Claims to like video games

>claims to like video games
>doesn't speak japanese

What are you even doing here?




>claims to like video games
>doesn't speak russian

>claims to have the best party
>Jack is not the leader
baka desu senpai

nichijou > nichibros

i'm at the borderline of being enough of a fucking loser to dislike shitty dubs and localizations but not enough of one that i play enough games/read enough VNs/watch enough anime that it'd be worth spending hundreds of hours learning a language i will never use in real life

I already speak english and afrikaans, why learn another language when it serves no benefit to me?

>tokyo encounter 44 never

I like both.

Knowing Japanese is a curse. It's like a mountain you climb for years, it's hard and it sucks, but eventually you make it to the top.

But what's at the top is something words can't even describe. You look down, at the people still scurrying around at the base of the mountain, jerking off over the occasional boulder that falls their way, and they just look like fucking ants. All the people you had fun talking to, and suddenly it's like you're on an entirely different plane of existence, because they'll never understand unless they climb the mountain too.

You get everything you've ever wanted, but there's nobody to share it with.


>You get everything you've ever wanted
a couple of untranslated games and mangas?

i don't need to learn jap, the words filter is here for that. look
desu senpai

Waar woon jy?

Suid-Afrika? Namibië?

>tfw I didn't know 43 was out because it still says 42 at the top
>go there everyday and scroll all the way down to the bottom for extra misery

But there's circle jerks out there for people like you.

Ek gebruik in Zimbabwewoon, maar ek is in Australië nou

I miss the old set.

I like some Japanese games but to be honest they always seem to be designed/written at a junior high level. I'm not trying to be all "bioshock infinite was so mature xD" but I'm also not gonna pretend I can derive a lot of entertainment out of something so immature either. Not saying don't like it, enjoy what you enjoy, I just.. don't.

christ this reads a lot like Dutch

i can tell you're a newfag

But i already have Jack to be my tank, healer and dps

It is Dutch more or less. The dutch that formed the Boer Republics began to diverge from traditional Dutch because of their isolation. The sounds are similar, but the spelling and grammar are different.

wew, wanneer het jy daar uitkom? 2002?

Google translate doesn't count, weebo

>bioshock infinite was so mature xD
Please stop ridiculing this game. It was a geuinely mature classic for the ages and I wouldn't expect an unintelligent fool like yourself to understand.

2003. Ouers wou hou om vir die Wêreldbeker-kriekettoernooi kek. Hulle hou daarvan Andy Flower.
Waar kom jy vandaan?

Lol thats like saying you can't watch anime cause you don't watch Japanese with English subs.

Been here since 2008

So I guess technically, yeah.

you're right. forget what i said i'm retarded

You're a poser weeb.

Why learn Japanese when you could learn a language that actually matters, like Chinese (the Japanese copied Chinese anyway)

You're not actually watching anime when you use subs, though.

If I said that the lion king was my favorite movie, but I'd only heard about it from my uncle who described the plot to me, that doesn't mean I watched it.


Ek is mal oor krieket ook, maar ons het nie eens 'n toetsspan. Mense hoef nie naastenby so baie omgee!

>language that actually matters, like Chinese


>that actually matters
In what way?

What a ridiculous comparaison.

I don't speak the language of those who lose wars and get nuked twice

America literally lost a war to a few jungle rice niggers. I don't think you're in a position to complain.

Why not both?

>I'm too dumb to learn a second language, so I'm going to make excuses for being more insular than the japanese

Why do yhey only record like 5 episodes per year? It's bullshit. Show is comfy as fuck.

>muh 3 billion speakers

Miskien eendag, hoewel Ierland, Afghanistan en Nepal lyk asof hulle is volgende.