S2 actually fixed everything

>S2 actually fixed everything
No need to bargain. Just repeat after me: "I'm sorry, Capcom"

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot the changelog

>take the poison

wow it took them this long for controller support
I fucking switched to 360 pad for this game and dont feel like switching back after 300 hours

Apologize for what?

If anything they still need to make up for installing rootkits on everyones computer

>dead game

No thanks. I have more fun playing KOF on PS4, Revelator on PC, and tons of old games with superior netcode on FightCade.

Fuck casual SFV. Even smash is better.

This game is less dead than all of your games combined. Not even meming

Fuck off Capcom

>fixed everything
I take the netcode is now vastly improved and I don't have to grind dozens of hours to get a single character?

>wait 5 mins to get a match
>it's some bronze scrub


Kill yourself, Capcom

>Still doesn't even have arcade mode

What games do people play on fightcade? No 3S.

>Things that never happened

>no player 2 match confirmation for local matches
>no ability to save training mode settings for the next time you open the game
>can't rebind keyboard bindings
>no Extra Battle, which was announced in February
>no nostalgia outfits for Alex & Ibuki, which were announced in July
>netcode still a pile of shit
>downtime between matches is still horrendous due to load screens and splash screens
>no arcade mode
no thanks m8

>S2 actually fixed everything

they fixed nothing. It is an ugly game with bare bones for a fighting system. It imitates KI and MK with its combo breaker sorry v-reversal and shit tier characters.


>combo breaker sorry v-reversa
That's... not how that works at all...

You've... never played a SF game before have you..?

It's ugly and bare bones, but you're fucking retarded for not knowing what an alpha counter is.

Funny thing is SF itself actually took the guard cancel mechanic from Darkstalkers.

>bought SFV day 1
>got bored after 2 weekends because

>bought Revelator day one. Great game with dead community, unless I want to get rolled by the 3 pro players on at all times.

>bought KOF
>netcode is shit and AI is DoA levels of button reading. At least it has an arcade mode.

>buy NitroPlus Blasters during a sale
>still playing after 4 months
>has the best netcode out of everything I have played recently.

>wasting a wall of text only to say you're a pleb

>bought Revelator day one. Great game with dead community, unless I want to get rolled by the 3 pro players on at all times.

I just bought it on PC and there are players of all skill levels on during the day, maybe you just need to git gud.

You're not fooling anybody.

>even during server maintenace, SFV has more players than GG:R

>can't even give juri her old play style
>can't even give her buffs without giving her multiple nerfs too
>can't even make a good street fighter game

baka desu senpai

Marvel, Vsav, Alpha 2/3, ST, Windjammers.

Game is still shallow with extremely limited combo possibilities.

It JUST came out on PC. It will dead by mid January.

PS4 was like 40 max at any given time months ago.

Do you prefer Guilty Gear?

>Make Dhalsim, Laura and Ibuki more broken
>punish everyone who disconnects, so if you're going against someone who is lagging extremely hard, using a trainer or something happens like a blackout, you get punished for it
>instead of having characters people wanted, they're bringing in 5 literally who's. Even tho the 4 new characters we got were trash anyways
>even with all these changes, it's impossible for Capcom to actually make more money, now even ruling out fans of the game with their refusal to buy the S2 pass
Game won't make it past 2017

Punishing all disconnects is a positive. If you d/c or have a bad connection then you should get matched with other people with Fischer price internet.

You're ignoring that the servers are legitimately shit and occasionally boot players just for the fuck of it.

Never happened to me, so it's not a real issue.

Yea good job faggot
Now I know you work for capcom because the SFV servers are utter garbage AND cause these problems to people

No Sakura, no buy

using a trainer

I'm just willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater. If it means ragequitter go down I'll sacrifice a few innocent men in the process.

Did you even read the post you replied to, nigger?

>even during server maintenace, SFV has more players than GG:R

>being so defensive about your game you have to defend it when it's not even mentioned
Must hurt being a capcuck.

>even during server maintenace, SFV has more players than GG:R

>shilling your game in an unrelated thread


where were you when even DSP completely trashed your favorite game?

>not mentioned
>in a thread specifically about SFV
Are you legitimately retarded?

>I have no idea what i'm talking about but I'm going to post a buzzword! Look mom, I posted on Sup Forums!


I know this is Sup Forums, but please try to read