Yesterday's thread went pretty good, so let's do this again
Do you play roguelikes Sup Forums?
And if so, which ones?
Yesterday's thread went pretty good, so let's do this again
Do you play roguelikes Sup Forums?
And if so, which ones?
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Sorry I can't relate with your pic user, I don't have autism
Went pretty WELL you fucking nigger
Played a lot of DF adventure mode and DCSS.
Currently I'm back into DoomRL, which's simple eloquence goes to my heart.
Only one I've played really was Cataclysm: DDA.
Always have fun building some stupid mobile home tank with turrets.
Am I good to go with Dwarf Fortress by reading the quick start on the wiki?
I'd say this belongs in /vg, though those threads can become a circlejerk far too easily.
Anyway, haven't been playing any RL as of late, really should get back into them. Last i played was Sil, it was pretty fun.
every single general in /vg/ older than 3 months has degenerated into nothing but name/avatar fagging and circlejerk with the games barely being discussed at all.
Try to actually go there and start a discussion and you'll be laughed away.
I like caves of cud and DF
havnt played too many others except FTL
how the fuck do i progress in elona?
i've been spamming magic dart for 2 hours in hunting quests and the first dungeon
i just want to be a powerful wizard
Am I allowed to talk about Galak-Z here?
Raise potential (items, sleeping, etc), run dungeons, do quests and job board quests, gain money. If you haven't already, go to Lumiest and do the Mage Guild quest, it's easy and can be completed grinding the puppy cave.
There's a ton of shit to do in that game, but it's a slow start with tons of grinding.
How can I finally enjoy roguelikes? I played DF and old RPGs like Wizardry, Dungeon Master, Realms of Arkania etc. But I can't get into roguelikes like Adom and nethack. What do?
can you recommend some casual roguelikes? i played the likes of FTL, Darkest Dungeon, BoI, etc. but I'm looking for something new.
Ive been playing Pixel Dungeon recently.
Pretty fun time waster.
a few months ago i played DCSS until i won it a few times and then i couldn't win again and gave up
Moria was good, but glitchy as fuck
Currently playing Elona, still waiting for that potential steam release, what are the best easy to get pets? I know Bells are godly but those fuck never appear and when they do they're gone
Sure, why not? That's a pretty good game
Not to start the whole definitional argument or anything, but a lot of fans wouldn't consider those "traditional" roguelikes. Anyway, I always recommend the Mystery Dungeon series to people who want to get their feet wet with the mechanics
I grew up on Moria, and it was great. If you're interested in playing it nowadays, just look up Angband (or one of the many variants) - they're the same game
>tfw no numpad on my new laptop
Can't move diagonal anymore I guess
DoomRL. Pretty good.
There should be a "fn" key to use it though
I keep hearing about this one, is it that great?
Nice to finally find a thread that isn't console war shit. I thought you had to be over 18 to post here.
It's free, why not try it for yourself? I like it, basically like a doom RPG. No real story though.
the only roguelike I've put a lot of time into is dcss
what do you guys suggest I play?
Artefacts release soon.
What's next after that, magic?
playng TOME. Still can't win a single time. Still loving it.
Dwarf Fortress seems so cool, I'm starting out reading the wiki and stuff, but I think you could give it a try.
For a simpler thing, Brogue is dank
I remember trying those two out years ago and not being able to get into them but I think what I look for in games has changed since then. I'll give them another go.
I miss Nethack and DCSS so badly but only have an android device with me right now. Any good suggestions? Please don't say Pixel Dungeon.
If you cannot enjoy roguelikes, do not force yourself. It is a somewhat autistic genre, maybe you are too normal. ADoM got tile version recently, maybe it will be more to your liking.
Get Drastic and play Shiren The Wanderer, user
you can get versions of DCSS and Nethack for Android, although I don't know how well optimized they are
You can play dcss on that using webtiles.
I played some DCSS and Nethack, but never got too far. I like the concept of roguelikes, but I suck at them.
>I like the concept of roguelikes, but I suck at them.
This is me as well user
Most people suck at roguelikes initially. They're designed around a large burden of prior knowledge. You have to die a lot of times (or read a lot of wikis) to have enough knowledge about them to play them well.
this is especially true of Nethack. Just knowing about inscribing elbereth can be the difference between death and a successful ascension run
Yeah, I know, but i find that It's hard for me to keep focused on a run for an extended period of time. You have to keep track of a lot of stuff to stay alive most of the time and maybe forgetting about a little thing will kill you. Also for example, in DCSS, getting to practice Elven Halls is hard since everytime I die I have to go through Lairs, Orcs, and like 10 floors.
Idk, maybe i'm too casul for them.
Yeah, sounds like you're just getting bored and losing focus.
If you're just looking for practice, though, you can always copy that save file
>maybe I'm too casual for them
Nah m8 the whole casual meme it's just that, a meme, at the end of the day it's just a game and if you put enough time into it you'll get all the stuff you need to beat it, just keep playing, this type of games can get really fun when you start to get the hang of it
thenks brehs.
i have some games on my backlog atm, but i think ill give DCSS another try later in the holidays.
Not that guy, but all of the dungeons I can find seem to either be way too hard or way too easy. Making money with quests is really easy but I don't have anything to spend it on as most shops don't seem to have things that are better than the ones I have. I feel kind of stuck and am unsure what to do. I've just been offering shit to the archery themed god because my bell kills everything before I get in melee range. Do you have any tips as to what I should be working towards to get stronger?
v /= b