What is sex with a skeleton like, Sup Forums? How does she have breasts if she literally doesn't have any flesh?

What is sex with a skeleton like, Sup Forums? How does she have breasts if she literally doesn't have any flesh?

Also stealth Dragon Commander thread.

How CAN your waifu compare with Ophelia, Sup Forums?

The magic of wonder bra... or just magic itself.

Fact that I can't play as a skeleybro on DivOS2 is why I have no interest in playing it.

Wait, there's a new game? Does it have waifus or is it just boring shit?

I want to nut in her eye socket and watch her struggle to clean up

Not really a new game, just the first time I'm playing it. Actually pretty fun, especially when the campaign opens up to bigger strategy maps with more enemies to contend with.

I have to pick a waifu from the undead goddess, the dwarven shortstack kike, a lizard queen, and an scantily clad elf.

The elf is going in the fire.

Skeletons are always the best race to play as.

I hope the Seven gave her magic breasts I can touch.


I thought there was a new dragon commander game for a second, but it was just OS2. I couldn't even stand the first OS, only dragon commander was any good.

The skeleton is really the only choice. You don't want to fuck a kike, a boring as shit lizard, or an ELF, do you?

c-course n-not

>not picking the elf and erasing all the elven nonsense in her head

B-but how I will produce an heir? The dwarf seems the best bet in the childbearing arena, but love compels me to the skeleton lady.

Sex with a skeleton is really bare bones.


you forgot this

absolutely fantastic campaign mechanics, but i don't remember hating any RTS gameplay this much since Empire at War ground combat.

those two games represent the least amount of enjoyment i've ever experienced while playing an rts game

What about making a compromise and picking the lizard?

Elf is basiclly a teenage girl in the end. She's super childish with her whole "True love" stuff.

Lizard just wants to marry you in order to better the country. She come to love you eventually, but it's mostly for political gain in the beginning.

Dwarf marries you for money. She's pretty upfront about it. (Like, straight admits it from the start.) She hints at some MAD sex, that you two have.

Undead believes that her people are way to religious, but can't speak up for fear of retaliation. She just wants a real body so you and her can live happy. You eventually get to make the coice of killing a bunch or people and taking their skin (She ends up looking pretty, but with a shit load of stitches all over that hold the skin in place) or you can choose to have some kind of magic painter "Sculpt" her a body.

There's also the robot body option and one other that I never tried.

breasts are just bags of sand

I dated the lizard to be honest

>Has her own profession that she works
>Asks for my Council on certain matters

It was pretty nice. One of these days I should beat this game.

I better be able to fuck a dwarf as a skeleton in original sin 2.

I'm sold.

She seems like a good choice, but at the moment the lizards are so far away and I'm already on good terms with them. Maybe on another playthrough.

>came out years ago
>it's still 40 bucks

daaaaaaaamn nigga that dorf

>dem tights

other than that I'd go for the undead cause you can turn her into a vampire and that's hot


why the fuck did you spoil him you double nigger


You can't right now but it's going to be added later

how does that change her?

In the last option, she's a vampire

>no one's posted the skeleton waifu with tits from that monster girl vn yet
I'm honestly disappointed Sup Forums.

I'll drink to forget. Honestly though it's something I'm less unhappy to have be spoiled than I could be. It doesn't seem like the spoiler will take away too much from the experience of playing the game.

Lord help me if someone spoils Baldur's Gate for me. I'm playing that next, finally.

Not him but the elfs plotline is confronting her stupid isolatiobist hippie vegan turbo liberal elfin bullshit

Shes basically naive and has been conditioned her whole life

You can either be a beta cuck and let her get away with her feelings, like not eating/serving meat at a state dinner, or patiently and lovingly explain to her why that's fucking stupid and convince her to give your heathen flesheating lifestyle a try

If you go with the former it makes the elves super happy but everyone else annoyed, if you convince her to try new things and be more accepting of foreign cultures she becomes the best state waifu and boosts your popularity with EVERY race, except the elves, who get salty because you de-brainwashed her

As far as the choices go, she's the only one who actually marries you for love or for any idea of romance, but that's partially because she's a naive little pro cess living in fantasy land. Over time it becomes the real thing though. She's a choice waifu if you red pill her and statistically speaking offers the most gameplay benefits

Got pictures like this for the other waifus?

The others don't have variations.

Yeah they do. At least in outfit.

eh, I was hoping you could turn her more slutty

I cant even get this fucking game to run without crashing on my computer snymore and its still expensive.

The fuck. It's a great game, but damn.

>MORE slutty

She's already a fucking elf!

can i go all DEUS VULT in this game?

The other wives
Yes by supporting the undead

And undead wife has already been posted. Sadly the planned imp MILF wife was cut

It's great apart from the actual RTS aspects. The battles are fucking turd and not fun at all.

I wish they had gone for something different. Like maybe smaller scale and turn based, or something like mount and blade.

everyone hates elves

They should've gone full Total War rather than Total War crossed with Herzog Zwei

Or just made battle a full on Dynasty Warriors action game

Hybridizing then never works

i want to bone those bones

any mods?

Yeah, I have a secret love for hybrid games, but they really are quite turd. Some of my best vidya memories are from RTS hybrids like Spellforce.

seeing as everyone hates the rts part of the game, should i just play on normal for the politics or will playing on hard make it more fun?

The battles have to be quick to keep up with the grand strategy aspects, but as a result they do suffer. Still, having some kind of action for the battles is more important than just playing a glorified risk. It's hard to say what would have worked and still kept the game unique.

For all the flaws the game had I quite enjoyed it.

Yeah, avoid the actual gameplay as much as you can.

the actual gameplay as in the battles you fight are amazingly bad. it basically boils down to survive the initial attack and you've won.
since you are able to controll your dragonform as sort of a hero unit you are able to win even the worst scenarios. due to how incredible overpowered your dragon is and the travel time enemy units have to take, I've been able to win fights that the AI only gave me 12% winchance.

i feel like the combat should have been something like the civilisation games. as in stackable units fight over small pieces of terrain.

i think i got it for 10 or 20 bucks. got 17 hours out of it. don't feel buyers remorse but it's not like i got enough fun out of what i paid, though i remember many enjoyable moments.

Just send in a fuckton of units while you clean house as the dragon.

>i think i got it for 10 or 20 bucks. got 17 hours out of it. don't feel buyers remorse but it's not like i got enough fun out of what i paid
1€ per hour is my hallmark whether or not a game is worth it

Didn't lord Damian genocide them? Or is this a prequel or something?

>pay $10 for a game
>get 200 hours out of it
The best

that is one roasty toasty vagoo

>pay 200$ for a whore
>get 1 hour out of it

sounds good

Is the strategy part even worth playing?



It's kinda fun the first time you rampage around as a dragon

>not desecrating the pure elven princess waifu and turning her into your personal cockslave

Not my dick

They need porn of this ASAP, real girls or not.

i've always wanted to do this


coke's overrated

women on coke are fiends though, fucking awesome

You cannot have sex with a skeleton. In order to facilitate procreation in the game, the skeleton has to be given flesh.

The lizard isn't boring at all.

Chose her too. She wound up falling madly in love by the end of the game.

Have to choose the skelly desu. If I have to chosse a flesh variation I choose the patchwork one since it reminds me of Franken Fran.

I wanna FUCK Aida!

Are there any other games where you marry non-human women?

In real life, I'd hit this so hard. In a game, I'll go for a robot skeleton.

If only they made whole game about making decisions and didn't bother with RTS bullshit.

non-human non-furry?

Yeah but furry is good too, if it's something like Kemono

sadly all the girls like this I meet are so fucked in their head with insecurities they don't think they should be with someone like me

They all think I would trade them in for someone hotter at the drop of a hat. I can get a lay for a night, but never a loving relationship out of them ;_;

This. If you can't rent her tight elf vag out to improve relations with other nations, what's the point?

The more choice you have, the more the game balloons out in scope. It's easier to implement dozens of uninspired RTS levels than it is to have an important decision halfway through a game that splits everything.


harem mod when?

>buy terraria for 10$
>5 years later it's still getting massive content-adding updates and fixes
as good as it gets

>this thread

You can turn the skeleton into a filthy fleshbag if that's your thing.

Though the patrician choice is to make her a vampire.

How come the elves in D:OS 2 look like fleshy trees when elves in the setting have always looked fairly standard?

making her a vampire doesnt seem like a very deus vult thing to do

You and Imoen are Baalspawn.

There's just so much wrong with that picture

Well the skeletons love it cause now she's a "higher form of undead" and undead are the holy nation in the game.

>Holy vampires

interesting. i will allow it

so if this is a prequel what happened to all the undead in divinity:os?


Middle clothes are the best

They're there. Have churches and everything.


eww bro...

I hate that imp princess was cut. The game could have used more short stack