Say something bad about this game
Say something bad about this game
Chalice dungeons are boring and repetitive as fuck
Well its.. I, uh, *clears throat* *raises finger and nods sagely* I believe sir, this is... I cannot do it... I cannot say anything bad about this game, it is perfect. *leans back in chair breathing heavily*
It isn't on any platforms that matter.
Build variety
This and invading is completely shit, which led to a very quick death for PvP.
*laughs heartily*
My good sir, what is this, a picture for tiny beings known as ants?!
*laughs some more*
Buttery smooth 20 fps.
Nightmare of mensis
The game takes places all night user
I thought some of the NPC questlines were a bit lacking, but that's all I can think of
It's so easy that Arin of Game Grumps could beat it.
isn't pvp just spamming vials and parry anyway
It's not Nioh
not on pc
not 1080p
spot the shitter
>terrible framerate
>lack of heavy armors and shields
>not enough weapon variety
>the dash is fucking stupid
>the "attack to regain the health you lost" mechanic is dumb AF
>""muh gore and muh super dark atmosphere xD""
>guns are less damaging than a fucking rusted sword/axe/whatever (are you fucking serious?)
>wonky hitboxes
>Chalice dungeons suck
Lack of playstyles. Builds are basically the same as any other build but you focus on doing X damage on your weapon instead of Y. Like, if I had a kirkhammer I could do an arcane build and do arcane damage. But it's pretty much the same thing as doing it with a normal strength build.
Dark Souls had more variety because not everything was a melee weapon. You had spells for example and even then spells had three different trees/varieties.
Bad performance, optimization, frame stuttering and you really feel the 30 fps
This comes from a person who only plays on the PS4 and likes the game
hitboxes and framerate
If you're a high level player, chalice dungeons become a cake walk. Why couldn't they implement ng+?
cryptic level design
talk to the window man to activate the story to get the stone to get grabbed safely by invisible man in a dead end basement who normally kills you to be transported to the imaginary land
Absolutely terrible performance which will go completely without a fix, just like Demon's Souls, because Sony paid money.
blood vial farming gets tedious
seriously i had to go back to those two fucking werevolves so many times just to get vials
I was already grabbed by Amy's Data Plan before getting the Tonsil Stone so I assumed it was a trap or I needed to get stronger to fight the giant spider thing. Never got to Nightmare Frontier until like, end game.
Its an exclusive.
the tonsil stone description tells you where to go
It's a PS4 exclusive.
How fucking terrible do you have to be at this game? Bloodborne is THE easiest of all SoulsBorne games. There is no fucking challenge, it's even more "dodge right, stab left and win" than Dark Souls. Not to mention you get way more healing items AND you can heal while moving? Plus the rally mechanic means you can just hit people to regain HP. Plus you can make more bullets using HP, which you can just rally back for infinite ammo.
Bloodborne's biggest flaw is that its piss easy, there's no fucking challenge in the game at all.
I knew where to go, I just thought I wasn't ready for it. Like, you can get access to the DLC fairly early on but you sure as fuck shouldn't do it ASAP
you wrong nigga
bloodborne is the hardest of the souls games
easiest would be dark souls 3
i died to bosses a grand total of 9 times in my dark souls 3 playthrough
i mean, you're just objectivly wrong. Bloodborne bosses are far faster and have more turn around/radial attacks
eh DaS1 is easier but i agree that main game+dlc isn't that hard. FRC chalices, on the other hand.
Too colorless
Having to go to Hunter's Dream everytime you want to do something.
Chalice Dungeons and rng drops bullshit.
Fps stuttering and some shitty filters.
Other than that it's an absolutely fantastic game and probably the best Souls-like game (I don't care much about pvp).
chalice grind is fucking terrible
Then just roll tighter to the boss. Or just parry them, which trivialities so many bosses and enemies I just stopped carrying guns to make the game harder.
can't teleport between lanterns
Chalice Dungeons
Armor Does Nothing
There are 5 weapons that are worth using
>implying Micolash is a good boss fight
Constantly drops frames
everyone who has played all the games agrees that bloodborne is the hardest
in dark souls it's way easier to completely just avoid all damage because the enemies are so slow
and magic makes the game even easier
kill all enemies before they even get close to you
Not long enough as a base game.
PVP is practically locked behind the worst grinding in the series. What a mistake.
>easiest would be Dark Souls 3
fuck that game.
why is artificial difficulty still allowed to exist in this day and age? i taught that we're over this. it just psses me off that by making a boss impossibly hard you can call it good gameplay smfh
Bad performance, beyond excessive chromatic aberration.
Dark Souls is the better RPG
Bloodborne is the better action game
debate me
forbidden woods
Visually boring and blurry.
it has dlc
exclusive to a heavy drm console
Too fucking short
I want more
Who is this Spit Bit?
>Armor does nothing
You shouldn't be wearing the armor for the physical defense but for other defenses like fire, bolt, arcane, poison, etc
>5 weapons worth using
Depends a lot of the kind of character you are making, from the top of my head I can think of at least 10 weapons worth using and each one of them is unique in how it is used.
>Implying Micolash s a good boss fight
It has amazing atmosphere and it is kinda fun. It is not a conventional fight but it is in no way a bad fight.
Why is that bad?
But spells were just a spamfest easymode.
Nightmare Frontier
That map is just the worst, holy shit.
At least its different. I never used spells until DS3 and I liked how fresh it was.
just hit things so shit
beat gascoin on my first go
casual game
darksouls is harder cause its so fucking garbage
i just cleared every chalice dungeon in 6 hours at lv 100
blood vials.
grinding in general and the complete lack of lanterns.
poison swamp made me drop the game when i really liked it and wanted to finish it
It's a ps4 exclusive.
This is a bad thing.
i don't pay for online and root chalice codes or whatever are off limits to me
Stops being hard after BSB and only gets hard again in chalice dungeons and the DLC.
Chromatic aberration
Inconsistent frames
Bad camera during boss fights
These are indisputable.
it's not on FUCKING PC so I can run it at a higher res, not have to wait on horrible load times, turn down the chromatic aberration and normal map shininess a bit, and not have to play it on my friend's PS4 whenever I'm over
Chromatic aberration
Low and inconsistent fame rate
I have the exact same gripes, but hey at least you didn't buy the console yourself just to play bb and ffxv
Shit performance, shit gameplay, shit (no) music, shit level design, shit story, shit graphics.
I have standards, sorry.
I seriously considered it for bloodborne, destiny, and now death stranding, I hate the idea though
Chalice dungeon's are fucking awful.
Rallying was a very mixed mechanic that tried to make the game aggressive but only made the combat a mashing fest with some structure of skill on pressing L2 every once in a while because the movement and combo options didn't hold up to how the game was trying to go.
Very linear, though it's impressive how it manages to mask this, so it's not really much of a negative. There's still areas which could of at least opened up earlier to a player that had enough skill, however.
Enemies don't rally with you. This creates a problem that juxtapositions the aggressive nature of the enemies as well as the aggressive nature of the player. It also doesn't make the mechanic grounded, and makes NPC fight's boring, the worst of it being the one in the church with the Crow questline. This again bends back to how movement options should be able to back this up, but it doesn't.
Backstabbing is now useless to highly situational. After years spent developing the same game, you think they'd figure out that the mechanic should focus on putting space between opposition and not damaging them as much, but then again, this is Miyazaki we're talking about.
Blood Vials were very poorly implemented. There was no reason not to just grind them out, and there wasn't a punishment for taking them in bulk. This also makes rallying less of a thing to actually take advantage of; you can just roll back and heal all your HP back without having to actually involve yourself in fighting the opposition to gain shit back. After how much people complained about the chugging in Dark Souls, you'd figure they make it unlike that, but again: Miyazaki.
Bosses sometimes got so ridiculously aggressive that it was less a fight between two people vying for control and more like watching a retarded person go ham for like 15 minutes. I don't want to watch that, I want to fight a boss, fuck.
All in all, it's still a neat game, nonetheless
I actually went and did it, I tried and enjoyed destiny but couldn't justify the prizetag on the game. Then ffxv turned out to be a trainwreck and it still costs about 70€ where I'm from.
I'm so sorry
That webm is ancient.
Literally 9/10 areas in terms of ambiance and design.
I know mate. I couldn't even bring myself to buy the game in the end.
If chalice dungeon progress and badges were saved across characters, it would save so much hassle and open tons of replayability by having access to almost every new build right from the start. I love Bloodborne but starting a specific character and knowing that they won't even be close to viable until you're over halfway through the game and get the right weapons is a real bore.
The plot is very cryptic and it's downright impossible to understand what's going on without doing some research. Don't get me wrong, I like the "show, don't tell" approach but this game takes it way too far.
Alright. For one the PvP sucks ass. Chalice dungeons aren't any fun and the game feels low on content. It was really easy to platinum it too.
But despite all this it's still my favorite game of all time. I never cared about PvP in souls games, so it sucking isn't a deal breaker for me. And the chalice dungeons were kinda fun on my first time there, I've ignored them on other characters. Before you say anything, chalice gems aren't necessary. I've completed the game multiple times, including the DLC without them. Fuck farming for those gems. The game being kinda low on content bothers me the most. Even with the expansion it feels like it ends too soon.
Yahar'gul and Nightmare of Mensis