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I'm considering getting this game.
Is it on the playstation store? My toaster isn't good enough to emulate it and I gave away my PS2 for free
>playstation version
>My toaster isn't good enough to emulate it
It runs 1080 on pentium 2, are you using an actual true to word toaster or something?
Go get your nobel prize if that thing runs an OS
Also the game is really only worth it for the wackiness and the story, the gameplay is gutter trash
Just watch it on youtube for a smoother suda experience
well I could always order the gamcube version online since I still got my wii
Just get a $30 gamecube, memory card and copy of the game, it's easily worth it.
>reloads gun with one hand
Nigga got style
>Listening to Rave on
>This thread shows up
2nd favorite game of all time right here
So what with the ending of this game? why does Gracias crying when he open his case? Are all the member of the Smith dead forever or they can be resurrection?
So is this guy just a lunatic or he can revive people for real?
Garcian is crying because he realises that he is a fake personality created by a conditioned murdered responsible for the deaths of his allies.
He also may or may not be incredibly delusional and just imagines that transformations take place, when in reality is it just Garcian running around with all the salvaged weaponry of the killer7, thinking he's them as a way of 'resurrecting' them.
>So what with the ending of this game?
What? What's with it?
>why does Gracias crying when he open his case?
Because he's a psycho.
>Are all the member of the Smith dead forever or they can be resurrection?
Dead, Garcia killed them all, did you skip the part just before the ending when they show it?
He's just crazy and has split personality, did you even play the game to the end?
I thought Harman can revive people or something like this? also what the fuck is this?
[ 2170 ]
The final battle takes place in Detroit. Billions of "Final Smiles" fly to
Detroit from the East.
OVERDRIVE MASK De Smith--the main persona of the Fifth Smith Syndicate--
confronts the horde of "Final Smiles."
What about the ending with Harman vs kun lao? i thought he dead?
Harman and Kun Lao are gods.
They also have human avatars that can be killed.
That's about as simple as I can make it.
Just weird suda bullshit.
The nuke ending is the real one.
So all of the other personalities are not real?
The smiths?
No, he killed all of them and thinks he's all of them now, at different time, because mindbreak.
Fucking nigger bullshit
They existed at one point and were killed by Emir.
They were resurrected and now exist as part of Harman's Smith Syndicate.
Keep in mind that the game sorta depicts two different Harman's. The Harman that Emir ended up killing and resides in the room as a senile old man and a sort of godlike Harman who consults with Kun on a regular basis.
The Smith Syndicate effectively work for godlike Harman.
I think
incorrect. Garcian is a middle man for harman smith, he still takes on the killer 7 personas. didn't you guys read "Hand in killer 7" at all?
So god Harman will revive them again? because
yes, it's implied after Garcian/Emir killed the group at the end of Smiles that Mask de Smith became the new "domininate persona" and took over duties of the killer 7
You know what,not that user,but I didn't.Where can I find it?
>fighting Billions smiles
>end up by a nigger
Fucking lameass shit
May the lord smile
And the devil have mercy
So what happened with this power ranger bullshit?
power rangers were just electronic holograms created by government VR experts to assassinate people the US government didn't approve of, that's why LOVE knew who was responsible and said she woudl get revenege, it's also how the killer 7 won the time square battle: it was pre-scripted by LOVE's hacking