Console-tan Tuesday

Console-tan Tuesday

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What have you been playing Sup Forums?

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This thread will certainly go well.


>insecure loli braggging about her ample assets in her MILF mech
This, and getting found out to be nothing more than a mobile, is what switch-tan was made for.

Requesting more art of PS4 dressed as Kat

Alternatively, Kiryu from Yakuza


I agree, we need more PaizuriStation4

i hope we can all get today

Put the /ctt/ tag on your thread OP, goddamn. Learn to create one properly.

Christmas delivery
We need more Christmas cheer, less fighting.

Last one was the same thing and now you complain?

Requesting all Switches together singing a Christmas Carol

>ctrl+f for /ctt/ in the catalog
>no matches found

leave it to a kfag to forget to name the thread properly

Does the virtual boy have one?
Or even pic related?

Post dog


I want to see her big hadware fit into various recognizable outfits with slight areolae showing
Here you go.

mods are asleep post alternate-universe tans

You see, this is cute. Why did it all go so wrong?

>months later, dog was first and is still the best

That just means the same mistake was made on the last one.

Thanks to furfags like that guy.

Speak of the devil...



Miss U loves to play with Vita!!

/r/ing some GBA micro art



Seeing an update lack of Ouya here guys

Why is vita a guy?

Fucking phone

This thread needs tans in sweaters, optionally with hot drinks, possibly being festive

Where were you when switch-tan claimed her dominion?


Because a beautiful dame deserves a hot blooded hubby

Make her in Honey Select, MILF mech preferably.


Fuck off with your version wars.

I'm gonna try to fill in the gaps by next year's end, need to actually do more than thrift shop.
This pic has Ouya
Happy New Year?

I don't have that but I shall.
I made both, by the way and they can be found in /aa2g/ in /vg/

Nice man shoulders



let the salt flow, twinfag. i want to savor it.

Absolutely, I just have been out of these threads for a while and I assumed Vita-tan was a girl. Cute pairing though, I wish there was more art of that.

>no switch
fuck off

I'm not a twinfag, dumbass. You are trying to manufacture a controversy where there is none, and that makes you a faggot.

Great job replying idiot

>no comfy redhead + twins + dog + retard christmas pics
life isnt fair

she didn't even kill dog or tard

>implying shes a guy here

>encouraging any kind of switch cancer

>im not a twinfag
>here's a shitty K pic, that proves it!
you're not even trying

because nobody can

>retard is so bland that it got lost in the pic
You can't make this shit up.

She's looking kinda like Junko there

I like it in a ironic way

Is this a falseflagger or did dog fuckers mindrape k-fags so badly that k-fags do nothing but spew toxic accusations at anyone for any reason, even their own kind?

You are LATE!

I'm the best tan, none one can ever defeat me.

Are you literally retarded?

reminder that although K is a good design, those who shitpost with her are actually twinfags using reverse psychology shitposting

Ok, good! K won! It's official. Can we shut up about switches now?

threadly reminder that this is more interesting than generic anime girl #10234

here's a legitimate question

should we split up the ctt and switchtan threads?????

go back to kotaku

>good design
she nothing but a fetish character.

Avatar faggin' and role playin' is what fruitbowls do Bobby I tell ya h'what.

So is most of them, cuck.

This. Notice how there is no twin pics around. Almost as if twinfags were busy coordinating shitstorms...

which tan is the horniest?

That's what I tell myself too. It's better than thinking that k-fags are a bunch of insecure children who set their shitposting to 11 and broke off the dial in their retarded little war over tan designs.


You're kind of right. I wouldn't mind if she was a whole hell of a lot sexualized. Especially the loli inside. Get rid of her skin tight suit. The mech obviously needs to have ample assets though.

>tfw you get so droned by a tan design, you see strawmen everywhere
your life must be miserable...

D*mn.....kindda...make's U clop...................

>poor art
(You) can't make this shit up.

we know twinfags are around. yet there is no twin art in sight. how do you explain that?


Y'all muther fuckers need to take a chill pill. I suggest a hobby and some adderal.

kfag's faggotry knows no bounds


the patheticest thread on Sup Forums...

which tan has the fatest pussy?

you tell me.

Best pic in the thread

I wonder


Who says a cute girl can't also be a loving husband?

xbox hueg

He is a boy though

Is that supposed to mean "most pathetic" or a portmanteau of "pathetic incest"?

So why isn't the loli version allowed anymore? Or no switch as a whole?

>not allowed
nigga, look at the OP.

but i asked you user

double the pussy volume, user.

fuck my life



>shoehorning E into K

It's not a bad idea but impossible to execute. So I guess it's not a good idea after all.