>tfw fell for the PS4 Pro meme
Tfw fell for the PS4 Pro meme
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I dont have a PS4 and want to buy one should i go for the PS4 Pro or Ps4 what are the pros and cons?
Is it worse than the PS4?
in some games, sort of.
you get little choice over how patched games run on your Pro, so if the game targets native 4k it will usually run like shit and you can't choose to have it run at 1080p smoothly.
But they will fix the issues right?
the fundamental problem with the Pro's graphical upgrades is that Sony has strict rules in place for what is allowed and not, as opposed to on PC where any graphical setting is fair game.
For example, no multiplayer game can get a framerate upgrade on the Pro because it would be seen as an advantage.
I'm not kidding.
So the majority of games are running at 1800p upscaled to 4k with similar or worse performance than the PS4 standard/slim.
honestly i've got a titan xp gaming pc so graphics arent a massive thing for me on console, but after getting ps4 pro and trying battlefront.....it looks fucking terrible.
You can choose not to patch it. Many games come with various running options and running at a higher res then supersampling gives great AA, if worse fps.
Wasn't the Pro just an overclocked version of the normal PS4?
No, theyre running at 1800 up to 4K, stop your total bs
>You can choose not to patch it.
the problem is if you don't patch it, it will run identically to the PS4 standard version.
Considering the Pro can cost almost double that of the slim depending on your region, yes this is a big problem.
Nah, the cpu is but the gpu is new and there's a few hardware changes like power input and smaller things.
how is what I said "total bullshit"
The majority of games is 1800p upscaled to 4k, there are a few that are native 4k and there are some that are only 1440p upscaled to 4k
The cons are Sony conning you into wasting money.
Its not worth it if you already have a ps4, but well worth it over the slim if you have neither. I picked it up a week ago and only have titanfall so far but it is running amazingly on a 4k screen.
Because i read what you said wrong, saw 1080p somehow
>I picked it up a week ago and only have titanfall so far but it is running amazingly on a 4k screen.
I'd rather spend only half as much on the slim considering I want to keep it on my desk and I'm only getting it for a handful of games while I play everything else on PC.
If the Pro was just a 60fps version of the PS4 I'd buy it in a heartbeat, but that's not what consumers are getting at all.
I got one by selling my regular to a friend and spending about 100, it is noticeably better when there's a patch. I dont have 4K so am running games in higher fps mode or 1080 so its just better performance on regular ps4 graphics.
If i had to buy a new one wholesale, never. But if you find a decent deal then its worth it.
If you have a decent pc and the ps4 is for the occasional game then yeah just get the absolute cheapest. I do notice the difference and fps mode is godly but i only have one game so far that actually has that, but for a game here or there get the cheaper version, the difference isnt a huge deal at all.
I am selling my Ps4 normal to a friend for $270. I'm going to pay about $140 or so for a pro.
Is this a bad idea? I'm not poor and already got a pc
dude....... r u serious? like wtf...
>playing on console
Subhumans man.
Do you actually like the guy? Pretty fucked to charge him more than a slim costs for a used original.