Needed filler for the last part of 3DS' lifecycle
There have always been filler titles. It better than getting 3 games a year.
they can't port every goddamn Wii U title to the Switch, yknow... but they still want to capitalize on great games no one played.
I actually want a Kirby's Epic Yarn port
>hey I want a substantially worse looking version to a one year old Wii U title!
It's ok when Nintendo does it
This is the whole purpose of them making the Switch the way they did. So they no longer have to do redundant shit like this. Might as well get the last ones out while they can.
So glad we'll no longer have to see shit like 3D Land to 3D World when it would have been a much better first experience as just 3D World.
Japan. That is the entire reason why.
>they can't port every goddamn Wii U title to the Switch, yknow
Why not? Name a single game that is so heavily reliant on the Gamepad that it can't be replicated by a ds bottom screen because all I can think of is Nintendo Land.
As long as they don't neuter the game like they did Mario Maker
Smash 4 is how all handheld ports should be handled
Nintendo has been doing this since the NES Days.
Nothing new.
Porting still takes time & resources which they need in order to be working on new software. At least the 3DS is comparatively simple to develop for and has a huge install base, which makes it a safe investment.
>that it can't be replicated by a ds bottom screen
Switch doesn't have a DS bottom screen, fool. You can only play with one screen at a time.
>last part of 3DS' lifecycle
If this is true, then Nintendo is actually suicidal.
Oh fug, I was still thinking about 3ds ports soz
Nintendo is killing the Wii U (officially) and 3DS so they're trying to get as much last minute milking done as possible.
The whole thing is honestly pretty pathetic desuwa. The Switch is inevitably going to underperform for their unreasonale expectations and unlike with the Wii U's failure they will no longer have the 3DS to fall back on.
3DS came out in 2011 and is ending in 2018, they can't squeeze anything left out of it.
It's just filler. There's not really any point in getting mad over it.
in the video the yoshi that gets drawn on literally looks like hitler. kek
Not really. Switch is going to be the best selling system of any console or handheld ever. And that is fact.
>they can't squeeze anything left out of it.
They don't need to. It's become one of the hardest items to find this Christmas. Just keep making games for it until the next gen of Pokemon arrives
Which is why most normies still don't know what it is and when you tell them, they just feel like they had their money stolen by the Wii U
>Just keep making games for it
There's no reason to
I didn't want to pay full price for this game on wiiU so I think i'm gunna get it on 3ds
They probably did it because no one has a WiiU.
That's development time and effort that could be going towards the Switch
Anyone who buys a 3DS right now has a huge library of games to choose from
>wanting 3 more years of games forced to use 3ds specs
Neck yourself please
I created a techdemo for the normal DS. the toolkit for this did I get from kodewerx but hey we are speaking about 2008 or something. As far as I remember in the dslib I used you could tell on what screen to display each of the elements. It was fucking easy to swap what the screens showed. If they port DS software to the Switch it should be just as easy. For example, use one button to switch between the two virtualscreens. (The Wii U and the Gamepad can be swapped easily too, so why not use it like this with the switch)
>Another Yoshi Wooly World
>Not Wario: Cotton the Act
>Anyone who buys a 3DS right now has a huge library of games to choose from
And there's still tons of untapped potential. They made a big deal about the better CPU on the N3DS, but now that they had that 99$ Black Friday sale among others, enough regular people own the thing to actually warrant releasing more games that use it. Amiibo functionality also still has massively untapped potential that could push them to sell every bit as well as Skylanders
The Switch is going to be suffocated in terms of third party support like every Nintendo system in the last 20 years and all the cool kids will keep buying PS4s and XBoxes.
The 3DS is beloved by third parties and is running virtually unopposed.
Nintendo needs to learn how to bet on the winning horse
Did you learn nothing from the Vita
>Woolly World 3DS doesnt have amiibo features removed
>even adds more amiibo costumes for the amiibos that have come out since the Wii U release
>the Wii U version wont get those
Not sure if better than how Super Mario Maker did it or just a different type of shit
Hopefully they update the WiiU Version a bit.
The winning horse is not the aging one that's about to keel over. There's not much more growth left in 3DS, and Nintendo knows this.
>The winning horse is not the aging one that's about to keel over
It's the video game system that's in the highest demand right now
>There's not much more growth left in 3DS, and Nintendo knows this.
Except for all they could do with the N3DS hardware. As evidenced by the failure of the Vita, nobody's truly demanding PS3/4 tier visuals on a handheld right now. Make another 3D Mario game for it. Do updates for games like they did for New Leaf.
Nah, I looked at it and though "this game looks fun as fuck but there's no way I'm gonna get a shit console like the wiiu" and then NintenGOD made a 3ds version, simply based.
Woolly World wasn't bad and letting more people play it isn't a bad idea, either. It's not one of the best titles (especially compared to what else the 3DS has) but it isn't terrible.
I'm more wondering what new levels the game has.
>It's the video game system that's in the highest demand right now
Yeah, all those Switches are piling up in warehouses because no one is demanding them. It's not out yet, you dolt, how can you say the 3DS is more in demand?
Because I work at Toys R Us and am currently getting hammered with more 3DS requests than for anything else. Every box we do get is gone by the end of the day.
>It could have been a new Wario title with a new premise to set it apart from Shake It!
>It's just another Yoshi game
>It could have been something else
>Let's just overuse the wool meme again
the wool idea was cute as fuck
but they're practically running out of ideas here
Feels good. Always wanted to play Woolly World but no way was I going to waste money on a Wii U. I get to play it for free, too.