>I exclusively play japanese games
I exclusively play japanese games
Those girls have great bodies but shit faces.
>Screams internally
Focus Keishiro, you're almost there.
Your waifu is waiting for you.
Someone can post the screencap where some user wrote some shit about this picture talking about that guy in the pink shirt as a 'vr-priest'?
>he has fun doing thing
>no thats wrong
never change /vee/
i am meat........
>what happened in my life that lead to this moment
>You get to hang out with JAV stars
What's the problem here?
stop trying to justify being a weeaboo you loser
>having fun
do you forget where we are
>it's a reverse EA shill thread going against Sup Forums's point
i remember this thread
Is it real piss?
I ain't paying for some synthetic shit
>scent of girl
found the game in the signs, but its just some mobile shit? Where is the VR waifus?
game is called puzzle empires ( ぱずえん)
Thats shit perfume
>Its alright to be racist if i am having fun doing it
>have fun begin an autist
>stop calling me autistic
I bought this for a friend. Honestly you wouldn't even recognize the ever so slight shit aftersmell if you didn't know it was supposed to be there, it just smelled like generic perfume mostly.
says poop smell right there on the package
>scent of teen girl's shit, perfect repesentation
can't tell if these are actual women or mannequins
Na just japanese
Real flavour or synthesized shit?
Why are you so angry? did a weeb steal your gf and fucked her while you were watching?
God damn weaboos are fucking disgusting
they have pudgy skinnyfat bodies like most women with ""good"" "bodies"
Only the original authentic real shit there.
Localisation ruins it down here. I only buy it in its original form, just as the creator intended.
>you mad that I am such a pathetic loser?
turn off the projector, buddy.
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
>was $9.47 an hour worth my dignity?
what do girls poop smells like?
>i exclusively play western games
God Speed Nips
They're our only chance of getting sex bots since SJWs have made most of Western society cucks.
The japs are a cruel and savage people
> mad about cucks
> getting sex bots
Shut up, bratposter
>tama toys
>shit essence
I thought i missed "lol japan" threads from back in the day, now i dont miss them anymore.
I see you are a man of culture as well
like poetry
Weebs are mentally ill
and people wonder why so many japanese are virgins
>did a weeb successfully manage to get within 10 feet of another human being without being laughed at
Lmao'ing at your lack of a life
If I were you, I'd quit the game
At least they aren't barging into the wrong places. Brain problems?
Why didn't you save her, Sup Forums?
Weebs are trying to barge into the wrong place.
smells like shit m8
Are you speaking from personal experience?