I had fun with Skyrim. It was immersive

I had fun with Skyrim. It was immersive.

The daedric quests were enormously fun. I loved the Hearthfire DLC, it was really comfy seeing your bigass house with children and shit after hours collecting materials. It was fun being a weakling running around, stealing daggers and weapons for yourself, only to get arrested and lose everything. It was fun to travel around the map, and then get stopped by a courier who delivered you a letter with money, because your last companion died. It was fun getting a new companion, and then having him killed for a daedric quest so you could get a powerful dagger. The main storyline, though not amazing, was fun. The party quest was very interesting, different of everything else in the game. It was also fun to, after a long trip, to rest in an inn until morning.

It was a good game.

I masturbated to ultra-buff werewolves and every time I tried to play it properly I ended up masturbating to ultra-buff werewolves anyway.

go back to redit kidXD

Exactly what I expected

More like cock blockula.

You lack "evidence".


how about you learn to express your opinion without buzzwords


it has 1.5 button combat though lol

now try it with mods

An A press is an A press, you can't say it's only half.

>implying opinions aren't evidence for opinions
>implying opinions aren't the only way to argue for opinions

nigga get outta here

I, as a conjurer, got a good deal of fun out the game as well. It did get bland after the honeymoon phase.

You know what else got bland after the honeymoon phase?


But Sup Forums will never admit that the game fell off after you delivered the thing to the serpent.

Pic related, it's OP

Still cant abandon morrowind but playing skyrim was just as satisfying. The Blood Moon expansion to morrowind was so fucking comphy. I have man fond memories learning about the nords there and raiding druager tombs.
Thats prolly why i enjoyed skyrim so much. same level of comphy and immersive explore'n.

Game is shit. Your opinions are wrong because you're a faggot. I suggest becoming an hero.

my n'wah

STOP posting skryim threads. This game is pure shit, the story is bad, the gameplay is bad, the RPG elements are non existent, the graphics are mediocre. Everytime one of you fuck wits post a skyrim thread it makes me tempted to go back and play a bit, put on mods or see if it's really that bad. And guess what, every time it is SHIT. It cannot be saved by anything, stop talking about it now no more threads EVER!


Where should I go to start the quests of blood moon?

Did you enjoy the Dragonborn DLC?
>Game is still being talked about seven years later

That's fine. Definitely not a game for everyone. I hope you have a good day and play games you enjoy user.

Fucking kill yourself you dickless shitshifter, fucking piss churner piece of shit.

Skyrim is awful because it's like they took a promising game and then made it as shit as possible.
>Yeah lets just make magic boring
>Telekinesis? Make it only usable on small items
>Perks? Make them incredibly boring and mostly stat boosts
>Let's not scale destruction magic with levelling
>Let's not put in any options to seize control of any faction by yourself
>In fact, let's just make it so you can only pick 1 of 2 sides!
>Yes we should have a dragon attack every 2 minutes those are cool
>Sure just stick draugrs in every single tomb and make them all look the exact same

I feel the same way about Pokemon Sun and Moon but Sup Forums gave it shining reviews.

Now I will defend Skyrim.

Can you reccommend some games that did these things right that arent TES games?

Where did I say that? You skyrim fanboys are beyond saving, you'll just happily consume any old shit Bethesda excrete out of their ass.

>he wants the game to be broken easily and have no longevity like Morrowind
>he only likes buggy power fantasy mods
>he thinks he knows better than Todd Howard, a man who has made over $2 BILLION in RPG sales
>he judges the game as if mods don't exist







>It was a good game.

Sounds like you just have shit taste and are easily amused

Skyrim is all those things, why does that piss you off so much?

Probably because it's true

>only decent things about the game are all atmosphere related

No, but
>other games don't do it so TES should fuck up everything that makes it unique and engaging

I wanted a competent RPG, not a "ooooh, look how pwety it is" casty-slashy walking sim

Fine, Skyrim was a great game.

>Knowing how to scam consumers into buying your product=good game design
You're truly beyond help friend, seriously never post here again. If they want to scrap RPG elements and make it an exploration fighting game, awesome, but maybe make the combat better than absolute dogshit or make the magic fun to use. Alternatively shit combat is fine, give me an actual RPG though.

Skyrim is not anywhere near pretty

Tell that to the comfyfags in this thread

There are tons of games that look better than this, although I will admit it doesn't look bad. The point is, it is supposed to fulfill 2 categories:
This is the core of what skyrim should be. Yet, NEITHER of these criteria are satisfied. Combat is awful and not satisfying, and the RPG elements are embarrassingly shallow. I would not mind either of these on their own, but failing at both is a slap in the face. That you cannot see this is astounding.

I loved the comfiness of Skyrim, but it's not pretty. Just look at the water

I've only played Skyrim once, fully vanilla, right after it came out. I thought it was ok, but I never felt the need to pick it up again.

In contrast, I've played Oblivion 3 times - once vanilla in 2006, once with Shivering Isles in 2010, and once with a shitton of mods in 2014.

As for Morrowind, I must've played it 8 times at least; twice vanilla, and the rest with an increasing number of mods.

Is Skyrim worth playing with all the DLC and a shitton of mods if I found it mediocre after my ~100 hour playthrough?


>I want a fully first/third person game in an open world filled with unique areas and characters, I want the combat system of a dedicated tactics/melee combat game, I want the plot flexibility of a dedicated table-top rpg, and I want it all to work seamlessly. DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!

What fucking century do you idiots think we are in?

To be fair famlee that's a console screenshot

I always find Elder Scrolls start well but when you level up (and the game matches that) it gets worse, the initial struggle for coin and gear is great, breaking into places and burglarizing them is fun.
I miss the early game.

>plays it for 100 hours
Ignoring your bait, you'll definitely enjoy the Dragonborn expansion because of Morrowind vibes, and great writing/daedra shenanigans. I've realized I always make a beeline for Solstheim whenever I replay it.

Top kek. The thing is I bet the vast majority of this board would be happy with a smaller map, worse combat, less dungeons, if it meant there was actually a competent RPG element. Similarly, I think it would be a better game if combat was satisfying and well done but RPG elements were sacrificed. The issue is not that skyrim fails to accomplish ALL of these tasks, it is that it accomplishes NONE of them well.

It is pretty good. A game doesnt have to have enormous depth to be good, thats what Sup Forums doesnt get. Its so simple its barely an RPG but its still fun and has a lot of decent content.

> a competent RPG element
Go play F:NV or Deus Ex. The Elder Scrolls has never had anything resembling "competent RPG elements".

Not him but I have massive ADHD and still ended up playing Skyrim for 9 hours before deciding that it's too boring to play.
A more patient person could easily lose that time in the game despite not really liking it.

What's the ebin remastered edition like on PS4? Is there less load times?

I can agree with that. It is fun grabbing every piece of gear you can find, scrounging up every piece of gold, ambushing people to steal and sell their stuff.

Skyrim and other bethesda games are the most fun when you're first starting off. Sadly, thats partly why they sell so well, they start off strong and reviewers as well as normies dont play games much past the beginning.

Yeah its a nice half life mod but a bit overpriced.

The main reason I like Elder Scrolls is sexy lizards

The thing is, Skyrim tries to be something that it's not
>You kill the emperor and expect massive consequences? Psshh, nope!
>A civil war in which you actually see action besides the sidequest? Nope!
>Multiple ways of solving quests? Sure, but rarely!
>Not only do you become a bard but you get to rock out some tunes? Tunes? What's that
You get my point

>lizard with tits

venom sacs :^)

>daedric quest
why the fuck wasn´t this just one quest where you need to find all the weapons and then get to a secret dungeon end boss or some shit? It really screamed to become something like that.

well you are right because thei're legit reasons. and he's right because people use these reasons to justify a butchered concept of what could have been

>party quest
You mean the one at the embassy? I thought this would lead up to something, uncovering some Thalmor shenanigans but nothing came of it.

I recently played through the game again and I did enjoy myself but I can't overlook some of it's flaws, especially after picking up Oblivion again.

My biggest gripe with Skyrim is vampirism. Now there is literally no downside to it. Both the stunted regen and weakness to fire can be worked around and in turn you get a buff to illusion, sneak and some nice night eye power. I miss it being a double edged sword as it was in previous games. Sure there are mods for it but having third parties fix your game for you/come up with good ideas is so lazy.

Anyway, good on you op that you enjoyed it, It's not a bad game at all I think.

No good?
How about Khajiit then?

What a coincidence, I have the standard Skyrim (except with the babby adoption and dracula expansions) but haven't really played it yet because I didn't have the time, and I was going to try it today. I hope it hits my funtism of collecting pretty things like gems and potions and setting them around a house like I did with Oblivion. Not sure what skills or race I should go for. I was planning on having a successor to either my dykegonian or my fuckboy Breton.
What skills do you use to have fun, Sup Forums?

>a pair of tits instead of 3

you cant enjoy an objectively bad game. you were only having fun ironically without realizing it.

>he doesn't have dragonborn
Do yourself a favor and torrent it as well, it's great.

You forgot to write nu male and cuck

I REALLY want to like Skyrim. I've installed it multiple times but god is it so fucking boring. It's strange since I've played mechanically shitty games before and still manage to enjoy them to completion but I just can't bear it with Skyrim.

Maybe it's some inherent shittines in all these fantasy open-world style of games. Dragon Age and The Witcher series are painful to play in the exact same way.


you just dont like rpgs

you just dont like bad games

If the hist want them to have tits they get tits.

how do you get the buff lizards from all those pictures
I want them
how big can you make them
how sweaty can they be

I do like RPGs though. I've played The original Fallout games and loved them. VTMB and Deus Ex. M&M and even Ultima.

It's just something about these sandboxy open world games. Whenever I launch them for the first time in months I genuinely start having fun, even the gameplay FEELS very decent, certainly not as bad as I remember. But once I close it down and pick it back up the next day it all goes to shit. I get an overwhelming sense of boredom that I simply can't stomach.

How do you people do it? These games get so much fucking praise, but I simply can't get into them. Maybe I'm playing it wrong or something. Maybe I'm going into them with the wrong mindset after that initial launch. I don't fucking know really.

You guys get triggered as easy as tumblr.

I'm in the same boat as you. I think that the current big WRPGs have abandoned their roots in P&P RPGs completely and that's why they generally suck. They just don't feel as... open as the older ones and there seems to be less attention to detail. They don't feel like artificial fantasy worlds, instead they feel like mediocre video games. Like for example in Ultima Underworld the mechanics and controls are really bad by today's standards but the feeling of being there in the dungeon is really strong and you can do lots of small things which aren't at all relevant to the core gameplay but add a lot to the overall experience.

people mostly hate on it because the earlier games in the series were better in almost every way. So while skyrim is still good it feels like a wasted opportunity.

this is a 10/10 meta troll post.

no hand to hand combat, no acrobatics, streamlined skill tree, limited moral choices .