>wotlk kids always cry how it was impossible to level as a warrior or paladin in the vanilla
>they are the most popular classes
Explain this!
Wotlk kids always cry how it was impossible to level as a warrior or paladin in the vanilla
Because at level 60 Warrior was by far the most useful class.
>tied with priest for second least played class
What is going on in here?
Warrior is the class to stack since fury is the #1 personal DPS spec (and because people now know where to get the good items, that begins to be the case in pre-raid BiS level already, not having to wait for T2) and basically the only tank.
And unlike warriors, paladins aren't "difficult" to level per se, just slow and uninvolved.
warriors are the only viable tanks in vanilla. People have to play them whether they're good or not
Because people are drudging through it because they're the only viable tank class.
Those stats have nothing in common with how vanilla looked.
You need only 3 more tanks than enh shamans in the raid
So no, most of this faggots would never find place in the 40ppl raid groups
And 10-15ppl ones could be tanked by druids and paladins just fine
Your logic is shit
I have a rogue
How high is the chance for me to get invited into raids, dungeons etc.? Or should I just switch to a healer? If healer, what kind (allience)
I think both are the most popular classes because they are known to be the best classes in their respective fields (pve, pvp) after the fact. fury just completely rekting meters starting early BWL and annihilating with AQ gear, and with rets being best in 1v1 of course. they are close to completely unkillable if they play well.
also everyone knows that warriors are by far the best tanks in the game. anyone planning to tank probably plays warrior.
leveling as warrior was kinda slow going, you had to be careful with pulls.
but pallies? wtf. they three shot everything and have zero downtime thanks to powerful heals and mana reg.
I remember only warrior could truly tank
mage and rogue could just annihilate most classes without any way to counter them, especially since CC had no diminishing returns
god I miss poly that actually works, but there's no way I'm sitting in a queue to get ganked for weeks
so are you guys just fucking with newbies who inevitably pick easy mode shit, and don't remember that pallies were panty-wearing
buff-clerics in the original
I mean its funny but its also kind of mean spirited
Are you thinking of WotLK or something? Paladins don't die but they aren't killy in the slightest and don't have any noteworthy mana regeneration mechanics (blessing of wisdom doesn't allow you to spam skills by any stretch).
Warrior was annoying as fuck to level in vanilla unless you already had a 60 so you could keep your gear up to date. Without that you had a real chance to die to a mob of equal level early on. Paladin was just boring as fuck to level.
What's the most fun druid spec for you user?
And tell us why!
Because plate looks the best
Rogues are one of the best damage dealers but they bring no utility whatsoever and are one of the most popular classes (on PvP servers at least) so you better be able to maximize your DPS
That's why you grab mana regen gear.
And pre-nerf you could stack the 2 -25 mana usage on spells items and spam low level heals that were powered up by spell power to absurd levels that cost almost nothing.
Basically healing battery/bot
feral tanks were such a complete mystery to me as a prot warrior raiding bwl on nost.
>you're telling me we can get an off-tank who wont need a single piece of gear wanted by our main tanks? why arent we trying to get every single feral tank on the server into our guild?
No defence from the crush blows makes them shit tier in the raids
>stack melee
>die to boss mechanics in AQ and Naxx
Can you post that for horde, too?
>impossible to level as a paladin
Nigga retadins had self-heal & wore heavy armor.
the first alone made it MUCH easier than warriors
source:was a retadin wotlk kid
Tanking as feral was a pain in the ass in vanilla. BC, too.
If I planned on tanking I'd just roll warrior.
t. feral from vanilla to MoP with a break during wotlk.
fuck I can't read, disregard
Feral by far. Top mobility and among the classes with the highest skill cap. I do admit that I had most fun with the class in PvP from wotlk to MoP, however. Mostly due to instant cyclones.
If you want to do PvE better go resto. Not too bad either.
>Tanking as feral was a pain in the ass in BC too.
No, it wasn't
You had tons of hp and could spam mangle
Not mt material but as ot druids were great
A pain in the ass as in not much fun to play. Warrior is best.
Feral is fine in TBC, though. Feral is the most survivable spec at low pre-heroic gear levels (thanks to accessible items like Heavy Clefthoof), doesn't have rage/mana issues at high gear levels like warriors/protadins do and while not on par with paladins, they have a respectable multi-mob tanking capacity unlike warriors.
In 25-man raids you're unlikely to see a bear in the maintanking job but while there are bosses that ferals can't realistically tank (like Illidan), that's more to do with the fact that you want to have one of each for specific encounters and feral is an order of magnitude stronger DPS than prot warrior/paladin would be.
Pala is easy to level at vanilla, IMO.
t. ret @ vanilla.
It was just extremly boring and often felt like a chore in BC. I just disregarded PvE almost entirely after some time.
I recommend warrior to anyone that wants to tank, but do what you want.
>working Naxx/AQ
You can only pick one of these things friend
Most popular classes on actual wow 2004 were hunters and paladins followed then by warriors
Least popular were priests and rogues
Yeah in 2004. Changed drastically towards 2006. Lol
>Least popular were priests and rogues
You mean druids?
I agree. It was always hunters #1 and warriors as #2, with druid in last place. That's what I remember from when I played anyway.
>class who was playable for the only one side
>most popular
Why wotlk kids always so stupid?
Well, in a sense it's less involved than warriors, but it also lacks the aggrevating stuff the other two tanking specs have. For example, while there of course are tricks like using gear off gear on macro between trash packs (so as to leave you at low health and get mana from Spiritual Attunement), T5+ protadins are prone to run oom in dungeons (and in many offtanking jobs: if you were to attempt to offtank Gruul as protadin, you'd have to have a shadow priest AND chainpot). Conversely, warriors suffer from negative threat scaling (you get hit for less -> less rage to use abilities) and doing anything without enhancement shaman is just horrible. And earlier on paladins in particular get just wrecked on packs that a bear with equivalent gear could take on fine.
Besides, feral isn't devoid of nuance. For starters, it's treated as a tank/DPS hybrid rather than a dedicated tank OR dedicated DPS and feral cat is up there as one of the most involved DPS specs. And even when tanking, while you don't have many abilities like warrior, nuance like target-switching (when tanking more than 3 mobs) and various pulling techniques (pre-hotting -> wrath -> hurricane kind of stuff) are still there. At least it's not mindless 360 degree swipe spam like in WotLK.
I guess I'd agree warrior is the most "well-rounded" tank but if I had to play one, I'd rather pick feral. Protadin is the bitch job (you have times to shine like tanking Void Sentinels, the hardest-hitting enemy of the expansion, or of course all the AoE tanking shit, but a lot of the time in raids you're uselessly hitting enemies for no damage and while locks and mages are happy to AoE stuff, tanking 5-mans is annoying at almost any gear level) and warrior too has a number of annoyances. Feral isn't ever particularly annoying and relatively straightforward tanking is compensated for by getting to DPS a lot.
Playing vanilla WoW is literally worse than when XIV launched. Playing any MMO is terrible in 2016 but playing vanilla WoW is beyond terrible.
And shamans were most popular on horde side. I'm talking overall classes, alliance dominated across all servers while horde was only popular on pvp servers
it was BC-babbies that cried the loudest
>And shamans were most popular on horde side
is it new meme?
Even when son of ceo played as a shaman and they were "I-win button" they still couldn't be compared with hunters and mages
Why wotlk kids like you who obviously don't know shit about vanilla wow, still post their worthless opinion
Warrior levelling was virtually unchanged from classicTBC and it's not a huge difference for paladins either (prot AoE-grinding is actually a potential option now that you don't have to spec for holy to get consecration and your defensive and offensive skills don't require you to be crit, but that's pretty much about it until level 50 for ret).
are paladins actually good in PvP? i don't know anything about nostalrius i never played vanilla wow. also i'm a girl please help :3
Vanilla wow, you mean where rotations were 1111111211111 at best and every class either had ONE spec they were allowed to play while the other two were between useless and never accepted into groups. The game was a fucking joke
Warriors are the most needed class, hands down. Priest coming in second.
Druids were subpar healers and a wannabe warrior/rogue. I think druids were only useful due to decursing. Then again, I quit during BC so I haven't played in ages.
HoTs out the ass and innervate.
Druids were amazing healers.
warriors have always been the best class because its the most fun class, just in your face carnage 24/7.
In vanilla I had the halberd of smiting from ZG, that thing crit procced for 1300 damage(most PVPers that were in blues had 3000hp), I could 1 shot squishies all the fucking time with that thing.
It got even scarier when I got the obsidian edged blade from MC, that 6% chance of a double melee hit was deadly when it went off.
I got another dope weapon from BWL later on(that big dumb looking axe) but for PvP I'd always use the sword, the good thing about being a dps warrior in vanilla was you could realistically use any weapon and top charts, although swords were the best(and who can forget the grind of scrounging up 20 bars of that metal for that greasy axe with the skull on it, what a great payoff that was as a level 60)
Druids were rare because I played Horde. I think our 40 man MC only had just 1.
I found a contradiction in your statement!
How could you leave during bc if you only started playing in 2008?
innervate and battle res alone were enough reasons to pack a resto on the squad, those were raid savers.
Druids were god tier healers in the aq40 and naxx, fucking wotlk baby
Considering BC was released in 2007.
I played from 2004 to 2007
I can't really imagine raiding level 60 now. there's not much to those raids besides the cool factor back then, now everyone knows everything about the game
vanilla pvp might be pretty fun still
I forgot about battle rez. We also had a feral druid in our melee dps group for the crit buff. They had shitty dps but it made everyone else better so we allowed it.
I didn't play wotlk so nice try.
>No god tier TBC server
>People would rather throw money at and program vanilla server
what the fuck
>I played from 2004 to 2007
Sure you did...
>Least popular were priests and rogues
You didn't play on a pvp server I presume?
Corecraft test server is still around
Because nobody played wow, right? Fuck off idiot.
People blast through the raids now. I have very fond memories of vanilla, but there is no doubt about how basic most of the raids were. The biggest hurdles were people's computers and getting 40 guys organized. People were playing on toasters back then, at fps that would be completely unacceptable for most today.
TBC had way too much pre-raiding grinding. Having to level like 20 reputations to revered was cancerous as fuck. Not to mention guilds had problems keeping people happy with 10 and 25 man raids. You had to exclude a lot of people.
I can imagine the raids are super easy now. They've all been done to death so there's no figuring out how to deal with shit anymore.
Yeah, the average level of knowledge about the game and player skill is a lot higher now than back then.
>i wanna have fun
>hunter in low tier
but why
>are paladins actually good in PvP?
Good against rogues and warriors (but once warriors get some epics they turn into killingmachines that even paladins can't handle) but that's it.
If you have no life and you're willing to spent 5+ hours farming cash and mats everyday you can try the prot pvp build Zalgradis was famous for back in the day. It's fun but you have to respecc every goddamn day so people actually take you on raids with.
However there was a time when paladins were actually fun to play in pvp. RIP unfixed Reckoning, most fun I ever had. ;_;7
auto shot and afk
They are top tier pvp healers, terrible in solo pvp really
>statistics prove argument as valid
BC-babbies logic everyone!
>I wanna have fun
>Druid in top tier
Whoever made this never leveled a druid in vanilla. Jesus. Leveling as feral basically means you're never going to be in any instance parties because people will force you to heal or kick you for not being a healfag.
Aw shit, I remember his videos. They were some of my favorite back then.
Watching them is just so funny, complete with stereotypical "Vanilla WoW pvp music" and all. it just oozes mid 00s to me.
Leveling was alright, but yeah you go oom really fast.
>statistics prove argument as valid
Post it
Because as a person who started in vanilla I have full right to call you out for lies you post
tfw you will never be a stupid enough normie with shit taste in western games to have enjoyed WoW during it's prime even though you were there and quit in a week because you had already played superior mmos
>Watching them is just so funny, complete with stereotypical "Vanilla WoW pvp music" and all. it just oozes mid 00s to me.
I know, that stuff was just so entertaining. I spent hours every day watching pvp and other warcraft related stuff on warcraftmovies and youtube back in the day. Such good times.
LFM DPS to UBRS no warriors no rouges
I think you got that wrong. It oughtta be LF2M need Tank and Healer.
>Memeking: Level 60 Warrior - Orgrimmar
Combat is the only useful playstyle and it's boring as fuck.
Corecraft was leaps and bounds ahead of the competition in BC servers so everyone else stopped trying.
Now Corecraft is dead, and not in the meme sense of the word, the devs disappeared nearly a year ago.
nope, they are working on new server in a secret, they could release it any minute now
Can't speak for warriors, but Paladin's weren't hard, in fact they were easy since they could heal themselves. The only thing that sucked was having most of your dps come from passive abilities. In which case, boredom is the progress killer, not difficulty.
>Useful in Dugeons/Raids
Sure, they are great and have probably the best DPS, too bad you're literally never ever going to get a spot.