Is Touhou still popular?

Is Touhou still popular?

No. Soku threads died.

I wanna fuck Alice Margatroid's tits.

It's popular enough to keep getting content, while not popular enough for normies to ruin it, so perfect.

Yeah and Meiling is still shit

Could this be today's touhou thread?

that's some hot opinions user

Not even ZUN acknowledges her existence anymore

Does anyone even talk about the actual games?

I want China to sit on my face

Is Meiling still popular?

not on Sup Forums

I believe it is like a 40/60 chance per thread really

I don't understand what else there is to talk about, it genuinely confuses me. People in these threads post the girls from the games and talk about which are their favourite, but how would they even know about them unless they played the games? I don't want to believe that people save random pictures of girls from a series they never played and proceed to repost and discuss them.

Anyone have that collage image of Meiling in different moods?
I think she was nude but it's still sfw.

You've probably never heard of Touhou fan comics, have you? There are literally hundreds of them so it's very easy to get familiar with the setting and the characters without ever touching the games.

Idolmaster is the new hot meme


Touhou mainly lives on and they have a huge presence there. There's usually about 15-20 threads related to Touhou in some way.

We all 1cc cleared them like ten years ago, not much to talk about.

I actually have a no-hit clear of perfect cherry blossom and embodiment of scarlet devil

Yeah I haven't heard of them. It makes a bit more sense now

I'm gonna marry meiling!

you mean kancolle

no because kancolle is not actually a game

oh fuckoff

What? How the fuck is Kancolle a game? It's some browsershit

>fan comics
There is a bunch of official mangas and books
You can familiarize yourself with most of the shit without using games or fan materials


Despite people believing that Kancolle and the other waifufag mobile games killed it, the reality is that it's pushed away more secondaries than the people who actually play the games.

It's a game but it's a very shitty one.

You could at least start the thread with a non-shit 2hu

Oh, there are? Since when? I haven't been in touch with Touhou since Mountain of Faith so I don't know what's up these days.

I can't for the life of me understand how it got so popular.

The """game""" barely exists and the music is fucking awful

"Mĕilíng-sama is so cool!"

>Every touhou but my favorite is shit!
Every thread

>I can't for the life of me understand how it got so popular.
The fact that you can marry your shipgirl and the fact that they are all voiced is a huge factor. Otakus live on that shit.

>the music is fucking awful
I believe the music is it's strongest point but hey, each their own.

There are a bunch of acceptable 2hus
China is not one of them

This, I have a friend that is literal cancer when it comes down to this
"You play touhou now? I only know Flandre from some meme video" and such.

Touhou 15.5 got announced a week ago but we'll get a Touhou 16 announcement during Winter Comiket

Right guys?

Kancolle and granblue are new hentai doujin providers
Nobody cares about 2hu anymore

>We'll get a Touhou 16 announcement during Winter Comiket Right guys?

Go back to your containment board

Are those bullet hells?

>Sup Forums is a containment board
>Touhou is vidya
Looks like this is our home

It would make sense to release the Touhou 16 demo during the 15.5 release

They did it with 15 and 14.5

The game literally forces you to marry girls if you want to raise their level cap. Girls are voiced, greet you, tell you time etc. They also can die forever. All of this makes the player to become very attached to girls.


So Sup Forums, what are our bones telling us about the next game?

Yumemi will return


Yuuka will return


you mean granblue


looks like a dog to me

Meme secondary character

just like your favorite 2hu

Popular with my dick

Something in what Byakuren could indulge, giving us playable Nazrin

My favourite 2hu doesn't have memes and secondaires barely even know she exists

darkness sign?

>playable Nazrin

hipster faggot

Nah, she's not from EoSD

Then she must be trash

t. Marisafag


It was supplanted by girls with Revell kits for hats.



>latest achievement
>current goals

Latest achievement: Marisa A normal 1cc in DDC
Current goals: beating Nue , beating Mamizou

>>latest achievement
I finished PCB using all my bombs, lives and continues to get Maria ending B on normal 10 years ago.
Had to be my proudest gaming moment.

LoLK hard clear pointdevice without bombs

LoLK lunatic clear PD without bombs

Gensou Shoujo Taisen 4 when?

>Playable mouse before cats


>haven't heard any good remixes right after a few really good Pierrot ones

>circles are back to old as fuck games music instead

i can do with less songs about "sakura" thank you


Any good pierrot remix to share?

2hus are cute

raymoo eat burg

wich 2hu has the most punchable belly?

I completed EoSD on normal :~)

I literally started playing Touhou 4 hours ago

but dinos are not

>That spoiler

Damn nigga, have you played any other STG before?
It took me 3 months to get my first 1cc.
Pretty good job m8.

Finally captured this bitch last card
>now do it in lunaticu hur

>all this Meiling bullying

now do it in lunaticu hur

Among /jp/, yes. Considering the board is Touhou the Board.

It's probably gonna take off again once the new game comes out.

I still masturbate to Flatchoulli every day

Meiling's my second favourite 2hu and is lovely.

user must be some sort of future teller if he can quote posts that haven't been made yet!

China is cool


Where did this originate exactly? It's the most retarded term I've heard in my life and I've seen countless people pushing it over the years.

In Japan, yes it's still alive and well.
In the West it's been steadily losing popularity for years, with the only real fans being stragglers from /jp/ and other weebs.
Most people nowadays are only aware of Touhou's existence from remixed versions of its songs used in other videos and media or IOSYS remakes for other series, really. Many people technically have been exposed to Touhou but have no idea what it is.

But she cant afford burg

tfw giant meiling will never roll over and accidentally smoosh you to death under her butt

Soku threads when?

must've been a gift

>Most people nowadays are only aware of Touhou's existence from remixed versions of its songs
That's because the only good thing about Touhou is the music. A plot thinner than Super Mario, characters that have zero personality outside what fanfiction make them out to be, mediocre gameplay and laughable drawings.

It's essentially "qt girls with good music the game".