How come Sup Forums is the only place on the net that hates The Last of Us?

How come Sup Forums is the only place on the net that hates The Last of Us?

r/games here. We think it's overrated as well

I'd say we don't happily eat up shit that panders to a normies standards
Yet people on here enjoy RE 4

Dick version ?


Forced dyke SJW trash

no you dont.

Because a game where all you do is press triangles on ladders in between moments of some of the worst combat seen in a video games, is not a game at all.

Is this shad shit, or someone with a really similar (awful) art-stile?

if it's not furry, shad art is trash

You like Shadman and The Last of Us, so you might have the shittiest taste of Sup Forums

if it's shit it's shad

bad taste

Because 'normies' say it's great

Shad is a great artist you meme spouting fuck

Sup Forums is also the only place that hates Shadshit.
Now please fuck off.

Out normie

Because this place is filled with PCucks who are just salty because they'll never get to play it.

The only time I can fap to Shadman is after a couple long sessions of self-loving and the only thing that can get me off is awful proportions and shitty unintentional caricatures. Anyone else?

It was pretty good watching a playthrough of it (Like The Evil Within was) but it was pretty clear that it was all about "men are evil hurr hurr women are always gud!" kind of trash you see everywhere nowadays.

It's going to be even more apparent in the sequel that men are trash and womyn are all powerful goddesses that don't need no father figure.

>hating things because they're popular

Oh, so you guys are hipsters.



Shadman is the Last of Us of cartoon porn,overrated bland trash.

boring feminazi shit

i dont buy games to sit there and watch a movie instead

>if it's not furry, shad art is trash

That's even worse you cuck.

>all these wannabee tryhard cartoon doll collectors
who do you think you're fooling?

source on artist?

It came out when Nintenyearolds were rampant on here, it's a "movie game" and there are a lot of contrarians on here.

Really, the game isn't bad, it's just nothing special. I wouldn't blame anyone for hating it, especially when it can be annoying to hear something is medicore receive so much praise, like with Undertale, but it's still a fairly decent game.

I fear I might be the minority in this but I really fucking enjoyed TLoU's gameplay and I fucking hate that they're focusing yet again on their shitty unoriginal story instead of extensively ironing and polishing the diamond in the rough that was the first game.


You sound insecure, friendo.

What games do you think she plays?

Daily reminder shadbase is a fan of britbong.

Because Sup Forums plays games for the gameplay and not for cinematic experiences.

I hate shad. he does too much loli and yuri shit. stop it shad


> Eating up shit because other people happily do

Nice one being part of the no brained hivemind

are you fuckin serious shaddy?

lol no you dont.

Uhh leave normies?

I honestly cannot think back to any other male character than Joel being the only "non-rapist" male character in the game.

But every woman in the game was "Super-duper I don't need no man" stereotype and that was somehow acceptable.

>shadbase is a fan of britbong

Sup Forums is too

Man, you're fucking cancer.

>if you don't actively hate something, then you must love it

Calm down my hipster friend

Is there anything more ironic than normalfags calling people normies to try and show that they themselves are not normalfags?

and yet you looove witcher 3 which is the same as you described but worse

Shadman will never cease to disgust me.
I don't really hate Britbong. What did he do to make him one of Sup Forums's hated YouTube channels?

go fuck an emu, pham


Yea nobody cares, out now

>Too much loli
>Too much yuri
>I hate shad

Too many piercings and weird ass fixations on assholes, the literal asshole. Sometimes an asshole piercing. What the fuck is that even?

They took away my loli-

> Using hipster as an insult because people have an alternate opinion

Typical Normie

>which is the same as you described but worse
Mad hate for this bait. Witcher 3's combat may be bland but it still isn't a QTE fest.


>donut buttholes and piercings, also dick and balls
>great artist

Except I don't like that floaty combat, ingredient grinding, useless vendor toting piece of trash. Nice projection kiddo.

"People" that use the term normies are just failed normalfags who feel the need to put themselves above the others who abandoned them because of their autism.

Sup Forums is the only place that doesn't actually play it. Because we're mostly made up of jaded pc users and a whole lot of underage or literal manchild nintendo users who only care about happy bouncy colorful games for five-year-olds. So this gloomy cinematic 20FPS console experience is not up either group's alley.

>The game is a masterclass in presentation. The animations, the delivery of spoken dialogue, the atmosphere. The way the characters speak as you walk around the environment. It all comes together as one cohesive package that is unmatched in gaming. The story is also really good, with peril and emotion that really touches a lot of people.

Copied straight from r/games from a thread only 2 weeks ago. This was the highest rated post.

If anything he should stop drawing beastnigger shit

Because Sup Forums hates video games.

I can't speak for anyone else but for me it's because I don't like pretentious movie wannabe games.

>learn about shadman through Sup Forums
>look it up
>see loli stuff
>check out comments
>degenerates getting buttmad because lolis are not their type of degeneracy
This will never not be funny.

i borrowed the ps3 from a friend of a friend just to play this game

i was not disappointed. it was good.


The Elder Lords of Sup Forums can see through the smoke and mirrors of TLoU.

At the end of the day, it's just really a zombie version of Uncharted, and Uncharted is already a garbage series. The games really only grab the attention of casuals and idiots because of the "good" graphics.

Switzerland should have executed Shad. Fucking "neutral" pussies.

That's just Sup Forums being hipster for shitty broken WRPGs.

>The game is a masterclass in presentation. The animations, the delivery of spoken dialogue, the atmosphere
So people like it because it's a movie?

Why u mad over porn senpai

One of the only decent things Shad has produced in awhile.

Disgusting western trash. Now this is how to correctly draw a woman

>shitman art

With that chest you might as well say boy kek

What wrong with Shaddy i think he's cool

Can't speak for the rest of Sup Forums but I enjoyed that game. It just was WAY overhyped.

>that nipple placement
I don't think so tim.

>It's a Shad is bad episode

The game makes it pretty apparent that we don't need anyone in this world (until Joel falls on spikes). The plot of the game is "take care of this defenseless child".

Just because the game features no female enemies doesn't mean it's man hating. In the same way that a game isn't sexist just because it doesn't feature any female roles.

So, what, are you worried that society is having women take over and men will be second class citizens? Again, coming off as insecure when you're grasping this hard for an argument.

>if it's not furry

It is a great game. I played it on PS3 and bought it again on PS4 But it's nowhere near the hype made it out to be.
There are many flaws in the game that everyone shamelessly overlooks.


Sup Forums is full of normies now

holy shit muh

>complaints about western trash
>posts western trash
Nowhere near Shad, but still generic weeaboo.

Kek. They let melonpan run wild on their streets. They don't give a shit.

Nice patio

>Shit artist drawing a shit game

>Defending this fucking disgusting mong

I'd rather jack it to furry shit than shit he has done
>Loli Hilarious clinton
>mfw you can't make this shit up

Hate to break it to you, but in the real world, that's an average sized chest.

Sup Forums hates everything

You should go outside more senpai

Not him, but really, not every woman is sporting Ds.

Yeah I don't think everyone ever said it has good gameplay. People always say the story is great and that's why they love the Last of us.

I don't understand how people can buy let alone wear shadshit merch in public

There's nothing wrong with that nipple placement you fucking virgin

I'm not sure the kind of people who would buy it are the kind of people that ever go outside.

It's no the chest size. Of course most girls don't have huge tits. Look at the nipple placement and overall shape. It's definitely not one of a woman.

There are far more larger breasted women in life than flatties. Where do you live, nipland?