Game's metacritic is below 90

>game's metacritic is below 90

You have a funny way of spelling "above"

the reaction would be the same either way

paid reviews are a pretty disgusting thing too

>one of the best games ever made sports a 78 on metacritic



....In your opinion.

I think it's shit.

FFVII (92 on MC) for best game ever made, thanks.

>New Vegas

>Bitcher 3

I lmaoed and got bfoed by respected critics community.

>....In your opinion.

It's not an opinion, it's factually one of the best games ever made.

What you said is an opinion, and a bad one at that.


Lmaoing at you, I would have taken you more seriously if you said something like Chrono Trigger.

this is how i know you're retarded

FFVII has always been, and will always remain in most peoples top 10.

>it's not an opinion, it's factually an opinion

>he has ever cared about what anybody else besides himself thinks about a video game

>Consensus makes it good

What's your favorite game user

Dark souls 2, why user?

>the game has below 70 in metacritic
>one of my favorite games

You weren't even born when FFVII was released

By time played, WoW by a long way.
By fun had, a toss-up between Timesplitters: FP and DOOM 2.

>timesplitters future perfect
Aww hell yeah dude

You should have used a less obvious bait than FFVII.

I'm old enough to fuck your dad you little shit.
Played it on psx at 6 y/o and is the only game i consistently beat annually to this day.

>Timesplitters:Rewind stuck in development hell
>Crytek likely to dissolve anytime soon, they've had troubles for months in paying employees
>no chance of another Timesplitters game unless someone who gives a shit manages to grab the rights as Crytek's property is sold off


>using metacritic as anything but laughing stock