>dispatch the two dremora lords, sit back and watch the show
>maybe YOU shouldn't have been here in the first place

>should of


You're right, Skyrim is bad

This thread always makes me smile

Explain this meme, please

Do you get to the cl-


play skyrim




You know how lazy Bethesda is? They can't even bother to cut audio clips from playing if the character saying them dies. You instakill someone and their long sentence keeps playing as they ragdoll on the ground. This happens in Skyrim, Fallout 4, probably Oblivion and FO3 as well. They're fucking garbage. They might have been good back in the day before other developers made ground, but their progress has completely stopped dead in it's tracks.

Skyrim belongs to the Nords


I'll have you know that there's no PUSSIIEEE


>psh, nuthin' personell, kid

shit is fo4 too

It's because they're never held accountable by the industry so they have zero incentive to improve

It' become pretty clear over the last few months that Whiterun has been infested by thoroughly malicious, racism, bigoted people. Tonight, Skyrim handed them victory. I have absolutely no interest in continuing to be a part of this country. Nords have willingly harboured and enabled a political hate-group that has spouted constant racist, xenophobic, transphobic and homophobic bigotry along with engaging in shouting and attacks on those they disagree with. Jarl did nothing about it, carring only about his own traffic and ad-revunue. For what little traffic and ad-revenue we bring this city, I'd rather not give it another coin by being involved in and contributing in any way to its continued existence.

We'll most likely set up a place for our supporters to congregate on a contry of our own at some point in the future. For now, I'm out, this city, along with this country, has become unrecognisable to me. I don't have the right to vote, I'm not a Skyrim citizen. Regardless I earned my way into this country, I had to fight to get here, while the people who just voted for its destruction just happened to be lucky enough to be dragon-born here. I have no responsibility for what just happened, but that doesn't bring any comfort to me. As well it shouldn't, we are all fucked.

Never should have pirated

(You) what. He's right.

In all honestly not supporting Ulfric makes you a fucking cuck IRL.

>attempt modding for the first time
>get 7 mods
>the game starts crashing non-stop

the people that say theyre playing with hundreds of mods are lying.

Bethesda has always been shit. Morrowind was a fluke that saved them from bankcrupty

We've been over this, he's a Thalmor double agent.

sounds like you cant read

You just ass. My last game had over 400 mods in it.

They're so lazy that after several years of having fans fix and improve their game they decided to re-release it, and instead of implementing any of those improvements they made them incompatible.

Daggerfall is better

I'm playing with this amount on a fucking laptop, not a single crash. Try harder next time.

And introduced new ones

They're lazy because they have little to no competition.

>not merging ABT optional settings and patches

Also relationship dialogue should be near the bottom of the load order.

I know youre crashing once an hour.

No matter what mods I use I can't seem to add anything interesting to do

They have no competition. No one does openworld RPG with interesting setting and very accessible mod-tools

Learn to bash, clean your masters, and order your mods correctly. Don't even bother modding Skyrim if you aren't planning to go balls deep; you'll just give yourself an unnecessary headache.

I just wanted a few mods but how the fuck do I even begin to troubleshoot when it crash completely random at random places.



By posting your fucking load order for example?

That's wrong though, when enemies die their voice clips stop and instead they go "arrrgh". At least in Special Edition.

It's not just how many mods, it's what they actually do.

Some mods are very, very poorly developed. Some mods hate each other.

what the fuck is a load order?

Being this much of a moron. The Empire is waiting to recover its forces and strike back at the Dominion, even Tullius tells you this. Ulfric is just complicating the plan and has to die.

I side with the Empire but honestly neither victory is all that good for the Thalmor, they want it to last as long as possible.

trust in based Titus Mede II

It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen. I was just playing Skyrim yesterday and I beheaded an orc who kept talking until he finished his line.

wew lads, I guess that answers our question

Empire has no reason to exist without septim dynasty at the helm. Aldmeri should just dissolve it.

I'd rather not.

The Aldmeri are literally trying to end the world. They're not bringing a new form of government or civilization. They hate living in the mortal world and they want it all to end.


He's referring to the kill moves which, for some reason, will often trigger a bark from the NPC being killed.

He's completely wrong in claiming a ragdolled NPC will finish the line but he's not wrong in the sense that the line only cuts off when the NPC ragdolls, not when they are actually killed in the scripted animation. At most it's only a second or two of delay but it's very noticeable. Pretty sure this happens in the special edition too.


And thus returning mortal souls back into their old glory. I see no reason to not support them.

It amazes me that someone gets triggered anew every time this gets posted

>republicans actually believe this

Mundus can be fun, there's no fun if all come back to being spirits.

>Wanting to return to spirits when sweet lizard pussy exists in the mortal realm

No thanks.

oh noe