Risk of Rain

no hosts edition edition edition

>Dead RoR thread
>Actual host inside

sad isn't it?

fuk bump

bumping too

Ok back up ill start when my noodles r done

Special Delivery fucking eh it could be better[/spoilers]

>ror threads at euro hours
Christmas came early?

closed for now

ok back open

Shit I missed it.
Post when you open back up.

same, i wanna play

Fuck, I'll be back and up to play in an hour.

Here's a bump, hopefully the thread is up

You guys always talk about RoR. Have you ever played their other game, DEADBOLT?

Its like a 2D Hitman, sorta, game. I think its fantastic. Its short but sweet, and the music is god tier.

I used to post a mega link to free downloads of RoR here, if you guys like RoR, you should definitely check it out. I have about 70hrs in RoR, not as much as you guys, but I do love the game and my time with it. If you want, I could post deadbolts OST for free. Buy it if you enjoy it.

Back up, ill wait 5 minuites


anyone hosting?

yes We're playing right now

then why are you posting here LOL you got rekt

yeah we did its back open