Conflict GOAT Storm

This series didn't get enough love. r8 or h8 cunts?

Yup, great game.

It was pretty fucking ordinary.

Hidden and Dangerous 1/2 and Ghost Recon was always better, then Operation Flashpoint and ARMA came along.

>misuse rocket/c4
>get to a tank section where you don't have any explosives
>reset mission

Ghost recon and socom were better but it was definitely a good game. If they made a new one, i'm sure it'd be a totally new game and suck. Think homefront.

>loved Desert Storm 1 on my PS2
>never got Desert Storm 2 myself but played the demo hundreds of times and played the full game at my friends
>few years later
>Conflict Vietnam comes out
>it's shit
>lose interest in the series
>afraid of going back to Desert Storm now because it might be shit too and maybe it was only fun since I was a kid

Did it age well? Should I go torrent DS1 and DS2?

It's aged like absolute shit.

DS2 was goat

Yeah go for it. Never played vietnam but conflict 2 was better than 1 imo. You can always delete them if you dont like them.

When will we get another third person special forces game?

Sorry, my mistake. You are absolutely right.

just as well as socom has aged. ghost recon is still legit though.

The Invasion 1944 mod for Arma 2 had a few mission packs that were remakes of Hidden and Dangerous 2 missions and they were fucking awesome.

I'd have loved to seen the tech behind Mafia 1/2 used for a Hidden and Dangerous 3 though.

Did you play as the SAS/British Paratroopers?

Loved it back in the day but it probably aged poorly. Love how its one of the few games that allows you to play a role of Delta dude.

Played Global Storm or whatever the fuck it was called and that was absolutely horrible. Pic unrelated but always makes me think of when someone brings up Conflict series.


My brother and I played through every one. I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO FOLEY

I was always Foley and Jones, he was Bradley and Connors.

I thought that mod was only multiplayer?

It's both.

How's the SP? It's Arma so I'm skeptical of their ai.

>It's Arma so I'm skeptical of their ai.

lol no fucking worse than the AI in Hidden & Dangerous, and there are a ton of AI mods out their to tailor it to your liking, Zeus is pretty awesome.

This, it has aged like a smelly turd. I really enjoyed it when I first played it but now it's almost impossible to enjoy.

We are spoiled.