That game was too inappropriate user; our pastor was right

>That game was too inappropriate user; our pastor was right.

Did anyone else experience this?

My doom CD got snapped after Columbine.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mom walks in when characters start swearing

The complete opposite happened to me.

I remember my dad giving me a copy of RE1 that he got from someone at work and it ended up traumatising me.

>Playing Vice City
>Dad gets annoyed at all the women in bikinis
>Playing Postal 2, going on a rampage
>"What's that you're playing?"
>"Postal 2"
>"Oh, alright"


I had already been playing the PS2 for a few years when my dad randomly decided that violent games are terrible and told me he was going to confiscate them, but then ended up buying GTA 3 and playing Red Faction with me

>Our pastor was right

Bloody yanks

My mom started crying when I was slaughtering people in Saints Row

Good thing he didn't walk in on the porn shoot scene

>murican religious upbringings

How's that freedom working out for ya?

>have Senran Kagura, DoAX3, Endless Frontier boxes strewn across room
>Parents don't say anything or care
>Play as girl in fighting game
>"Why do you always play as a girl user?"
I don't understand

Did they even make Doom CDs? I never saw it on anything other than a floppy.

Why do your parents call you user?

>britbong who's the king of religious wars and beheading their own people and jailing them for talking about God differently is gonna pull this card


>doom cd
nigga i had that shit in ms dos, there's no need for a cd

My parents met at alc-user so they named me after it.

I know that feel
>mom used to play Phantasmagoria and Sanitarium on the living room's computer
>coerced me into actually playing Sanitarium at some point which resulted in me having nightmares for a week
And that was when I was like 7 or 8. She's probably the reason why I can't stand horror games now.

American here, our "freedom" is a meme, don't take it too seriously

>our pastor was right.

Ultimate Doom was on CD.

>Mom and Dad used to play a lot of vidya
>Now my Dad only plays CoD and my Mom plays mobileshit.
It still astounds me that my Mom was a huge Final Fantasy fan and had 10 when it came out.

I'm not a burger, though.

>play video games to escape because I'm borderline autistic and can't connect to the real world
>mom pretends I'm completely normal (despite taking me to psychologists and proving otherwise) and gets upset that I do nothing but play video games
>refuses to acknowledge I'm a carbon copy of my dad, who she divorced for these exact reasons
>even step-dad realizes this and tells her to take it easy
>complains that I'm distant even given all of the above plus the fact that she insults me constantly because I didn't turn out as perfect as she wanted
I'm pretty sure smoking while pregnant didn't help either.

>Dad was into Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo etc
>Mum was into Rayman, Crash Bandicoot
>Now all my dad plays is World of Warships and my mum plays Facebook casino garbage

Obvious that you're under the age of 20.

>mom reads the rating on the box
>violence, fine
>blood and gore, fine
>drugs, fine
>sexual content? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

parents just don't understand, man

I think the important thing is that they moved on
Too bad they turned into limp wristed losers just like most of the other europeans

Obsessed yuropoors are always whining about burgers on here, don't even give them attention

Not with vidya (and thank god for that), but there was one time in my school back when Pokemon was the biggest thing among kids. when our teacher gave us a talk about how Pokemon was evil because if you twisted a bit the words from "Charmander" it would spell "RedMan... something" and because Pikachu's ears looked like horns.
Somehow this speech managed to brainwash many of my classmates into throwing away every Pokemon related merc anyone was carrying with them, which went from godamn toys, to pencils, stickers and notebooks. Luckily I only lost a sticker it was pretty rad though, I miss it ;_; but it was astonishing to see how fast everyone pulled a 180° on something they were so invested into just because of some tinfoil hat theory.

And it became even more ironic later when Yu-Gi-Oh! became the next fad in my school, which is way more edgy and "satanic" than Pokemon.

It totally didn't. She's a completely irresponsible woman.

Our religious wars were just, our ancestors purged the Islamic State from our home and used that freedom to actually advance their civilisation.

Sadly their work is being undone by today's idiots.

>That game was too inappropriate user; our pastor was right.

Never, luckily.
My parents didn't really matter what I played when I was younger.

Nope, my dad played pretty much every shooter that I did. He also played Larry 7 with me, which was kind of awkward.

He saw the humor, my teenage hormones saw the boobs.

calling out america on hating sex while enjoying violence is hardly yurop exclusive
t. burger

>advance civilization
>murdering scientists for advancing civilization
Really makes your brain activate.

>San Andreas hot coffee mod makes national headlines
>midwestern mom throws out my copy of Vice City
>friend's mom throws out his copy of GTA 3

Why are women so fucking stupid?


When I was like eight years old my mother walked on me right when a rampage scene in GTA 1 was starting. She loves reminding me of this to this very day.

It's because we have a gun culture while they have a more sexually open culture. Which is a bad thing for them at the moment for obvious reasons.

>le dark ages meme

>Jan 2009
>Just bought P4
>Get to Rise's dungeon
>My grandma sees me playing it and almost faints

Thank god Kanji's dungeon was first

>play tf2 mge mod, 1v1 another solly
>mom walks in
>questions why I'm killing people
I had that shit with no gibs for performance, and literally the only time she questioned this type of shit and she walked into me playing violent vidya a bunch of other times.

My mom and dad never really cared if the game had violence, but they didn't like it if my character was serving evil in some way. They cared much more about the message rather than the immediate content.

>He thinks any sort of knowledge was lost during the dark ages


Sex is naturally an intimate and private thing. No mother wants to see her son getting a boner. Violence is not intimate. Fictitious violence is rightfully more socially acceptable.

This. My family is religious, but they dont care about the content of vidya, movies, tv being right or not. If anything i was the prude one in my family

>Played Duke nukem 3d with dad. It was great
>Tried alone. Got my shit terrified and traumatized

>Got a ps2 mortal kombat
>Think it is too violent and get desperate believing my parents will be mad at me
>They give no absolute fuck

>Dad enjoyed watching me play SoTC
>Cant go ahead and kill the 16th colossus cause i know the ending is a little weird with the horns and demon symbology.
>They probably wouldnt care.


>that kid who had his console/PC in the living room
I still feel sorry for him.

This happened to me with Conker's Bad Fur day and the next day I came home and she threw it away. It also happened to be the only game I owned as a six year old.

>Sex is evil but violence is awesome family friendly fun

>Violence is wrong but sex is awesome
Explain this shit

>>Violence is wrong but sex is awesome
And yet they're still slowly going extinct.

Bro more than you know, I had a Jehovah's Witness childhood. They broke my mario game because it had ghosts in it.

knowledge that wasn't gained can't be lost

It only for hopeless losers and all is still censored, ""normal"" people in Japan are as prude as they can be.

>playing mgs3, dad watching
>i get watereyed
>see dad
>"these games are g-getting really good e-eh?"

Same, lost so many games because "that had something demonic in it" or "thats too violent" or "that looks pornographic"

Jehovah's Witness kids know the struggle

Last time Japan was Violent they got nuked for their troubles. That kind of thing tends to curb enthusiasm.

my uncle smashed my cousins sonic cartridge with a hammer when he got shit grades in school.

Guy turned out alright, bought a small house and has two kids and a wife

Me, im just a neet with a job

How much of the game did he exactly watch?

>dad gets first ever laptop for work
>come here son, let me show you this game
>Sanitarium demo
That shit was scary as a kid.

Don't kid yourself, this shit also happens in Europe. Especially among JWs and Evangelicals.

t. yuropoor with JWs in the family

Choose one, or stop using words you don't understand the meaning of.

Who else /jw/?

>Having Doom on CD.

Unless they also removed it from your computer, all you lost was a bit of time from burning it on new CD.

Also they're not even collectible, so you lost very little.

>with a job

around the 2 half of the game, i played it in long sessions if i remember correctly

My parents were cool with me playing Doom or Resident Evil, as long as I did good in school.

>jehovahs witness
I have a friend who's a Jehova. He tried to convert me once. Didn't work.
He's fun to play vidya with and a cool guy otherwise though.

This. They aren't exactly sexually liberated, it's just that have a pudgy, seedy underbelly on their society.

My dad did the same thing one time.

I've been mostly a nintendrone my entire life back then, until march 2011 when my dad got me a PS3 with Uncharted 2 and MGS4 for my birthday. So I start playing MGS4, act 1, tons of shooting and explosions in the background. Dad walks in, watches a bit and says "You only ever play violent games now" with an annoyed look on his face. This was the first M rated game I've had in a while, since all my shit was mostly Nintendo at that time.

With uncharted 2, my dad said "wow, that looks really life-like!" and started watching, despite being violent, too. My mom joined in and watched me play. It got kinda awkward for me, it was like they sat down to watch a movie. This lasted a good 30 minutes.

>playing MGS3
>Dad walks in
>"Hello son, what game are you play-..."

My pastor was a pretty cool dude who was a massive Segafag and loved Phantasy Star

I'm sorry you guys had such shitty pastors

>people actually had pastors growing up.
Top kek.

no. i live in CA so my parents are not crazy religious nuts.
feels great to be northern Ca.

>be 11
>playing FFVIII in the living room, dad watching.
>summon Siren
>dad:"should you be playing this?"
>I start mouthing off: "it's not like I"m playing hentai, where you have sex with different gir-..."
>realize my parents should not know I know that
>spent the rest of the evening sitting frozen on the floor, silent
>from then onwards, it doesn't matter if there's a scantily clad character on the cover or back, they'll allow me to keep/buy the game as long as the term "hentai/porn" isn't printed on it.
>which was fine since the first time I played a porn game of any kind was when i was in my early 20's

>tfw noone will know the struggle of hiding games on your computer because of JW parents

>constantly die
>"son you mind not constantly rewinding the film, it's fucking annoying"

My pastor that did my confirmation got drunk, in a bar fight and was arrested.

Such is life in Finland.

Define "freedom", then. And how it applies to the people.


>not just rambling how you've been learning Japanese behind their backs

The jokes write themselves

Isn't this right around when he bangs EVA?

>Are you winning, son?

>christian parents
>they didn't fall for the pokemon and yugioh is satanic meme
>parents bought me yugioh and pokemon cards and vidya

>playing guilty gear XX accent core on ps2
>dad comes in
>"hey user!Is that a fighting game?can I play with you?I had those arcade machines back where I lived"
>put in 2 players mode
>he literally reks my ass with slayer
It never got into my head how my dad was better at fighting games than me but hey that's cool

>mom has rule that I'm allowed to play any game as long as theres no strong language or blood
>one level in this game called Enclave
>only enemies are skeletons in this level and they are the only enemies that dont bleed
>replay this level repeatedly whenever I'm allowed to play videogames

Well, then he watched just enough to get it.

I'm glad your dad liked it.

>got an NES for Christmas
>it came with Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt
>later ask for another game
>"user, you already have a game. You don't need another one."

My parents never cared about me playing mature rated games, even at the age of 5. They knew I could differentiate that it's only a video game and not real life and to just never repeat what I saw in video games.

The only time though that they wouldn't let me get a game was when the retail clerk at the front desk would say, "Hey this game contains nudity or strong language" and my parents would put up a concerned parent front and say for me to pick something else out, only so they wouldn't look bad in front of people.

To this day I'm still thankful that the clerk told my parents that or else I would have bought Duke Nukem Land Of The Babes on PS1.

She is literally introducing herself, so it's the part where you meet her.

>sex is awesome
>when their fucking porn is censored by law

japan are not breeding enough
USA are warmongering

>bring an issue of EGM2 with a guide on FF7 to school for a friend
>teacher found & confiscated it.
>only got it back more than 2 weeks later
>turns out he was playing FF7 as well.

>pokemon comes out and gets big
>pastor plays the game with the kids at Sunday school
>traded pokemon and battled everyone
>parents start bitching cause "EVOLUTION"
>pastor just asks them "Does a caterpillar evolve into a butterfly or a tadpole into a frog?"
>that shut them up quick
>no mention of it ever again
>tho pastor never did get into Gen II and beyond

>Yu Gi Oh
There was a religious kid whose mom didn't let him play, poor bastard got basically left out of everything.

>friend/neighbor had JW parents
>kept on telling everyone to not buy anything electronic because "It's the devil"
>but tvs were fine for some reason

I don't know shit about JW but they kinda seemed like posers looking back

>sex is awesome
More like vaguely suggestive and skimpy clothing is awesome, actual sex is a no-no in Jap games and almost always gets censored in western games released there.

Nothing broken, but a lot of bullshit.

>Want to buy Doom
>"You can play this when you're a teenager, you're too young now!"
>Become teenager, go to buy it with my own money
>"No it's too violent!"

Thankfully the dumb bitch let me buy Daggerfall instead. Violence is bad, but sure get that game with violence and full frontal nudity.

I know that feeling

got a Genesis with Sonic 1. beat it a week later, and asked if i could buy another game for it. needless to say, I ended up needing to swap games with friends if i wanted to play something different. and EVERYONE had played Sonic.