GTX 1060 vs RX 480

GTX 1060 vs RX 480

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I just got a 1060 6gb over the 480 8gb. 8gb seems excessive for gaming at 1060/480 price point. The scores/benchmarks were so similar, I think either is an OK choice. Though the 480 does have the option for crossfire if you decide to in the future, the 1060 does not support sli.

I am very happy with the 1060.

>the cuck answer
made me proud

>the meme reply

The XFX model of the RX480.

>90watt consumption
>65 degrees on DOOM at 1080p Nightmare/Max and 130fps
>future proof AF

i mean, i feel like i ripped them off. It costing 250$ and all.
5 months ago i wouldve told you "i dont know" but now, if you dont go for the 480, then you did something wrong.

Do is such an easy game to run though. Not saying as a bad thing, but it's definitely the exception.

Both slightly edge out each other in certain games

At the end of the day, the rx 480 has 8gb vram meaning later on when devs start upping the requirements your games won't have memory leaks/stuttering up the ass

Amd also does not dump support of their vidya cards a year or two later where the amd counterpart starts shitting on the nvidia equivalent

This thing.

Seriously, go on youtube and check for frame rate comparison between rx480 and gtx.1060. Look for DX12 and vulkan games.

If you go with the rx480, dont forget to set up your wattman settings accordingly.

Not OP but I don't plan on using windows 10 anytime soon, so would the 1060 actually be a better option for me?
I am interested in trying doom though

Well go watch the division comparison videos. Or hitman. Or bf1.

>Falling for the Nvidia 3gb meme again
Literally no reason to not buy a 480 4gb over the 1060 3gb

The 1060 6gig version is pretty nice, but again, 480 8gb, way better.

Oh, yes if you don't want to use windows 10, then i have to tell you to go for the nvidia. Windows 10 is shit.

i got rx 480 what shud I change in wattman?


1060 6gb beats the 480 8gb in every benchmark except AMD optimized games, which almost all suck at the moment.

Global settings.
Max degrees to 80°
Target 66°

Min fan speed 1200
max 2800 (you can go to 3200 too but everything above 3200 makes a lot of noise)

Also, you do have Case fans, right? 120mm ones.

I'm still not sure as I surely will be forced into win10 eventually, right?
Who knows when MS will drop win7 support though (hopefully not for many years yet, XP support lasted well over a decade afterall). But I tried win10 and didn't like it at all - fuck the forced updates, fuck cortana, fuck the windows store. I also had driver issues with my DAW, so that's the icing on the cake really.

Hoping to get a semi-decent GPU to simply play 1080p60 at medium/high graphics in modern vidya (though I'd mostly be playing older stuff anyway, I missed out on a lot in gen7), the 1060 6gb is about my limit when it comes to price.

Is the 1070 worth getting?

this is the real question

Have HWmonitor open on alt tab to check the degrees, fan speed and wattage usage yourself. Experiment a bit.
After i did some experimenting, mainly with DS3 and doom, i found that these settings are the most optimal. Dont know why. Never gotten a single degree above 66 ever since. Without said settings, it hit 78 in DS3.

dropping win 7 support in 2020

If you can find a custom image/iso of windows 10 with all that crap hard removed, windows 10 aint that bad. I got a friend who knows about stuff like that and he gave me his "ultimate" windows 10 iso. All of that useless shit removed. Now it feels like windows 7 but the updates still annoy me.

>still uses the term cuck

I had no idea such a thing existed - any idea on where one finds that?

Sapphire Nitro RX 480

>EVGA 1070 ACX 3.0 8 GB
I upgraded to Adobe CC from CS5 and AE, Premiere, Illustrator, PS, were barely working before I upgraded from the 760. However, I also upgraded the PSU and cooling system, as well as overclocking my CPU.

So while I can't attribute it entirely to the GPU, render speeds and the quality of preview builds have improved immensely, while I've also noticed marked improvements in the ability to play more recent, AAA games.

I think my success and goals lied more within the DDR5 RAM, plus I scored one with an employee discount, so it's down to how much you're willing to spend and if you're going to only be playing video games. I'd recommend it if you have the money and the needs, I'd wait for discounts if you're just going to be playing vidya.

Give me a sec.

Is saphyre 470 4gb any good?

Sapphire nitro

>In the future


Which board knows less about hardware - Sup Forums or Sup Forums? I'm having a hard time deciding who is the most retarded.

great budget card. It should be able to pull 1080p/60fps in most games at high and ultra settings in most games

Newegg had an MSI RX 480 a few days ago for like $180 with a $20 rebate card.

Normally an nVidia guy, but damn that's a good deal.

the answere is simple , (you)

I am not board.

the 4GB or 8?

>upgrade to a 1060
>still can't get a consistent 60 fps at ultra
All the good games are CPU heavy these days.


>tfw yuropoor
>cheapest 1060 6gb and 480 8gb go for 300€ (312 usd)
xfx rx480 8gigs

>Mfw watching the Euro shit itself
>Mfw an entire union of multiple countries can't even match the currency of a single country

If only the EU had more math majors

>8GB vs 6GB

This should not even be a question.

More RAM != better GPU.
For instance, the R9 Fury only has 4 GB, but it's by far a better GPU than both the 480 and the 1060.

Better question, is it worth getting an i7 for gaming?

Between the two, if at equal pricing, get the 480. Latest benchmarks with current drivers have the cards performing about equal, but the 480 holds large advantages in Vulkan and DX12, and will always have this advantage over the the 1060 in the future.

can any user help me out here, i'm not the most technologically savvy person here. But how big of a leap would a 480 be from a 290?

I've started doing some research on google, but some of this stuff is like hieroglyphics to me.

The 290 is basically on par with a 480.

cool, thank you user. I 'll just wait further down the road before I consider upgrading

1060 wins out in like every game, it's a no brainer