ITT games you won't even be able to play because of Trump's World War III.
I'll start.
ITT games you won't even be able to play because of Trump's World War III.
I'll start.
Sup Forumstard
Re tard.
Maybe not you cause your a shit skin illegal. Ill be playing it on the good side of the wall. Faggot.
Hitlery didn't get elected though
No, Sup Forums loves Trump. OP sounds like an asshurt liberal. Probably donated hundreds to Sanders too.
Illegal's can't get drafted you dumbass. I'm a white man. You're probably an autistic neet so that explains you not being drafted, and being able to play this game.
It'll happen.
I hate Hillary and Trump, as well as Zionist Bernie, as any logical person would think.
i thought of killing myself but then i remembered this game. WHY. i just want to get off this ride.
>We're screwed no matter who we choose man.
You bet your ass. NWO incoming, google "Agenda 2030". Not a bright future ahead.
>Trump's World War III
You mean Russia's
>Trump's world war III
>It's somehow Trump's fault some officer from Turkey shot dead a Russian Ambassador
And Russia's allied with the US now cause of Trump.
>Not Amish
Those Butter Churning Fucks can't keep getting away with it
>Russia and US on the same side
>world war
Against who? Moon nazis?
That person who shot the ambassador was a paid killer by freemasons, in order to initiate a WW3. And if not this event alone, one of them out of many future ones.
>enemy without nukes, navy or airforce
>world war
No one said anything about being drafted you fuckin shitskin cuck.
Honestly we just need to nuke that desert already
Iran and ISIS. Basically Arabs. Allies will include Israel and Russia, to the US.
Someone explain to me where this "Hillary was going to bring WW3" meme came from.
no fly zone in syria
Lol. Sandniggers would be forever wiped from the planet.
I don't have the infographic saved but she made statements about how she would retaliate with force if provoked.