
Should i buy this Gaming Smartphone for Christmas???

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For what possible purpose?

>Gaming Smartphone
These two words do not belong together.

Fuck off grandpa
To play GTA on the go

Do you have autism? Than yes

>Do you have autism?
Is that what Sup Forums anons call someone who is social?

No, we call those normies. I think reddit will be more up your alley.

Does it have a sick Azz battery life? What makes it a "gaming" phone.

>Gaming Smartphone
How does that even work. High end phones already run whatever fucking game you want perfectly. Why would you ever consider getting specifically a >Gaming Smartphone

The red edges.

>What makes it a "gaming" phone
Is a phone designed to play videogames

Dumb shit. Get a pixel and play gta on THAT...or a tablet or any other smartphone of the last three years


But i'm not a porrfag so i want the best of the best

>grand parents having actual technical knowledge enough to know there are a thousand other better options for gaming on the go other than a phone

Pixels are the exact opposite of a poorfag phone.

I'm guessing for emulation purposes

Everyone knows Sup Forums is full of 30+ neckbeards

even a psp would be better than the best pohne in every way no?

>gaming smartphone
>no gaming controls

Fuck off with that shitty chinese toy

>even a psp would be better than the best pohne in every way no?

>build iPhone extension with two joysticks, 4 buttons and shoulder buttons
>make sure it's less than $20
>contract a few major app/console port developers like KotOR and make sure it becomes a standard
Done, iOS/android gaming is now better than the 3DS

Why hasn't this happened yet????

pick one

why cant a iphone or samsang bombaxy run windows and skrim?

>not getting an s7 edge

Next you will tell me is that handheld consoles will stay here forever

>Why hasn't this happened yet????
Sup Forums is full of angry faggots who prefer to play pokemon on their 3DS and Weeb shit in PSVITA

Why can't you speak English, Pablo?

The already ported kotor for android

>buying the iPhone of Androids

Kotor is literally free through Amazons app store on Android

Nobody is saying handhelds are doing well or will be around forever but smartphones with shitty digital buttons on the screen are not the solution, user.

>gaming smartphone
For fucking what? Where's the demanding games that not even a high end S7 tier phone can't run?

what are the """"gaming"""" smartphone's killer apps? clash of clans?

Odd World
Call Of Duty
Assassins Creed
Dead Island

They are preparing for the future user. Nowadays phones are stronger than a PS3

I like that speaker placement, what exactly makes it a "gaming" smartphone? Doesn't look like it has any physical buttons

That would be the Pixel, it's literally how it was promoted. Not to mention it has no expandable storage like the iPhone.

so all ports of games that already exist on PC and console. wow, what a memorable library.

thats whats killing the handhelds tho. So enjoy cause you'll need to buy a mobile if you want to gaming on the go

>mediakek SoC
>best of the best

>what a memorable library.
smartphones aren't consoles user

It isn't though. It has a shitty chink SoC. Literally any other flagship is 2x better than this trash.

Only thing that makes this "gaming" is the spaceship design.

All of these are playable on any flagship released in the last 2 years.

But I can play all that shit already at full speed on my non gayming smartphone

>All of these are playable on any flagship released in the last 2 years.
yeah but with the highest graphical settings?


Sure show me a GTA San Andreas at max power. I bet your phone will explode

Gimme a minute. I'll pirate it and see if I can record at 60FPS.

t. Faggot who's only owned garbage $80 Walmart phones

The S5 (a more than 2 year old flagship) runs it just fine

not that you would want to, honestly, what the fuck

gaming on smartphones is fucking retarded and always will be. stick to mario run and simple puzzle games

>Browsing Sup Forums on a phone
kill yourself normie fuck

Stay upset poorfag

>gaming on smartphones is fucking retarded and always will b
That won't stop Mobile phones from making disappear Handheld consoles

Might take longer than a minute
>Muh sekrit club

fuck no save your money on something that isnt retarded

>Gaming Smartphone

megaman coming soon to android

>Might take longer than a minute
No prob i'll wait

Won't be able to record 60FPS though.

Just a screenshot with shadows and shit will do

>Why hasn't this happened yet?
Normies aren't interested, phones have shitt battery life, so the thing would die after ~1-2h of playing, Nintendo wouldn't publish it's big games on it, so people would still keep their handhelds, no physical copies of games, easy piracy, phones capable of playing high-end games are more expensive and have shorter live spans than handhelds.

>so people would still keep their handhelds
Sadly Gen 8 is the last for them

In UHD even :^)

Display settings

Then I'll just stop playing games on the go if all that's left are ported games from a decade ago and F2P trash.

Already converting :^)

>phone 50x stronger than PS2
>SA looks worse


This has to be bait.

>San Andreas with touch controls

disgusting, play with a real controller you fucking baby

Looks better in motion and this port has shit like window reflections and shadows that aren't shit


>Sup Forums is now arguing about "gaming smartphones"
This board just keeps getting worse doesn't it?

But I'm not playing the game senpai I'm just showing this fag that you don't need a gayming smartphone to play this shit

Go get your meds grandpa

get on with the times

tfw ace combat 3 on my phone with
>no jaggies
>no texture warping
>no sound issues (during gameplay)

Why on earth would you want to play video games on your phone?

why, is it better on mars?

Did that actually get released or is it vaporware?

Are all Bluetooth contrallers shit that require chinese spyware drivers?

moga doesn't need any third party shit when it's in B mode.

Buy a GPD XD.

PS4 controller is supported natively on android.

Nigga shut up, the thread was about phone games

To play on the go? I don't want to use a shitty 3ds that looks like a toy in college

I just want to buy it for its looks

>tfw was annouced in 2015
>its almost 2017

no announcements or information, its never coming out is it?

It's time to go back

GTA 4 Anniversary Edition for ios/Android in just two more year guys GET HYPE¡¡¡

Why don't you fucking study instead of playing your little phone games? Read a book on the bus instead bitch nigga.

>He hasn't finished his finals already

The correct answer is a windows phone running 8.1

yes, exclusive games and cheevo support basically make it Xbox 360: the phone

>? Read a book on the bus
Who the fuck does that

>(((gaming))) anything

You're probably less likely to get stabbed while taking public transportation.

>You're probably less likely to get stabbed
Are things this bad where you live?

>using the word normie
>telling others to go to reddit


>Being such a hyperactive retard you can only focus on gaming on your commute

be sure to take your ADD medication before you leave the house today bitch boy