I'm a small Youtuber who gets sent steam keys for indie trash games, and I'm clearing out my inbox.
shit give away/christmas thread
will update as I scour my inbox
let's start with this gem
I'm a small Youtuber who gets sent steam keys for indie trash games, and I'm clearing out my inbox.
shit give away/christmas thread
will update as I scour my inbox
let's start with this gem
Other urls found in this thread:
keyfag here
found another: 2FDRM-95HJH-66EX6
Very generous user.
But there are bots that scan for keys and automatically take them.
When you post them you should remove some of the letters with an underscore or something and then say "First letter of Mario's brother" or something beside it
already taken
Will do from now on. Cheers, user.
Thanks for this one OP, I remember adding it to my wishlist a little while back.
What was it?
Letter is our favourite -igger
>this is what slowfags actually believe
So he's a *R*etard?
you didn't miss out on much, but I happen to like little indie games like this so I'm happy
Merry Christmas, user.
First 3D Final Fantasy number
first letter of pebis
you'll forever be a small youtuber if you're unwilling to shill yourself.
Let's just say "Subscribe to Jacbros"
Not Jacbros, but subscribe to him.
chuffed has two of these
Thanks, small youtuber.
Any chance of linking some of your videos?
any chance you can send something to mail OP:
[email protected]
I always slow
but I understand if you won't
I wasn't looking to shill, but fuck it, why not?
Letter is the first of a particular type of toad that likes to battle.
literally used in millisecnds
>boob thumbnail
I thought you were cool user
I might have actual autism.
Letter is turns "uck" into a fun pastime.
Hint: It's not cuck.
yeah i didn't think that through very well.
i know Sup Forums is full of retards, so the letter is "F"
This one is Q
what games are those? could you give a general idea?
Just indie trash I find in my inbox. Shit you'll have never heard of, and are probably better off not knowing their shitty names
Last letter of the alphabet
>doesn't think Vanille is bangable
Pretty good video though, I found it quite entertaining.
The codes are duplicates, OP is a fag.
I got one slowfag
do the at least have cards? I don't mind shit games as long as i can farm some cards
fuck off he is right
I got one in less than 3 seconds since posted nad it was dupe
If the codes are duplicates, blame the companies/devs sending them. Some may be years old as well, so could already be claimed.
Some do have cards. I redeemed some a month or so ago, and made a few bucks.
Letter is g
what was it?
can you send random
[email protected]
wanna see if user sis right and you are full of it
Every single code that has been posted I have got within 5 seconds, and they have all been dupes.
Commit suicide you pathetic fuck.
>32 post, 12 posters
>Every game claimed and only 1 mentioned what game it was
Fuck off you pathetic samefag, go to Reddit for your internet points.
As expected.
Basically this is what OP does: posts dupe keys to attract actual gifters so he can snatch keys
What a pathetic cunt
I meant it's already been claimed by someone else, the code came up as duplicate.
thats some next level jew shit.
Why would I spend an hour posting keys to fuck with people? I got better shit to do, fag.
First letter of Mario. Game is Castle Torgeath
this one was greedy gunz demo
are you happy autists
Just FYI, if the developers of the game choose to revoke the code (which they might well have given the context) it will come up as duplicate when you try to redeem it.
These are also just coming to me from random cunts. I don't know them, and am being cold-canvassed.
*R*etarded anons trying to derail. Game is Dungeon Souls.
>Why would I spend an hour posting keys to fuck with people? I got better shit to do, fag.
What like spend an hour posting keys to not fuck with people? What else would you do, tell me. You are just as pathetic as everyone else here, shitposting daily. But you think getting internet points makes you better and you have the need to feel popular among strangers on a Japanese sewing factory image board.
Mr "Keyfag" fucking kill yourself.
thanks for the game user
>try to spread some christmas love with shitty games
>user spergs out
Enjoy your (you).
Fucking *A*utistic piece of shit.
You're welcome, user.
Fuck off you jew, nobody fell for your shit this time. Take your duped keys, and try to lure in gifters again next time.
"Keyfag" fucking kek, you trying to get well known here? How pathetic are you?
If I wanted to get well-known, I'd be posting literally anywhere but Sup Forums, and only mentioning my shit because someone asked.
To my knowledge, none of these keys are duped. Just trying to spread some love from my inbox.
also it was either keyfag or keydaddy and given that you're all under age, i figured I'd go with fag
have another (you)
This is for "Herolike"
That was for Potato Thriller: Steamed Potato Edition
I finally managed to get one.
What the fuck is Potato Thriller?
*L*ame shit.
This is for "The Final Station"
Starting to get bored. If anyone wants me to keep going, let me know.
still lurking
nobody caresbut thta one guy with 99 alts
Or you know, just make one post and dump all the keys there. But you chose to make this shitty thread to keep it front page to attract idiots in so you would give away your dupes and maybe steal some real keys for yourself.
It didn't have to be "Keyfag" or "Keydaddy" it didn't have to be anything, but you chose a moniker to make yourself feel like you matter to someone, even these autists here.
"Oh but it's Christmas and I'm just spreading some love, I'm so nice!" No, you're are a piece of shit, who has the overwhelming urge to feel like he matters to someone for whatever reason. Sort your life out mate, you are a loser.
Wait, no, it was Herolike.
Herolike is now in my Library...
Why did it say Potato Thriller?
What the fuck is Potato Thriller?
Samefag. The keys are all dupes from the get go. Don't fall for this jewanon.
>mad kid hasn't been able to grab a single key
Stay salty m8.
I'm posting them as I find them, mate. What's the fun if I just dump an entire list of keys at once?
You've probably got a virus now.
*T*its. This is for "Beeftacular".
Thank you user.
I honestly would have liked that one. I considered getting it. Cheers anyhow user. Appreciate the keys.
What is your problem? If you don't like it just leave the thread
Maybe you'll get one of them user, but not if you spend your time posting so that you miss new keys when they come up.
Thank you, *E*rshin.
This is for "Unexplored".
Could you kindly, kill yourself my man? Are you seriously that autistic that you feel the need to let everyone know that he's handing out keys wrong because it doesn't fit your standard?
It's his keys, he doesn't care who you are either. I don't see you handing out keys so you are literally that much more useless.
Is it key you're looking for?
fuck that was reddit-tier i am sorry
"Too many activation attempts"
It cannot be forgiven.
Also Kingdom Hearts was bad after the first two games.
*A*bsolute Drift: Zen Edition
I completely agree but the first 2 were shit as well.
I'm here, brother.
*M*eridian: Squad 22
I'm about 500 emails deep, with 700 remaining. Probably won't get through all of them, but thanks for following along, anons. We gave a lot of shitty games to a lot of desperate people.
How many subs do you have that you get all those keys for free?
Willing to send a few to [email protected]?
ANYTHING will do
Thanks man
Or people can just leave emails in this thread and you can send them in batches of 10 or 20.
>Or people can just leave emails in this thread and you can send them in batches of 10 or 20.
>giving away anything without (You) or attention
blacklist those jew fags
I've only got around 4,000, but it's hard out there for an indie dev. Think that for every indie game you play, there's at least 100 that you don't know exist.
i have a youtube channel, of course I'm an attention-whore. notice me, senpai~
*R*im hole.
Ben, what are you doing on Sup Forums?
This key was "Party Hard"
>thinks ben
>is actually muhammad
Some shitty F*i*ve nights at Freddy's clone.
being an attention cunt thinking anybody cares
I've got 4 working keys from this thread and all I did is downvoted some of his shitty videos because OP came as arrogant cuck
you cared enough to stay in this thread?
Yeah, want more free keys
and still don't give about OP's "le kind gifting spirit" kek
Fuck off.
nigga disliking helps too. thanks :)
if I wanted cunts to jerk me off, I wouldn't've started this post anonymously
enjoy your keys, fag
>I wouldn't've started this post anonymously
>linked his channle
>and I bet the post asking for his channel was him
you are one pathetic cunt
who are you quoting friend
nice reading comprehension.
*B*itch ass nigga
>mfw I got 6 out of 9 keys since I entered this thread
I've got 5 now so at least 11 keys of this cunt worked
*A*steroid Minesweeper
Pretty sure you have cancer now.
I ended up getting 13 keys. I'm on a roll here.
I know for sure you are lying because I've used 7 out of 13 of my alt for cards (that's 70 tries) and all the rest were dupes
Last one. Going to go and cry because user was mean to me.
The former is like the former, and the latter is like the latter.
If you can't figure that out, you don't deserve Soviet Monsters: Ekranoplans.
Ah, you caught me... right in the middle of my joke.
>The former is like the former, and the latter is like the latter.
actually fuck it
heres one more
hope you own a vive, fellow goyim
>Mfw I know the answer but, too many activation attempts.
Well user take it easy buddy.