I will post this everyday until SEGA port it to PC

i will post this everyday until SEGA port it to PC

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Titanfall 2 is the closest


if this happens it will also be ported to ps4 and xbone

>Vanquish is one of, if not THE best 3rd person shooter game ever made
>3rd person shooters are also my favorite genre
>Not only did Vanquish NOT get a sequel, despite hinting at it, but it's stuck on a fucking console

No Warframe is.

I'd definitely buy it on PC.

I played this on console and wished it was on pc. Trying to aim with sticks is fucking retarded.

It's stuck on one console who's successor didn't get backwards compatability

Not OP but I don't want to dig out my 360 to play Vanquish again

More frames would be real nice too

That and the 30 fps lock

its not fair
i want to play this game on pc before i kill myself


I think it was more of a tease for Nier Automata for PC.

>he doesn't have a 7th gen and 8th gen console plus PC

That would be great.

Apparently one is going to be announced early New Year. That said we've been hearing this for quite some time. It better not be yet another Sonic or else.

Everyone's aready played it, we just want to play it at a proper framerate with a proper control method.

>tfw still waiting to play Bayonetta without 360, Xbone or Wii U
I just can't justify buying 360 for one game, Xbone when PC and PS4 exist and Wii U just when successor is getting released in 3 months.

I'm still remembering the amount of mad that was generated at the end of E3 this year when Sega was doing its own little show. People thought for sure there was going to be a Bayo or Vanquish PC port announcement in there somewhere, only for it to be those two bumbling autists from Sega Europe talking into a webcam for 45 minutes and announcing some shitty competition to attend that awful Sonic anniversary show in the US

Remastered edition for the consoles when?

After PC port.

I can accept that.

Yakuza 6 baby.

Doubt it.

PCucks don't deserve games.

Why PCucks are so jealous over PlayStation games?

But Platinum's games always were running better on 360. Bayonetta is borderline playable on PS3.

I want Sega to make a soulless, uninspired sequel to this just I can get the closure of wanting a sequel and never getting one.

Because that whole "Master Race" thing is bullshit, and it's just poor children trying to justify why they're too poor to buy videogame consoles.

So yeah, when Vanquish finally gets a PC port, they'll be talking about how I was "blown the fuck out", because I got to play one of the best third-person shooters ever, when it was absolutely cutting-edge, nearly half-a-decade before them.

Only Bayonetta was bad on PS3 because it was outsourced, Platinum made sure to not fuck up after that. Vanquish is nearly identical across platforms.

The only people in this thread who want a PC port are people who have ALREADY played the damn game.

We loved the shit out of it but you have to be mentally challenged to think the game is "better" on console and locked to 30 fps.

We want a PC porn because we want to re-play an awesome game with better controls and a superior framerate.

not in Vanquish or MGR's case. In fact, PS3 version of MGR was superior.

So you have no objection to the game being re-released for the PlayStation 4, where it could certainly be sixty FPS, 1080 resolution, and use the appropriate controller?

And yes, the gamepad is the appropriate controller for Vanquish, because gamepads do movement better, and Vanquish is a game of movement. Unless you're one of those idiots who think the superior control scheme comes down to "MUH DEPTH", and would consciously choose to play a game that was not designed for mouse/keyboard, in order to get it.

Wait, it was? IIRC the only differences between the two versions were the FMVs looked better on PS3 and the 360 version ran like 5 fps faster in more demanding scenes.

I have never heard of this game before. What is it?

>So you have no objection to the game being re-released for the PlayStation 4, where it could certainly be sixty FPS, 1080 resolution

No, why would I? The more people that get to play good video games the better.

>And yes, the gamepad is the appropriate controller for Vanquish, because gamepads do movement better, and Vanquish is a game of movement. Unless you're one of those idiots who think the superior control scheme comes down to "MUH DEPTH", and would consciously choose to play a game that was not designed for mouse/keyboard, in order to get it.
>Gamepads do movement better

Come on man, don't be retarded.

Keep in mind you're responding to someone who thinks a third person shooter would work better on a gamepad, when alongside FPS, it gains the most from KB+M, don't take it too seriously