Overwatch: Invasion Event

Here is what I know about the Invasion event.

>Released some time in 2017
>Subject matter is, you guessed it, an alien invasion
>3 new heroes
>2 new maps
>1 new event gamemode
>15-20 new skins (5 of them are locked behind a paywall)

Although I don't have all the details on the heroes or maps, I will give what info I do have
A bunch of you probably already suspected she will be a hero. I don't know her abilities or weapons but I know she is a defense hero
An alien tank hero. She default walks on large robotic legs that suspend her over most other heroes, giving her an easy way to get headshots and do massive damage to enemies below her. SHIFT allows her to lower herself and walk normally to enter buildings, but nerfing her speed and defense. If an enemy is able to destroy multiple (Not sure how many) of her robotic legs (each at 200 health), she will be forced into her smaller, lower form. Her E ability allows her to drop small omnic minions at 100 health each. They are fast and can be quite intimidating if they can swarm you. She can have up to 5 of them spawned at a time (unsure about the cooldown), but can only spawn them if she is in her default high up form.
I have concept art that Blizzard has already shown off showcasing her. I will post next.
>Unknown alien
I know don't know much about this hero except he is a support that can create barriers around the heads of teammates to block headshots.

The maps will be Paris (Hybrid) and the Moonbase (Control). These are NOT the final names for these maps.

As you would expect all of the hero skins are based on space exploration and alien worlds. The 5 locked behind a pretty hefty 10 dollar paywall are alien versions of the heroes. I don't know which heroes get the skins, but I do know Tracer is one of them.

I would suspect that Blizzard is doing this event to introduce new hero concepts into the game, because currently we only have humans, omnics, and winston. I have no idea how the lore is going to work around this update, but I am assuming its going to transition pretty seamlessly if that is something you are worried about.

Here is the already released concept art of Rizoraa.


>alien invasion
>before omnic uprising event
This game is retarded.

plz be true

>source: the vast wasteland between my dick and my asshole

>he still plays overwatch

>can create barriers around the heads of teammates to block headshots

Doubt they didn't learn their lesson with Symmetra.

Got anymore crazy "telenovela accidents"?

>3 new heros
>"""""sometime""""" 2017
hahahahaha no

>Released some time in 2017
>3 new heroes
>(5 of them are locked behind a paywall)
>some time
>Far too many details on an ayylmao nobody character, than on an already established one.
>No source

-10/10 Am only sticking around for more of

>3 new heroes in one event


>(5 of them are locked behind a paywall)
try harder

Is the 5 skin paywall really that hard to believe? Seems like something Blizzard would do

Even if this was true, how hard is it to source it?

There are currently 0 (zero) skins behind paywall

No gacha game would sell things apart, That would literally damage the model already in the game.Main reason why no trades allowed.

I wanna believe this but the 3 heroes released all at the same time is what makes this false.

When gengi, mei, and dva it completely changed the way the was played to the point where blizzard would never do that again.

It also doesn't seem to add up to how slow blizzard is putting out content too.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since the junkstein revenge leaked here so who really knows

>what is Origins and Blizzcon skin

>not angry moon apes

I don't believe it.

I doubt they're going to remake D.VA into an alien with extra abilities

What if they are?

>3 new heroes released at once
this will never happen

They literally said in the last dev log that they had two characters and 3 maps in development, and one of those characters was sombra.

>They've run out of ideas and are just flat out ripping off TF2.
Overmeme strikes again.

Sounds more like a dva/bastion/sym hybrid

>any new hero before Terry Crews' Doomfist.

OP didn't say anything about if something is coming before it. "Sometime in 2017" gives quite a bit of time to introduce other characters or even a whole event beforehand

Wow more girl heroes...Let me guess, they'll be shit skins aswell

That editing is honestly fantastic

> 3 new heros
> in 1 update

I dont believe that

I'mma post top secret unrelease hero here it come

some history with winston

They'll be blue. Because blizzard thinks aliens are blue.

I don't know much about this hero except he is a support that can create barriers around the heads of teammates to block headshots.

This is fucking dumb

Blue skin means automatic 50,000 r34 artwork, out of which 7,500 buy the game. This is business.

Here's his lore:

Lanky Kong is actually Winstons dad and the original founder of Overwatch who was thought to be dead. He was actually put into cryostasis and received a poison into his blood which turned him into a supersoldier, brainwashed to kill the omnic leader. Now unfrozen, he has learned that there is more to life than lifeless killing and has become an african pop star.

call vatti

>blizzard putting in hard work and releasing 3 heroes at once instead of milking each release

you never had me fooled OP


>not wanting to play as a cute girl

>3 new heroes
This is the part where your bait fell apart, OP. Kifflom said multiple times that they won't be adding more than one hero at a time because last time they did it pre-release ended up being a complete clusterfuck.

How about a Female Monkey?

>no source

why are people even replying to this

Because Aliens.