I always see action game fans praising it as the second coming of Jesus, but I barely see dedicated threads about it, so let's have one.
I'm thinking about picking up the Sigma version for PS3 and I want to know what Sup Forums has to say about it.
I always see action game fans praising it as the second coming of Jesus, but I barely see dedicated threads about it, so let's have one.
I'm thinking about picking up the Sigma version for PS3 and I want to know what Sup Forums has to say about it.
No one talks about it because the game sucks and it is unnecessarily hard just for the sake of it.
NG can't sustain threads on its own, and you will only see it mentioned when its fanbase can brag that it is better than [insert your favorite here] because it is harder.
It is literally overrated by a Dark Souls-tier fanbase before DS was a thing.
get gud ahahahah what a looooooooooser
Great game. Sigma is a bit worse than Black but has nice updated visuals as a trade off.
Honestly this is true The game is great fun and you should definitely pick it up if you are an action game fan or want a good challenge. But it suffers from having unbalanced weapons, subpar exploration and platforming sections that are too integrated into the game to forgive them, and has a certain attack that trivializes the game.
The core combat and skill ceiling are good, but having to deal with the above damages the overall experience. So while it is still a great game, it's not as good as many paint it out to be.
you're right that it is hard as fuck, even unnecessarily so, but is a perfect example why it is great (a cinematic, but all actions are doable in game)
It's definitely Ninja Movie: The game. But the difficulty of the game is off-putting for most, even "hard" games like dark souls give you a chance with the estus flasks, in NG it's git gud or bust.
Is this gameplay with modified camera angles? It looks pretty rad.
There are constant threads about it. The issue is that a few posts in someone will try to say that Ninja Gaiden Black is not the best version and that's when all hell breaks loose.
I mean honestly. Black is the best version. Period. The forced Rachel sections in Sigma suck.
>I'm thinking about picking up the Sigma version for PS3 and I want to know what Sup Forums has to say about it.
sigma 1 or sigma 2? if ng1 and you have an old xbox or 360, get black instead of sigma 1. if you cant grab it on either of those, sigma 1 is ok but its a little worse than black.
never ever get sigma 2.
those spider clan ninja's can eat my ass, reason i won't go back to it
What the fuck are you even talking about? Game is not that hard, especially first game. It's pretty balanced even on hardest difficulty and normal and hard is piece of cake. NG2 is hard on Master Ninja due to insane incendiary shuriken spam which you must avoid using your knowledge of all game mechanics but again, on normal the game is your usual hack'n'slash. Literally anybody can beat it.
Because it's an Xbox exclusive and the PS3 ports are the equivalent of the Star Wars special edittions that's why.
That said Sigma 1 is better than Sigma 2 and still somewhat in line with NG, but not NGB
But I don't want to get a 360 just for ONE game that is already available somewhere else.
I was actually put aback from the game because I always heard Black was so superior, but after doing some research, Sigma only has this Rachel filler as a con, but has the same content as Black with some tweaked elements to balance/ease the game.
>not abusing i-frames rolls
>not abusing flying swallow
The game does give you tools to deal with "hard" enemies.
Sigma 1.
I have neither of those consoles, so Sigma is all I can play.
>Never ever get sigma 2
Y tho
See here's the deal, I'm shit at Ninja gaiden
>not abusing flying swallow
Trust me I did I need to get better at the game, in still stuck in there one place after beating thunder cunt
Sigma 2 is very different from vanilla and mostly worse. Blood and gore removed, amount of enemies reduced and instead they do more damage which breaks game balance. And a lot more of similar bullshit. It's still ok action game but not nearly as good as vanilla.
>just abuse i-frames
>just git gud bro
If you haven't played the Itagaki games (NG, NGB, NGDS, NG2) your opinion isn't worth shit.
If you've only played the sigma games, you're a filthy casual.
That looks really good.
But this sucks, so I guess I'll miss out on NG2 for the mean time.
Sigma 2 is hard as fuck on MNM though due to bullshit damage and instakill grabs. I woulnd't call casual anyone who beat that game.
alright, sigma 1 is still a good game. here some stuff so you'll have a heads up:
sigma 1 removed the opening of the game and it explains the dark dragon blade. here's that.
the game is a bit easier than ng1/black. more save points and shop statues. some bosses were also made easier.
sigma 1 removes several puzzles. might be because they wanted the game to be more action like ng2 rather than action/adventure?
besides the rachel chapters which feel like borderline minigames, those are the main changes.
also sigma 1 is missing several unlockable outfits and the nes/arcade ninja giadens, which is strange.
Thanks for the info, this is all genuinely helpful.
Even if the thread doesn't explode into 200+ replies I'm content with it so far.
All Sigma versions are inferior to the originals. Ninja Gaiden 3 is pure shit, including the re-release.
NG is one of the best tests of pure skill.
NG2 is more " guess where the explosive shirukens are next because the camera ain't telling you" much more trial and error
NG2 is more like git gud
its when you sit at the title screen without pushing any buttons. this is one of the clips that plays.
>implying you've actually beaten mnm
NG2 is the most insane action game ever made. Sure it's a little unfair at times, but the glory of the combat makes that so easy to overlook.
got any falcon talon videos webm guy?
I did. Only Sigma 2 though.
I like Rachel. If anything I want more levels with her
Fucking casual
Still haven't finished mentor/spoiler]
making progress tho
Is 3:RE as shit as people say?
I want to play it for the DoA girls in it.
>Still no collection
I just want NGB in 4K with update NG2 combat and I'm set for life senpai
Alternatively NG2 on a Playstation/PC
It's ok action game but shit NG game. Girls are fun to play.
Hayashi will only allow Sigma remasters so there's literally no point.
It's good. The first play-through the story is horrible but you'll like the chapter challenge which remove most of this game's bullshit.
The pacing and combat gets closer to NG2 than Sigma 2, but it's slightly more mindless. Just a little
If you like the girls go for it, because they're all playable on any levels or challenges and feels like actual character this time, even with a single weapon.
Get an original Xbox and play Black, then you'll see why it shits all over other action games like Devil May Cry.
Spot the Sonygger.
my god the ultimate technique of the true dragon sword is probably the coolest shit ive ever seen in any hack and slash ever.
honestly coming from someone who ran through ng3 and then ng3re immediately after, its the best they could have done without making a new game and starting from scratch. ng3 was bad in so many ways, even story.
if you like the combat in ng2 xbox, you'll like ng3re to some extent. however know that the game uses the "hit the enemy with this weapon type" which is a bit disappointing.
fuck those shield mages.
They can't even if they wanted, they lost the source code for NG, Black, AND 2.
Maybe 2 will be backwards compatible on Xbone one day but even that is stretching
Sigma 1 also has a few new boss battles, an extra weapon: The Dual Katanas, new biker and merman enemies, added ability to jump and fire the bow and arrow (in NG/NGB you could only fire it on the ground). In Sigma you get a bunch of bonuses but some trivialize the game's balance/difficulty but there are no HUGE differences aside from the forced Rachel segments. I have both a 360 and a PS3, I prefer the 360 controller so I play Black more often, and it's the original by Itagaki so gotta gibe him credit there.
>The pacing and combat gets closer to NG2 than Sigma 2
Bullshit. Just bullshit. You have no idea what are you talking about.
thanks i love this weapon the most.
I'm just saying there's more shit to kill in 3RE than Sigma 2's no man's land desert.
But the combat is still Sigma 2 shit with damage sponge enemies. It's not even close to finesse of NG2.
They copy-pasted 2's gameplay after the original got shat on
>and it is unnecessarily hard just for the sake of it
Or to provide a entertaining challenge.
3:RE is alright. They fixed what they could, but the bad level design and bosses in the main story are still there.
Mechanics are competent enough compared to Vanilla though, and the challenge mode is the best of all the games.
Just fuck off. Gameplay is completely different.
That's exactly what it is.
Yeah you're one who have no idea. The 3RE guys are made of paper.
>you're one who have no idea
Sure I don't, buddy.
>The 3RE guys are made of paper
You can delimb Van Gelf in NG2 with literally one hit. Good luck doing it in RE. Now you can finally fuck off.
>Having troubles against Van Gelf
At least play RE once, before saying such weird shit.
Enemies can only take laughable low amounts of damage.
I just said enemies are damage sponges, retard.
>At least play RE once
Look here
It has GREAT weapons, fast and fluid movement. However the reason many people don't like it is because it's not an RPG and it doesn't really have a story. So it doesn't appeal to the Souls fanbase and it doesn't appeal to the casuals that like God of War or Batman either.
What's with developers losing their source code?
It's also not Sigma 2 level, so I'm right, casual
Most likely lost in the merger of Koei and Tecmo, just sitting in some shelf no one bothers to check
i like ninja gaiden, god of war and batman. what now?
Currently playing NG2 and it's a load of garbage. I just now realized that boss fights are potentially easy as fuck if you are lucky with the right pattern. And if you're unlucky, the fights are unwinnable.
I have a lot of issues with the game but the three biggest ones are the terrible camera, that ruins the majority of battles, the enemies that are immune to stagger, because you can't even use that amazing combo system and weapon variety, and lastly, the shitloads of enemies that also have access to powerful projectiles with knock down.
This game has potential to be on the same level as DMC but Itagaki has a completely wrong idea of what makes the genre so amazing. I'm not even going to talk about the rest of the franchise.
You delimb enemies faster in Sigma 2, you silly goose.
Now you can play more games you enjoy than he can, that's your prize.
That's a complete lie. 3RE has much more moves with 100% delimb rate. Sigma 2 reduced them dramatically.
Nice try
>That's a complete lie
No, it's not. Now prove you beat both games on MNM.
>first time facing Alma, as you run and flip around as she chucks broken pillars at you
>the time you finally beat Doku in the mission mode
>watching slimy Rachel cutscenes with your bros
Man, this game was an absolute gem for me and my mates when we were teens.
Good memories, might fire it up again to revisit it with friends.
NG2 is still my favorite action game ever. Shit is just great.
Favorite chapter, lads? O can't decide between 1 and 11. Airship comes close.
This desu. It's ducking Valhalla in mentor and MN modes.
Ok we get it, you have friends
>1 and 11
Yeah, that's what comes to mind.
You got btfo. This is known data man. You can even instakill everything with Ayane. Stop making a fool of yourself.
It was more about massively enjoying the game and all it had to offer, but thanks for noticing :^)
Airship because of the music.
Is luck why I always win the boss fights? I must be extremely lucky.
which ever one you fight volf in the colosseum. specifically after you beat him and all the lycans flip out and jump in trying to kill you
I liked the first level in Vigoor in NGS1
Not them, but how, I haven't found a move of hers that reliably de-limbs
So you didn't? Ok, casual, you arguments are totally have weight.
Also because eclipse scythe. God damn that thing is brutal.
ninja gaiden 2 wasn't hard at all until after path of the warrior, what are you doing just pressing heavy attack over and over again?
My guess is that he's simply never blocking.
It's the one thing I notice in people that say the NG series is unfairly hard.
I think the main thing that made NG2 easy was that you no longer had to pay to upgrade weapons so you had no excuse not to be fully stocked on health potions
Pretty much. I was doing a level 1 DS run on Warrior and it was quite easy, but borig as fuck due to the limited moveset.
Mentor is where shit hits the fan.
But you have to pay to upgrade your weapons...
I guess you have a point. If you do invest enough time into it, of course you will learn how to fight the bosses, what their patterns and weaknesses are.
My issue with the fights is that most bosses (I just beat Genshin 2 and Armadillo) are poorly designed for first time players. What makes the design bad?
>unclear patterns of vulnerability, no downtime on attacks
>very little startup on their attacks, can't really react
>terrible defensive capabilities on player side, blocking is bad (which would be perfectly fine by itself) and movement is horribly restricted, dashes are also bad
>hitboxes are VERY unclear (I'm looking at the massive windboxes that also take half of your HP)
>massive grabs that they sometimes spam, forced to mash buttons if you don't want to die
>no way of styling on bosses with combos, forced to spam Y
>audio is practically non-existant
>because of all these factors, it's incredibly hard to learn from your deaths and see through the attack patterns
One example that is especially sad is Volf. I beat him earlier today and I thought he has potential to be absolutely radical but the way his attacks work just invalidates the whole buildup. He either tornadoes towards you and you can't avoid it or he howls, you attack and stun him and kill him in two combos.
In NGS2? You just have to go to special Murasama statues, it's 1 and 3 it costs karma to upgrade weapons
That's only in Sigma 2 tho
You said NG2. And in NGS2 health items won't save you from instakill grabs.
I meant to say "most bosses so far" because I don't know how different the bosses in the 2nd half of the game are.
Well, yeah. One thing I REALLY liked about first Ninja Gaiden is boss fights. They just feel right. Every boss has some weakness and a way to beat him. They only I had troubles was Dynamo guy who shoot laser at you, it felt kina cheap. And then I discovered what smoke bombs are for. That game really is perfect. NG2 bosses are kinda bullshit sometimes but also has exploitable weaknesses. Like you can counter Elizabeth with Flying Swallow. Which was nerfed hard in Sigma 2 and she's a fucking nightmare to fight there. RE bosses are just plain shit.
Typo, and I guess you could have the revival one, but that's expensive, and you can only carry one
You obviously haven't played many NG games if you think the 2nd half of the game's bosses won't be re-hashes of old ones
>2 is still not backwards compatible
There are genuinely bad boss fights, namely giga death and the dragons in chapter 9. But other than that it sounds like you have troubles because you don't know more advanced techniques. The thing about boss fights is that they force you into a defensive position, while the rest of the game is about being on the offensive.
Some of your points are flat out wrong. Not trying to be a dick, and I would elaborate, but I'm eating.
I thought that was evident. Ninja Gaiden 2 is my first game of the franchise and I can't say I'm enjoying it.
>RE bosses are just plain shit
Heard you were talking shit like all 6 incarnations of this cunt wouldn't turn up and get bodied by you (again)