When's the last time you saw a trip/namefag?

When's the last time you saw a trip/namefag?

i filtered them years ago


Yesterday. Why do people do that shit?


When was the last time OP was not a faggot?

Yeah, thats strange more that you mention it, since I started browsing Sup Forums there barely are any, not like on Sup Forums

When was the last time you made an apointment with Fema?

That cancer in [pic related] posts regularly here.

Just a moment ago. There are only like 2 I hadn't filtered.

I honestly don't pay attention to name fields unless someone mentions someone tripfagging

autism and here, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /fit/ they used to be everywhere. I'm glad it's over.

When Sup Forums actually had okay posts, so before the GG autism.

Which tripfags aren't?

what the fuck did they do to Bob Page

Meant to quote Question still stands.

A while, since I filter them as a matter of course, whether they're acting retarded or not. Anybody who wants to be a celebrity on Sup Forums is bound to be a cunt.

When was the last time you created that was about video games?

What the fuck is wrong with this place.

He's younger, idiot, he just looks handsome desu


>slightly different shades

Have you accepted the Jensen ark >>>>>>> Dentons yet

It's the difference between red hair and black hair, not slight at all.

maybe he sympathised with tumblr and got unnatural dies in the meantime.

But seriously you're a fag, it was never 'red'. Rather light brown or sand brown. They fixed Bob.

>Why do people do that shit?
It's a useful way of verifying your identity across multiple threads, for those who are especially or uniquely knowledgeable about a game.

That said, I can only think of three trip/nameposters that this properly applies to.