move on over Squall's death.
So, in your theory, did squall die and she liched him or what.
A lot of it makes sense, except squall is there.
>The entire remaining game time, from the beginning of disc two to the second half of the ending movie, is a dream.
Is this why the game gets so weird after disc one?
why's rinoa the hottest?
If a theory is not just for fun, it's pointless unless you imply and believe that it was the writers intention for it to be so desu.
RIP Monty ;_;7
Both bullshit. The story is straight forward, and you'd have to be retarded not to get it - even more so to come up with retarded theories to justify your lack of comprehension.
I'm pretty sure Squall was actually dead the whole time.
Doesn't make any sense. Ultimecia spared and imprisoned Squall because she had newly possessed Edea and wanted to interrogate SeeD members to find out why they hunt her in her time. Major plot points that tie into the overall story have already begun on disc 1 that make no sense without the missing pieces on later discs. Squall's not dead, and Rinoa is not Ultimecia. Stop believing in this bullshit.
IDK i've never been one to get into the squall is dead bullshit. although the game does get turned on it's head in the latter half. and it is intriguing that his wounds seemingly disappear and that it is never mentioned again in the game. but I've only ever played VIII twice or three times because of snooze fest disc 1
>phoenix downs
Those spells wake you up from a state of unconsciousness and invigorate you. If all party members are unconscious in the fight, it's implied they are all killed as no lasting member can rescue the others. If you let your party members die in some games and still 1 survives, the others who shoed "dead" show 1hp and just need to be healed. After the implied resting time, they are given the minimum health level.
The implication here is that Squall was killed in a brutal fashion, much like Aeris in FF7. This moment in the game was the start of his final fantasy.
>she arrives in her angel form during the song's bridge
best girl indeed
>In Disgaea Ultimecia even says to Squall "Shall we dance?", the exact same line Rinoa asks Squall at the ballroom dance.
That's called a reference, seeing as Rinoa is not in the game. Other characters also quote characters from their games. Tidus even has Wakka's weaponry, so they must be the same person, right? Dumb. I should point out that Ultimecia also reads minds and can materialize any thought using her powers.
>Ultimecia has black, dead wings while Rinoa has white, bright wings. Ultimecia has a summon which as the exact same name you name you give your necklace that you give to Rinoa.
Grasping at straws. This shows a symbolic contrast between the two, and that's it. Also, Griever does not exist in the physical world. Ultimecia Draws it from Squall's mind, and it can only exist in that state at that moment, a symbol of his determination to save the world in that final encounter. The ring is irrelevant.
>Rinoa's face turns into Ultimecia in the time compression part of the ending, the exact moment she loses Squall in the earlier time loop.
It seems that you do not understand this scene. At all. Squall is desperately trying to hold on to something in the time compression, and he loses focus. Ultimecia's image flashes, and then the death of Rinoa. He loses consciousness and would presumably have died.
>Ultimecia's castle is placed right next to the orphanage and the field where Rinoa is seen in the intro.
It's not. It's one of many portals to an unknown location.
>How much more evidence do people want?
Yeah, disregard the fact that Ultimecia's sole motivation is to escape her death. Had Rinoa and Ultimecia been the same person, there would be no story, as she would have known that her future actions are what causes SeeD to hunt her in the first place, and that her younger self was part of the group that hunted her. Memory loss doesn't apply to sorceresses. Try again.
Are you ?
The "Squall Dies" theory has been fully debunked, unfortunately. It's a pretty neat idea, but there's no basis for it.
The writers said its untrue, so its untrue.
You are a very angry person.
>how people
What people? At the time of release it received some backlash for the difficulty curve caused by junctioning magic to stats, but the fans were mostly kids and people who came into the series from FF7 back then.
The only people I know of who still insist that 8 is bad are 7 fanboys.
Why was this game so disturbing?
A shame. Both and sound like autists who can't take criticism. Gotta love autistic headcannons, you people probably think that Obama is a reptile too.
You do realize that those posts are 100% correct, and that these theories are headcanon, right?
The Adel easter egg is the most disturbing part thing about it.
>Adel only speaks three lines throughout the entire game: "What is going on?" "Where?" and "You thought I would fall for that trick?" However, on Squall's visit to the Timber TV Station, several repeating phrases display on the screen, including "IAMALIVEHERE" (I am alive here), "IWILLNEVERLETYOUFORGETABOUTME" (I will never let you forget about me), and "BRINGMEBACKTHERE" (Bring me back there). These are undoubtedly the words of Adel, whose spacebound tomb causes the worldwide radio interference down on the planet.
>“Escape into your own fantasies!
>I shall continue to dance for your world of illusions!
>I shall dance for eternity as the witch who brings you dread!
>You and I. Together, we shall create the final fantasy.
Bravo Nolan Bravo
I insist that 8 is bad! ANd it is. Every single character is absolutely bland and ignorable, squall is even more of an edgelord than Cloud was and the Story is just plain bullshit to be honest that might be on me, because I hate time travel bullshit
>plot theories
Might as well write fanfiction while you're at it. Where the readings at?
The original speech alludes to her time compression plans. No idea what the fuck the translator was smoking, especially considering Alexander O. Smith is now widely regarded as the greatest JP > EN translator in any medium.
>You and I. Together, we shall create the final fantasy.
citation needed.
>he's a full-blown retard
Take your ritalin, caffeine pills and try playing the game again. Even just reading a comprehensive plot summary is acceptable.
Well thanks, that surely answer any questions we might've had. Take a chill pill fanboy :)
Your theories are baseless, and you're a dumb motherfucker for believing in them.
I thought the flower sale thing was that everyone thought they were buying sexual favors under plausible deniability but really she was just selling them flowers to bide time.