Did Vanilla WoW improve on the MMO gameplay when it came out? It can't be remembered as one of the greatest experience's in the genre solely because of nostalgia.
Did Vanilla WoW improve on the MMO gameplay when it came out...
Mechanically yeah, it was responsive as shit and still is
Are you retarded
WoW vanilla was ridicolously high quality under many aspects when it came out.
what do you mean? WoW was the first mmo
for its time, it was amazing
now, its shit compared to current MMOs (Legion)
It's a polished, simplified and well marketed clone of other games, just like every Blizzard product.
People remember it because it was the first MMO approachable enough for them
basically this
There was nothing out that was as clean and crisp to play. Just in terms of how responsive the UI was, how tight movement was, how the server reacted with spells and abilities. All the technical shit was really good, especially for the time.
The great experience came from the community though.
Yes, but it wasn't very kind with toasters.
I dreaded going to Ironforge where I would drop down to slideshow fps.
Been thinking about hitting up nostalrius. Wanna play on the pvp realm. Is the dungeon/raiding scene there good or do you have to be on the shitter realm for that?
this, MMOs were slow, clunky, and very robotic in their mechanics before WoW came out, it was the first MMO that started pushing MMOs toward action-rpg styles of combat
also, it simplified the questing system in a way that wasn't too casual but just casual enough that you didn't get bored trying to be sherlock fucking holmes without looking up a guide online
vanilla WoW deserves the nostalgia it receives
>It's a polished, simplified and well marketed clone of other games
>just like every Blizzard product.
wrong, pic related
>its shit compared to current MMOs (Legion)
But Legion is fucking terrible.
The experience isn't like regular vanilla WoW at all because there's like 5x as many people playing on the server at once as there ever was on the most populated servers back then. The dungeon/raiding scene is exponentially better than any retail server I've ever been on, you can find a group for any dungeon, or a pug going on for any raid at pretty much any time. There's like a million raiding guilds too (if you dont have experience you probably have little chance of getting into the good ones, but the shitty should still be able to clear MC and kill ony)
Indirectly. The user interface, animations and controls were better. It felt more responsive, had more visual feedback and better overall UI design. The actual 3D gameplay was on par with the competition and even lost a few features to make it simple and accessible.
Blizzard's secret has always been that playing their games is more enjoyable than playing the competitor's games because they handle better, not because the actual gameplay is different.
>reading comprehension
t. Jamal the Poor Dindu Nostcuck
They would also actually fix and add shit. There was a steady stream of balancing and mechanics fixes, new raids and dungeons (BWL and dire maul added for example). the game from release to 1.9 (or whenever AQ came out, I think it was the 1.9 patch) was almost an entirely different game.
I dunno, man. Starcraft 1 was fucking incredible.
Compared to what? Seriously, what is a good MMO? I didn't think there were any anymore.
That can be debated. For a year after launch servers were a mess and for several years the netcode was a bullshit - most people hate to remember it but Rogues dancing around the character erratically while Sprint was running wasn't a gameplay feature, it was a network problem.
Then there was the whole instance server issue - forcing people to reseve a slot by trying to enter for hours before raid time and then having the instance servers crash with 40 people waiting to log back in was a common occurrence and didn't improve until Naxx came along and made raiding unappealing to casual players.
Broken pathing, stuck NPCs, various glitches in instances didn't get fixed either but people stopped caring once new expansions came along and eventually they fixed it all by simply removing the entire worldmap and making a new one.
Not saying they didn't eventually get it right but then again they also made so much money that they could hire tons of staff no other company could afford. What made WoW successful wasn't the launch state or the year afterwards, it was the superior accessibilty and cartoon visuals that then allowed Blizzard to pour money into fixing the technical aspects.
The community was a fantastic mix of great gamers and naive kids. And because the leveling process was not arbitrary, every level was relevant to the game experience, which meant even Timmy the level 10 hunter could play a significant role in whatever antics were happening. It made for some wonderful and memorable adventures, many of which did not even relate to the path of progression the game dictated.
Yes but is this a thing on the pvp server too or only pvp? Is there any differenc eexcept pvp being turned off on the pve realm?
>Yes but is this a thing on the pvp server too or only pvp
Meant to say "on the pvp server too or only pve" but I'm sure you got that
Not really
I played tibia and runescape some days ago and even that games have collision between mc and npc's/players. Wow isnt that strategic at lower levels making it rather boring to level while tibia shows mostly everything combat has to offer in the first what, 20-30 minutes?
Wow has awekward, unsatisfying range mechanics, barely and visual hints one could possibly "react to" and other floaty shit going in its combat.
Looks at ffxii or dragons age origin or neverwinter night 1 if you want solid gameplay.
City of heroes was the last mmo game I could stand to play that wasn't wow, everything else was either shit to play, way too easy, or both (not theguyyourepliedto)