Street Fighter V thread Birdie on Weight Watchers Edition

Street Fighter V thread Birdie on Weight Watchers Edition

How are you taking to your character changes?

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>tfw balrog main
pretty good
I'm looking forward to main akuma to kill my bad matchups.

when is the patch going to drop? It's tuesday already, I want my Akuma

inb4 people complaining about universal changes cause they haven't read anyone else but their character


in TWO hours

nice, seems like I get an evening in the lab

so inb4 alex mains ?

All I was hoping for was better anti-airs on Vega. Really not sure if the change to qcb+hp is going to cut it.

Juri is looking really strong

Laura is looking really dumb

Tentative release date for the December update is February 1, 2017

season 2 is the season of air juggles
Can't wait

it starts in 2 hours. the maintenance doesn't end for 9 hours probably longer because capcom

In two hours Ingrid will be officially confirmed by the data miner.

Did they rename Birdie to Bogey yet?

oh fucking hell

People were generally complaining about lack of combo potential, so we should have a bit more variety now. Though nothing so far looks particularly hard to do

Urien didnt need any buffs besides his anti airs but


>Stun meter:
>Changed from 950 to 100

that would be hilarious

I might actually play SFV now. Bought it when it dropped but then dropped it because it was so boring to practice and playing online is garbage.

I pretty much only practice and play with IRL friends.

She was already in a fightan game though

S-season two is gonna be fine.... right shotobros?

>that outfit
Is that a mod?
I can't stand the black and white effects

>update wont be downloadable until 7 pm
>my shitty ass internet will probably take a hour or two to download all of it

>>update wont be downloadable until 7 pm
Don't we usually get it in the middle of the downtime?

>Shoto trash

Get that ass banned

It's been long since the Urien update, I can't really remember. If I can at least lab Akuma and the other new stuff, that's all I need.

Yep, chances are she will get a nostalgia costume with the rest



>patch isn't even out yet
>complain about muh nerfs
wait at least a week before acting this buttblasted

How do I play Urien?

This desu

Where the fuck is best girl

>All these Birdie nerfs
>They even nerfed the fucking can


There's official change log, dumbass.

>How are you taking to your character changes?
I main Juri, so I'm happy with her changes.
Greater combo potential, I could finally be able to use her fucking V-skill.

>Slower can
Not actually that big of a concern. Could allow you to fuck with your opponent a bit more.



Frame data doesn't mean shit.
If it did Ken would be fucking trash tier

>damage and startup nerfs and more pushback
so like everyone else?

So Capcom still doesn't know how to balance things, right? Buffing Ryu and nerfing fucking BIRDIE of all characters? Birdie's damage was the one fucking good thing about him and now he's basically been nerfed across the board.

It sucks to be a Birdie player, but did they really even buff Ryu? It seems to me that they just extended the duration of his hitboxes and made him even more disadvantaged in the air.

Ryu received the same changes of longer start up, lower damage and extended hurtboxes as birdie. Birdie also received buffs like more plus on stuff and more juggle potential

Its over, Birdie bros.

Press f to pay respects.

they nerfed him in neutral but buffed him in vtrigger.

Yeah just like everyone else.
Except cammy
Or urien
Or chun
Or bison
Or Laura

At the expense of his buttons suffering, the single best thing going for him. Also factor that grey damage regenerates slower and suddenly there goes his entire gameplan.

F my man birdies were always fun to fight.

>Except cammy
>Or urien
>Or chun
>Or bison
>Or Laura
No they all got similar changes as well. At best they got some more combo potential which everyone also got

Not really


>the single best thing going for him
Oh yeah cause it isn't like Ryu lost anything at all, not like his damage was crazy and DPs haven't had a huge change

Just stop whining, Birdie is by no means in a bad place

Bison is gonna be top 5 most likely if not high mid tier
Ryu is gonna be mid tier probably losing non ex dp iframes is a big hurt to all shotos
Alex is up in the air he got some more comboability and shit but his best pokes got hit with more recovery 1f more startup.

>Before SFV got released Combofiend said they'll really only buff the low tiers and not nerf the top tiers as much
>Decide to nerf the low tiers and only change 1 or 2 things for the top tiers
T-thanks Combofiend


It's alright. She basically just got a bunch of minor-to-insignificant nerfs. The only real one is the MK one, and I got an air target combo to compensate.
Looking to remain solidly high tier. Not top tier though, because that's reserved for stupidly strong characters like Balrog, Urien, Cammy and Guile. Why the fuck they got so many buffs, I don't know.

Woshige does balance changes not Combofiend

Combofiend is just the guy who talks about it

Combofiend does balance for MVCI

>characters like balrog
Do you really think balrog is top tier ?
Frame data won't make one of the bottom character into one of the top instantly

Is Tokido going to play Akuma now?

Everyone got slower buttons you fucking baby. It's practically a system change

Season of Cammy
The strongest woman fighter

Most likely, and keep ryu as a sub.
>tfw murderface is back

With the Urien buffs and being impressed by RB (said in an interview) I could see another pick as well

Confirmed worst, no one wants that kuso bitchi.

Pretty much everyone got more combo options but worse neutral buttons

He thinks akuma will be top if he was only a little faster. Akuma does look slow as fuck. So I'd say yeah unless ryu still has a definite edge.

Oh boo fucking hoo

Atleast you aren't Alex players.
Everything he has got slower. Fucking 10f His elbow, which was really hard to space properly, has less pushback now, making it even more unsafe, ontop of being slower and worse in general.

He was shitty to begin with and now he's done.

We've known since the fucking beta they weren't doing that. They've always nerfed shit since day 1.

Well of course. Sfv is a neutral heavy game after all.

That hurts everyone but really hurts those that weren't too great to begin with. Zangief for example isn't going anywhere.

>but worse neutral buttons
They got slower but hurtboxes stay out longer and are extended so punishing should also be easier

Plus lower damage also buffs them as damage done with random pokes means more

With season 2 resetting you to neutral more, less oki off throws and a lot of stuff letting you get in being riskier it actually should be

Gief is plus on everything now, his buttons are gonna be good

>server maintenance 10 minutes

>now everything he has can be stuffed by sweeps
Just what I've always wanted, no neutral.

>lasting over 5 hours
Shit company.

chinamen are like that


holy shit, did juri get her original costume back?

>don't talk about vidya on a vidya board
Hide and move the fuck on with your sad life,

>Everyone's damage is nerfed across the board to make rounds slower
>Mika actually gains more damage than before with one tap of V-Skill

>Everyone's DPs were nerfed
>Mika's oki threat is now more dangerous

>Everyone's command grabs and throws were nerfed to remove oki after use
>Mika's Brimstone retains it's oki after use

>Mika's irish whip is harder to land
>EX Peach, Wingless Airplane easier to land and juggle with

>Mika's crouching HP (forward roll) is less safe
>(Mika's drop kick possibly now always safe)

>Mika's irish whip has no invisible wall
>The animation longer so she can charge her V-Skill (damage boost does not go away) or immediately EX peach to corner you anyway or dash for more threatening oki+corner carry

>She can now target combo you in the air and have meaty setup after
>She can now juggle you in the air to end with a charged wingless airplane
>She now gains more meter
>Her V-Skill is now an almost permanent damage boost that's safer to use

>mfw faggots don't know Mika was actually buffed and only low tier idiots who spam clap were nerfed

No I want to talk about fighting games, not suck tripfag cock and pretend to play some anime kuso

It's not just the frame data. DP motion screw smash means you can't neutral jump against him anymore. He doesn't need a charge so you can't try and catch rush punches that way without getting severely punished.
His cr.MK, which leads to stupid damage, is a low now.
His cr.MP now can link into stuff since it's +4 on hit (and you can just throw it out as much as you want, because it's +2 on block anyway). So even more combo potential for him.
Now, recall what people's main complaints about Karin were: a +3 on block light, and stupid damage. Balrog now has 2 +3 lights and stupider damage.
Add to that all the minor buffs he got, like a CC button with great range, or slightly more health, and you get a scary dude. I don't think he's broken by any means, but he's going to be top 5.

With Mika she isn't a meme queen any more, but when she works and puts you in the corner again she is good

She will still be played

As soon as Overfags get's moved there and Pokefuckers actually use their board friend

It's a mod.

I know you can do it Capcom
Just for once in your fucking life hold a fucking date

>mfw Birdie changes

Where my ibuki boys at?

Mika just lost the stupid and the free corner. If she does manage to get you in the corner, which is now for her an uphill battle, either you fucked up royally or she fucking earned it. Enjoy getting blendered just as strongly as before.

i need super high res screenshot wallpapers of ibuki like those other cool wallpaper screenshots ;_;

>Airborne Eagle Spike
>Changed so he doesn’t rebound if hit or blocked during certain frames of the move before he touches the ground
I'm intrigued
>EX Airborne Eagle Spike (After Dash EX Spinning Mixer)
I had no idea this existed in the first place

>Health buff
>S.HP crush counters
>Every button is a meaty confirm
>Every button is safe on block
>Still keeps throw Oki while everyone gets their throws gutted
>Screw smash and turn punch not completely fucking useless anymore
>In return can't unga kick combo anymore and get away with it

A nice trade off, though I'm too worried about that Urien.

Has the xmas stage released yet?

Just put your settings to max then go take some screensots.

8 hours until maintenance is over.

>In return can't unga kick combo anymore and get away with it
what do you mean
Please tell me I can still stomp combo into vtrigger

Did the dude making that awesome Chun li mod ever release it?

>all those damage on an single anti air

Holy shit. The area of unga jumping might just stop