Enemies can lock doors

>enemies can lock doors

>enemies can lock pick doors

>enemies can climb ladders

>enemy can only move vertically

>Enemies can loot chests


>enemies can open stores


>enemies can walk on floors

Enemies are loot chests

>enemies just want to feed their family

>this 40 second scene was the best Star Wars related thing filmed in 40 years
how did they make it so perfect

someone explain why neither of these things are a thing in videogames. I understand if the enemy doesn't happen to have the key on them at that time, but all guards should be able to open a door to a cleaner's closet.


Seems fair to me

>hero is a world-saving, dragon slaying, army destroying titan
>he can't get past a flimsy wooden door without the key
>villain is a universe-eating entropy monster of unlimited power
>he can't get past a flimsy wooden door either

>Enemies actually secure entrances and exits to an area and start patrols

>enemies beg for mercy

>spawn in the bunkers in BF1
>some asshole keeps mashing action on the door to keep locking it while people are trying to leave

>zombies can burst through doors now

>Enemies can't open doors
>If their pathfinding tells them to walk on the other side of a closed door they just stop moving entirely.

>Enemies do patrols and meet another patrol at a certain point
>If kill one patrol and it doesn't meet the other patrol, it will immideatly sound alarm

any game that does this?

>Door is made of wood but you still can't break it down like it's indestructible.

MGS2, probably.

>Enemies can follow you between dimensions.

>Enemies want to drain you of all your semen

I think metal gear V does this if the enemies enter "search mode" just after a combat alert.

>Enemies flashbang the room and then clean it methodically searching all possible hiding spots
>Enemies move in cross formation

>Why are you late with your status report?
>What's going on? Respond!

>Enemies use tactical positioning and are in formation
>If they hear something happen they investigate as a group by making a circle around the place

that would be my gf

>Devs developed ai in coordination with an actual military expert.
>The enemy excels in CQC

what game?

>Enemies can jump

>enemies can use disguises

>enemies are bigger and stronger than you

>Enemies can turn invisible

>they attack you if you spare them


Monster girl quest

>enemy follows you through loading screen
>is already attacking you before you load in completely

>They beg more mercy as they're attacking you

>Enemies can go through loading screen doors
>They ignore locked doors
what game. And no, not talking about RE games

>enemy succumbs to injuries and falls prone
>enemy's not there when you turn around

Payday 2 does to some extent.

>Enemies ARE doors
>They'll open normally instead of attacking you if you're nice to them
Fucking Nioh. Can't wait for February

Because it was actually a good scene for Vader's character, without Lucas' seamless stream of bullshit or the influence of the direction of the new trilogy. The movie's strenght is the fact that it's based on what we already have, and not some particular view of it.

I thought it came out as pandering fanservice (like most of the movie).