I wish there really was a gamer card

I wish there really was a gamer card...


I hate this comic so fucking much.

>avoiding the question
>making the male think he's incorrect because of your feelings rather than the objective truth

>"I'm totally an art nerd LOL I love Andy Warhol, can I join your high class art societal club? What? I don't know who Zdzisław Beksiński is, I don't have to know! Let me in already, you racist, sexist, homophobic bigot! RAAAAAAPE!"

In a pinch a v-card will do :^)
disregard that le smiley of passive aggressiveness, if you're not a virgin you're not a real gamer

This, to be honest my family member.

>making the male think he's incorrect because of your feelings rather than the objective truth

That's the world in which we live in. You're male? Then you're absolutely wrong in everything you do, as well as a grotesque buffoon that has a primitive brain which can't compare to the superior women.

Excuse me? Did you just assume that posters gender?

Fucking apologize.

Luckily I've found a girl that doesn't act like that but god fucking damn the majority of them certainly do.

>Zdzisław Beksiński
Can I join your art club?

Hell yeah my nigga

While I hate the retarded "if you don't know x, you shouldn't talk about anything" attitude. I hate even more the way non-enthusiasts tend to react when challenged by something they didn't know, instead of trying to learn something new they'd rather try to invalidate the importance of that object.

I guess both sides of this discussion are cunts, but at least one of them likes games is what I'm saying.

Can I join?

I make making fun of manlets an art form.

>What makes the games YOU sanction any more credible than what others find validation and enjoyment in?

The effort needed to actually play the game.

The amount of agency afforded to the player.

One-button touch screen controls vs. using an actual controller with multiple buttons and movement options (d-pad, analog stick, etc)

Plunking down money for a complete game on a PC/console disc vs. downloading a "free-to-start" phone game where you need to constantly invest money to reach a new level.

Being able to enjoy games with a local group on a couch all at once vs. passing a phone around answer one-by-one.

Being able to complete a game without having to worry about the story vs. being forced to watch an interactive movie with occasional button inputs.

Is she even trying?

Are you implying warhol is not GOAT

Apologies, forgot the version with my >legit math

>I guess both sides of this discussion are cunts
Nah, mate. The elitists are just trying to keep their hobby alive and undegraded by the casual masses who don't give a fuck.

So, why shouldn't there be any casual party games exactly?

>>making the male think he's incorrect because of your feelings rather than the objective truth
I think the point is that his opinion on what qualifies as a 'real game' cannot be demonstrated as objective truth, and he need not be so elitist about what ultimately amounts to personal preference. But I see what you're saying and the comic is still annoyingly smug

I agree with that. But I'm also receptive to people who are willing to be educated. Not one is gonna know all games in history, but if they're willing to learn shit, I'm fine with it.

I'm not defending your opponents here.

It's fine, so long as they just acknowledge they're casual games and don't demand pandering to themselves by devs of more complicated and better games.

I wish to fuck that grey cat.

They can exist, but if you want all games to pander to your close-minded worldview, then you don't belong here you fascist.

That's what I'd tell them anyway. Let variety exist among the industry, instead of turning everything into the same casual swill for pigs to lap up.

They don't. The devs do it on their own to get more money because games are a business like any other. Game players think game companies are their friends or that they owe them something.


Good point


There should be, but they're not the point of the comic or the post. People should acknowledge when they consume the most casual, inoffensive, watered-down content and stop crying like little babies when someone reminds them they're not one of the bests at everything.

Take a place in the line, chum.

this gets me every time

This, women are stupid. They even gave her SJW glasses.

>she goes straight into casual shit

>SJW glasses.

You don't really call them that, right?


>The devs do it on their own to get more money
And thus we can blame the fucking casuals on the horrid state of the vidya industry.


This shit isn't edited right?

>They don't. The devs do it on their own
Bull crap. They demand games stop existing if they don't fit their narrow worldview. For example: GTAV, which was almost not allowed to be sold because of MUH CONTROVERSY.

I have this picture saved with the same name, it just fits so well- Especially those snuffed out campfires...
I still mourn their loss.

Those are not SJW glasses, they're "Enlightened Goddess eyepieces"

I call them problematic glasses. You just know that anyone wearing them is going to be a SJW cunt that considerse everything about your favourite things problematic.

If you're a fan of gross oversimplification and you always need an enemy to point a finger at then sure.


>muslim is angry

Nailed it.

these posts sure fired up my neurons

> islam is oppressive to women

That being said I'd fuck Anita in her thicc butt

Almonds status: activated

Reactionaries to SJW are as bad as the people themselves.

Women are memes.

All I know is that ten years ago I was excited about how the vidya industry would develop, how games now would be absolutely full of amazing features, exciting gameplay and TECHNOLOGY. What we got instead was everything being dumbed down and just about the only thing that is reliably advancing is graphics.

Reddit the post

>things started going south when a girl joins
>I'm too timid to talk to the girl I like so it's the dudebros fault
>Fuck you for having fun and I can't get laid I quit

unfortunately it is

>proving my point

Maybe if you stopped being such a fucking faggot, user, holy shit.

Go be a woman elsewhere, sweetie. Men take part in hobbies to enjoy the hobbies themselves, not to listen to attentionwhoring cunts, or to fuck them.

>Reactionaries to SJW are as bad as the people themselves.

Yes, because we're invading a hobby to push a political agenda and then demonizing any who oppose us.

Absolutely the same thing. You utter dickhead.

>oppose us
You're biased because you're in one camp and can't look at the whole thing objectively.


>nerds are happily playing their games
>SJWs join
>oy vey these half-naked women and racistic scenarios are PROBLEMATIC, you need to remove them
What about this do you not understand? People were happily playing video games without any issues until these cunts came into the hobby and started demanding change.

Extremists might qualify in your example, sure, but you have the gall to paint everyone here as an extremist? Especially those that just want a game that isn't pandering garbage?

>add a girl to the cast to prove girlz can play gamez too
>immediately have her start lecturing all the guys and starting shit

Can't make this shit up.

Reddit the post

You realise you're playing the victim card just as hard as any SJW that has claimed harassment? You're so wrapped up in your own bullshit you've become what you despise.

Sup Forumstards made me support SJWs.

I'm in no danger of being affected by them, so I'd rather doom Sup Forumstards and suffer from occasionally having to play a nigger, woman or other animal, than have to deal with Sup Forumstards.

what 90s point and click are these from
